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Summer blue.png

Part 1

Cecilia Matthews Gaul edited-Colorized.jpg
Cecilia "Cecily" Maria (Matthews) Gaul

1899 August 2

- Constantine E. Gaul has been appointed a Justice of the Peace.

1903  Aug. 24

- Mr. William Horner, of Yarmouth, is the guest of Councillor and Mrs. Gaul, Cecilia Matthews-Gaul. Mrs. William Horner is staying with her brother, Councillor Gaul.

William P. Horner
William married Catherine Gaul

Gravestone in Yarmouth, NS
William P Horner in Yarmouth Mountain Cemetery.jpeg

1905 Aug. 31

- Local teacher Ethel Wright in Plymouth, Digby Co., Maggie Matthews and Clara Smith at New Ross, and Ethel Gaul in Dalhousie Road.

Margaret _Maggie_ (Matthews) Falt.jpg
Clara Smith Russell-edited.jpg
Margaret "Maggie" (Matthews) Falt
Clara "Minerva" (Smith) Kaulback
Ethel copy.jpg
Ethel M. (Gaul) Saunders

1906 August 23                    Lawn Party at Dalhousie

-  The beautiful grounds of George A. Taylor presented a gay appearance on the evening of the 16th of August. The lanterns, which were in profusion, shone brilliantly and two hundred and more human forms fitting here and there over the wide lawn made a picturesque scene. 


From the grandame, who that day completed the eighty-first year of her sojourn on this sphere, down to the daughter and granddaughter of the house, of seven months, all ages were represented. 


A refreshment booth attended by Miss Kate E. Charlton, Vernon L. Wright, and Stanley Lennehan, was well patronized. On the veranda of the dwelling was an organ which, under the skilful fingers of Miss Ethel L. Wright, Mrs. John Murphy, and Gordon Quigley, discoursed lively music. 

The voices of Misses Irene Sproule, Ethel L. Wright, and Mabel B. Wright, with Vernon L. Wright, Wesley Hamm, Gordon and Walter Quigley, filled the air with sweet and plaintive note. 


Stewart Venot contributed to the programme with many records on the gramaphone. 


Nor shall we forget the pies, which made redolent the long tables on which they rested and presented bower of beauty; which ranged from cents to dollars, some bringing as high as $3.50 and one going at $5.00. 


Our Baptist friends dispersed well pleased that they have added at least $50.00 to their fund for church repairs. 

Taylor Home in Dalhousie.jpg
The Taylor Home
Alton Road,
East Dalhousie
Although not from the Taylor garden party, this photo is from a Victorian garden party in 1906.
Garden Party 3.jpg

1911 August 8

-  Guy Broome is at the present very seriously ill. (Guy was an older brother of Pearle Broome who married Charlie Kaulback.)

Guy C Broome in Sask .jpeg
Guy Cleveland Broome

1912 August 15

-  Miss Annie Lonergan, Dalhousie, is spending a couple of weeks with her friends in New Ross. (Annie was the daughter of John Lonergan and Minnie Fancy. John was a brother to Daniel Lonergan.)


-  Judson Russell made a short trip to Dalhousie last week.

(Judson was married to Cora Etta Hiltz, a sister of Ray Hiltz of Dalhousie.)


-  Harry Matthews, of Dalhousie, visited New Ross last week.

Harry Matthews.jpg
Joseph Henry "Harry"  Matthews
Louie (DeAdder) Long edited.jpg

1912 August 27

-  Miss. Louie DeAdder spent the past two weeks visiting friends in Dalhousie.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meister, made a brief visit in Dalhousie last week.


-  Mrs. John Alders visited her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Russell (Mina or Nina) on Wednesday and Thursday. Fred Forsythe and daughter Hazel of Greenwich, were also guests at the home of Wallace Russell. (Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Russell were the parents of Foster Russell who married Margaret Long of Dalhousie.)

Luitzard "Louie" (DeAdder) Long

Harry Meister.jpg
Harold "Harry" A. Meister
Peter Russell with his two grandmother Louie Long and Minnie Aalders Russell-Colorized.jpg
Mina Melinda (Aalders) Russell


1913 August 12

-  Mrs. John Walker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Church at Sherwood. ( John Walker was a son to Maggie Walker, a sister of Norine DeAdder Gaul who married Thaddy Gaul of Dalhousie.)


-  John Murphy, Judson Russell and Charles Cogley, attended the horse race at Aylesford on the 19th. 

7 John and his mother, Maggie.jpg
Margaret "Maggie" (DeAdder) Walker
John Walker
John Long on left.jpg
Louie Deadder Long-Colorized.jpg
John Long Jr.
Luitzard "Louie"
(DeAdder) Long
Winn's parents background.jpg
Winnifred A. (Boylan) DeAdder

1914 August 11

-  John Long of East Dalhousie, was in New Ross on Sunday.


-  Mrs. E. A. Long, of Dalbousie, visited her mother, Mrs. DeAdder, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks.


-  Misses Ella Kaulback, and Cora Hiltz and Ray Hiltz were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Russell. ( Cora and Ray were sister and brother. Ray and Ella were married later in 1919.)

Ella (Kaulback) Hiltz.jpg
Cora Hiltz Russell.jpeg
Ray Hiltz and two friends.jpg
Ella L. (Kaulback) Hiltz
Cora E. (Hiltz) Russell
Hallett "Ray" Hiltz

1918  August 14

-  Clarence Lonergan is home from Kentville, Bernard Gaul from Halifax, Bert and Harding Gaul from Sydney. Mr. Bert Gaul and Mr. Bernard Gaul are employed by the Davison Lumber Company.

Clarence,Joe,Alveretta, Marie, Doug, Basil, Colin, Peter and Charles.jpg
Harding Leslie Gaul 1896--Colorized.jpg
Clarence Bernard Lonergan
Harding Leslie Gaul

1924  Aug 27

- Mr. Howard Gaul who has been working in Maine, is now the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, (Clara Amelia Kirkpatrick-Gaul).

Albert Young, on the Alton Road directly across from our property.  In the spring of 2004
Albert Young's Home
On the Alton Road

1934 August 8

-  Miss A. M. Young. of Bridgewater, was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young and brothers. 


-  Mrs. C. E. Wright is visiting friends at Bridgewater. 


-  A bridge is to be built across the North River stream at the Lowe Road.


-  Earl Young has returned to his work at New Ross. 


-  Messrs. Albert and Roger Young and C. P. Wilson were at New Ross August 1st.

1934 August 22

- Recently the “stork” visited the homes of Mr. & Mrs. Quintin Kaulback and Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy leaving at each a boarder. Congratulations.


- Miss. Margaret Long and brother, James, have returned home after attending summer school.


- Mr. Edward A. Long spent the weekend with his family.


- Mr. & Mrs. Wiley (nee Louisa McGowan) of New Jersey, have been visiting the scenes of her childhood, after an absence of over forty years.

Margaret and her brother James Long.jpg
Margaret Mary (Long) Russell
James Long

1937 August 7

-  Mrs. Hewitt Bezanson, New Ross, is employed at LeRoy Barkhouse's. 


-  We are very sorry to report Mrs. Asa Aalders i11.


-  Mrs. Evangeline Mack has returned home after being a patient at the D. M. Hospital for the past seven weeks. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young, of Massachusetts, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young, at East Dalhousie for an indelinite time.


-  On Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse and family, visited at Colpton, guests of Mrs. Barkhouse's sister, Mrs. Ralph MacKay, Mr. MacKay and family.


-  Miss Shirley Wright and a lady friend, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Shirley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wright.


-  Mr. E. A. Long and son. James, of Rosignol, spent the week-end at their home here.


-  Mr. Lee Rhodenizer, of U. S. A., has a nice bungalow in our vicinity, where he spends occasionally a little vacation. A short time ago he and his two daughters were here for a short while. When here, a numher of his relatives and friends numbering about 50, gathered with one accord and enjoyed the day of picnicing.

 Hazel  Bezanson 1941 .jpg
Hazel C. (Hiltz) Bezanson

Photo 1941
Theresa, Annie, Marie Henry 1935 remini.jpg
Marie C. (Lonergan) Aalders

Photo 1935
Vernon & Flossy Wright  remini 1966.jpg
Vernon L. Wright
Florence "Flossy" L. (Rhodenizer) Wright

Photo 1966

1937 August 18

-  Mr. and Mrs. Ettney Oickle and family, of Long Island N. Y. are visiting Mrs. Oickle's mother, Mrs. Jason Veinot, also Mr. Oickle's mother, Mrs. Wm. Biswanger. at New Germany.

-  Mr. Doran Crouse, of Cherryfield, was injured when his bicycle came in collision with a motor car driven by Vincent MacDonald. Mr. MacDonald was driving slowly at the time and barely escaped hitting C. E. Wright and John Oickle, Dr. Bennett of New Germany, was called and found Mr. Crouse suffering from general bruises and a small bone broken just below the knee. The R. C. M. P., of Kentville, were called and pronounced it an accident with no blame attached to the driver.


-  The Rising Star Sewing Club held their exhibition in connection with the Calf Club exhibition on Saturday last. The prizes were awarded as follows: lst, Thelma Ramey: 2nd, Vivian Wright; 3rd. Allison Wright; 4th, Phyllis Wright; 5th, Eris Wright 6th, Maxine Lonergan, Pearl Lowe and Ella Oickle. The work was exceptionally good for beginners, and Miss Armstrong and Miss O'Brien congratulated the girls on the work done.


-  We are sorry to report Mrs. Asa Aalders still ill. Her many friends wish her & speedy recovery.


-  Sunday visitors at the home of James Veinott wore: Mr, and Mrs. Fred Oickle and Albert Robar, of Lake Paul: Mr. Wm. Crocker, of Millville: Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse, baby Ruby, and Mrs. B. M. MacLean.

Pearl Lowe in color.jpg
Maxine Lonergan at Christmas.png
Frances Barkhouse 1966 .jpeg
Frances L. (McLean) Barkhouse

Photo 1966
Fred Oickle  Alma Fancy 1922-Colorized.jpg
Fred & Alma Oickle
Photo 1922
Pearl M. (Lowe) Lowe
Maxine Kenny Lonergan
Eddy Long edited.jpg
Edward "Eddy" A. Long
James Long 1931 a.jpg

1939 August 23

-  Glad to report Mrs. Charlie McGowan able to come home from the D. M. Hospital. 


-  Mr. E. A. Long, of Rossignol, is spending a few days at home. 


-  James Long, who is in the V. G. Hospital, Halifax, having had two operations, we are pleased to report is recovering nicely. 


-  Roy Barkhouse, who is A patient at the D. M. Hospital, is gaining. We hope he will be able to return home before long.


-  The Lake William Guides' Meet is now a thing of the past. Ideal weather and large crowds made it a success. All those attending reported a good time. 


-  Congratulations to Miss Allison Wright on receiving her grade XI certificate.  


-  Miss Doris Keddy, of the Forties, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Guy Fancy and Mr. Fancy.

-  An ice cream sale and a dance was held in Young's Hall Saturday night.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Taylor and Judy visited friends in on Sunday. Springfield on Sunday.

James W. Long

Photo 1931
Roy Barkhouse  remini.jpg
Roy Nevis Barkhouse

Photo 1920's
Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg
Doris Keddy colored.jpg
Alison (Wright) Lutz
Doris Kathleen Keddy
Lake William 1935 racing.jpg

Canoe Racing on Lake William

Lake William 1935 Amy K   remini.jpg
Lake William Summer 1935
Louisa Kaulback on left and Amy Kaulback in middle.
Everyone came to see the plane that had landed on the lake.

1940 August 14


-  Quite a number of our young people are tenting at Lake William for the last week of the Guides' Meet. 


-  The farmers are getting about finished with haying. We are reporting a good crop.


-  Miss Florence Lowe of Avonport, King's Co. is spending a few weeks with her parents.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lowe, Mrs. Charles Conrad and little son Arnold, has been visiting some friends in Bridgewater. 


-  Mr. Earl Young and Miss Tillie Hiltz of the Forties were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young.

Pearlie Jackie Betty 1942 Remini.jpg

-  Mrs. Charles Kaulback and children, Jackie and Betty, are visiting her parents, at New Ross. 


-  Mrs. Douglas Lonergan and Lawrence, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Veinot, and son John, and Flaine Veinot motored to New Germany on Monday. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hiltz and daughter Orpha, and Mrs, Louisa R. Kaulback and John Gaul were visitors to Kentville on Sunday. Ptes. Aubrey De Winters and Gordon Shaw of Aldershot ware visitors here on Wednesday.


- Mrs. A. Lonergan and son Colin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lonergan and family at Berwick recently. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lonergan and family were motor visitors to the Valley on Thursday.

Pearlie Kaulback & Children
Jackie & Betty
Photo 1942
Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dorothy & Verna Lonergan 1963 remini.jpg
Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dorothy & Verna Lonergan
Photo 1963
Asa & Marie Aalders
Photo 1966
Margaret (Matthews) Rafuse
Margaret Matthews Rafuse  remini.jpg
Charlie Kaulback
Photo 1943
Charlie Kaulback 1943 remini.jpg
1966 Asa & Marie Aalders.jpg
Naomi & William Zwicker 1921 remini.jpg
Arthur Zwicker and school friends around 1940 remini.jpg
Naomi (Boylan) Zwicker

Photo 1921
Arthur William Zwicker

Photo mid 1930's
Henry Joseph Richmond Matthews

Photo early 1950's
Beatrice Henry & Richmond  remini.jpg

1941 August 6


-  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Joudrey moved from Falkland Ridge on Friday and are occupying the house owned by Edgar Legge on the Aylesford Road. 


- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lonergan and children accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. Asa Alders, motored to the Valley during the week. 


- Pte. Charles Kaulback of Aldershot spent a short time with his family on Saturday. 


-  Miss. Margaret Matthnews is employed at Austin Casey's, Lakeview. for an indefiniie time. 


- Mrs. Wm. Zwicker and Arthur, Wm. Hiltz and Elaine Veinot, motored to Berwick on Saturday. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Quinten Kaulback and family; also Mrs. Aubrey De Winters, were business visitors to New Germany one day recently. 


-  Miss Louise DeAdder and her mother, Mrs. P. DeAdder: also Mrs. K. Peterson and Joseph Gaul of Dorchester, Mass., are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thaddeus Gaul and family, as well as other relatives.


-  Mrs. C. E. Veinot, Wm. and Harold Cross, were motor visiters to Bridgewater on Suturday. 


-  Several from here and East Dalhousie attended the show, "Gone With The Wind," at New Germany on Friday night.  


-  Henry Matthews and Colin Lonergan were business visiters Aldersville on Thursday. 

Quint & Amy (Aalders)
Quint & Amy Kaulback.jpg
Colin Lonergan & Errol Crossland  remini 36 ford.jpg
Colin Lonergan

Photo 1940's
Joe & Louie Gaul 1942 remini.jpg
Joseph M. Gaul
Louie (DeAdder) Gaul

Photo 1942
WW2 Poster 2.jpg

1942 August 12


-  Several of our young men have been called for army service. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fancy were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meister and family of New Ross.


-  Mr. Campbell of Tatamagouche has recently been at the home of C. E. Wright in the interest of the Xmas tree business. In company with C. E. Wright, another Xmas tree man, they have canvassed the country in their interests.


-  Councillor Ray Hiltz and Mrs. Hiltz were to Halifax for the week end visiting their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey De Winters. 


-  Mr. Clyde Conrad of Shelburne was home for the week-end with his family.


-  Mrs. Earl Young of the Forties has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young.

1944 Aubrey & Orpha DeWinter.jpg
Harold & Vene 1976.jpg
Guy & Florence Fancy   and car remini.jpg
Ray & Ella Hiltz with their nieces.jpg
Ray & Ella (Kaulback) Hiltz
(With their nieces, daughters of Quint & Amy Kaulback.)
Photo Mid 1930's
Aubrey & Orpha (Hiltz) DeWinter
Photo 1944
Harold & Vene (Gaul) Meister
Photo 1976
Guy & Florence (Keddy) Fancy

1942 August 19


-  Mrs. Charles Kaulback and two children are enjoying a short vacation with friends at New Germany. 


-  Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Veniot and two children are visiting at the home of James Smith, Ronald is recovering from an appendix operation.


-  Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Stanley Crossland and Mrs. Quinten Kaulback motored to Aldersville one day last week, where they called on a number of friends. 

Theresa and daughter, Annie Matthews, Marie (Lonergan) Aalders & Henry Matthews around 193
Lorena Crossland  remini.jpg
Theresa E. "Tressie" (Aalders) Matthews

Photo around 1934
Lorena Isobel (Veinotte) Crossland
Amy Aalders Kaulback  remini.jpg
Amy Evelyn (Aalders) Kaulback

Photo late 1920's
Girl Guide's Camp .jpg

-  Quite a number from here attended the Guides' Meet at Lake William.


-  Philip Gaul, Cecil Robar, Carl Young and Harold Veinotte have been called for military training. Philip and Cecil are now in Halifax. Earl and Harold have not received their notice to report. Basil Lonergan also got his call.


-  Mrs. Fred Oickle, Stanbourne, is at present the guest of Mrs. Emmerson Lowe. 


-  Rev. P. C. Corbin, New Ross, called on a number of his parishioners here last week.


-  Merlin Wright has gone to Kingston, where he has found employment in the creamery. 


-  Our Red Cross members did not hold their meeting for the month of August owing to the disagreeable day.

Alma Oickle remini.jpg
Alma Lavinia (Fancy) Oickle

Photo from 1980's
Phil Gaul 1944 remini.jpg
Philip Cecil Gaul

Photo 1944
Merlyn Wright age 12, b. Sept. 29, 1926  d. 1992 Clifton Wright's son.jpg
Merlyn Rathburn Wright 

Photo 1938
 Emerson & Pearl Lowe 1950's remini.jpg
Pearl (Lowe) Lowe

Photo 1950's
5a Taylor Homestead 5a.jpg

1942 August 26


-  Mrs. Maurice Taylor and daughter, Judy, of Kingston, were the guests last week of Mr. Mrs. H. S. Taylor. and Mrs. Taylor returned home, Judy is remaining & few days with her grandparents.


-  Miss. Allison Wright has completed the course at Truro summer school, and returned home. 


-  Our school opens the 25th under the efficient management of Mrs. Harding Gaul.

Ray Hiltz Store edited .jpg

1944 August 2


-  A pie sale was held in Ray Hiltz's hall on the 15th. Net proceeds for the Church of England. Over $64.00 were was taken in Music was furnished by Donald Wright and Mrs. Q. Kaulback. 

-  Mrs. Murray Daniels and Miss Annie Matthews are spending a week in Halifax and parts of the Valley.

For a number of years the community dances were held in the room above the Hiltz store which was located directly across the road from the Ray & Ella Hiltz home.

-  Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey DeWinters have returned to their work at Halifax, after two weeks spent with relatives and friends.


-  Mrs. Austin Casey and children visited Pte. A. Casey at Aldershot on Sunday.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Crossland were to Berwick and Kentville on Wednesday. They were accompanied by their son, Errol, who had got his call to work on a farm in Lakeville.


-  Mrs, T. Gaul has received word that her son, Pte. Philip Gaul. is serving with the Active Army in France. Pte. Douglas McGowen, son of Charles McGowen, is also serving in France. Philip wishes to be remembered to all his friends.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hiltz, have purchased the bungalow from Bazil Lonergan and it is now undergoing repairs.

Austin & Vonnie Casey 1973 remini.jpg
Veronica "Vonnie" Isabelle
(Michaud) Casey

Photo 1973
Colin Lonergan & Errol Crossland  remini 36 ford.jpg
Errol Lorne Crossland
Norine 1940  remini.jpg
Norine Theresa (DeAdder) Gaul

Photo 1940
All that remains of the Rhodenizer's cottage "Gloria Lodge".
Photo 2020
Rhodenizer fireplace in 2020 edited.jpg
Taylor Home in Dalhousie-Colorized.jpg
The Taylor Home
Alton Road

1944 August 9


-  The Misses Eleanor Young and Margaret Matthews have and been visiting friends in Aylesford and seeing other places of interest this week. 


-  Cpl. Vance Joudrey was a week-end guest at W. D. Young's.


-  Mr. Lee Rhodenizer of Rockland, Mass., and cousin, Mr. Lester Ramey, of Needham, Mass, are expected next week to vacation a while Rhodenizer's nice bungalow. 


-  Mrs. Joan Taylor and daughter Judy of Middleton who have been visiting at the home of Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor, are returning home the 14th.

1944 August 16


-  Mr, and Mrs. John Oickle are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, born Aug. 14, at Lakeview.


-  Mrs. Freddie Oickle and Mrs. Harold Barkhouse are employed at Mrs. J. Oickle's.


-  Mrs. Cassie Michaud has returned from Bridgewater where she was the guest of her son, Arthur, for 1 week. 


-  Ford Kaulback and family were in this place recently to visit Mr. Kaulback's father.


-  St. Clair Lonergan, Berwick, was the guest of his mother. Mrs. A. Lonergan, 2 few days last week.


-  On Friday, 171h, members of the Red Cross met in the Dalhousie Road School house what another quilt was tied. We wish this week to thank Mrs. Lawrence Gaul for guilt blocks donated; also 50c. We thank Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse for one batt for net quirt. $10 00 of the money on hand has been sent to head office for medical purposes at Berwick.


-  The pie sale held in Albert Young's hall on 18th was decidedly a success, the sum of one hundred and two dollars being taken in. Music was furnished by Donald Wright and Mrs. Quintin Kaulback, Tickets were drawn on cushion, Mrs, V. L. Wright holding the lucky number. The guest cake also was won by Mrs. Wright. Proceeds were for the R. C Church, The members wish to thank everyone who helped to make the pie sale a success. Money donated to pie sale: $1.50 by Charles Lonergan; $1.50 by William Zwicker; 50c by Muriel Zwicker; $1.00 by Mrs. Carson Lutz, and Johnnie Franey. We thank you all for the help and a word of praise must be said of the young men and women of today who attended the sale and who so thoughtfully made it a pleasure for all present.

This map shows where
the Young Hall
was located.
Marie, Charlie, Basil, Alveretta with St. Clair and Joe standing 1914.jpg
Clair & his mother, Alveretta Lonergan
Photo 1914
Young Hall copy.jpg
Charles & Agnes (Long) Russell.jpg
Charles & Agnes (Long) Russell
Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse & Marion (Bezanson) Lowe.jpg
Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse & Marion (Bezanson) Lowe
Frances Barkhouse 1966  remini.jpg
Frances (McLean) Barkhouse
Photo 1966

1946 August 21


-  The people of this community extend congratulations of Miss Doris McGowan and Miss Barbara Smith on their success in getting their Grade XI, and we now wish them luck as they start forth on their life's work. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and Charles Cogley, all of New Ross, were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. E. A. Long.


-  Miss. Marion Bezanson and sister Beulah are spending some time with their father at the Forties. 


-  We thank Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse for six bags and prints donated to our Red Cross work recently.

-  Mr. and Mrs. Fancy are weekend guests of E. J. Keddy, Forties.


-  Mrs. V. L. Wright had a visit from her brother, Lt.-Col. L. M. Rhodenizer, New Glasgow, who. with his wife and daughter Nancy are touring the South Shore towns. It is his first visit home since he was released from the German prison camp, and is looking as fit as ever after a year's work in the New Glasgow Academy.


-  Cpl. L.L. Wright was home for the week-end before leaving for Summersde, P.E.I., to take charge of the R.C.A.F. P.O.. in the Island town. He, with Donald Wright, visited at Lake Paul on Sunday.


-  H. L. Gaul dropped a ballpean hammer on his foot, breaking a toe.


-  Rhena and Greta Fancy and Janet Brownie were to Halifax and Hubbards with Mr. Scott Brownie. The girls enjoyed themselves immensely and report lots of chocolate bons and boxes of candy in the stores. This is very different from the country stores, where two boxes of bars are all we can ever get.


-  Word has come of the death of Amelia (Wentzell) Veinotte, wife of Amos Veinotte, of Dale. This good lady broke her hip some time ago, and has been ill since. She was 75 years of age. Gerald Cook has made his home with and took care of his grandparents all his life, and when Mrs. Veinotte became ill, her daughter Lorena, Mrs. Stanley Crossland, moved home and cared for her mother, Dr. Bezanson and Mrs. C. E. Wright have given medical aid. One son and a daughter passed away years ago. Remaining are (Lizzie) Mrs. Tom Cook; (Alice) Mrs. P. Hiltz, and (Lorena) Mrs. Stanley Crossland. One sister, Alice, and brothers Amos, Fred and Albert, survive. In religion, Mrs. Veinotte was Lutheran. She was a natural homemaker and will be missed by all, especially her aged husband.

1956 .... Ted & Loretta Keddy Family Left -Right seated around the table Theodore (Bub) Ke
Edward "Ted" & Loretta Keddy
Photo 1956
Florence Wright  1966 remini.jpg
Florence (Rhodenized) Wright
Photo 1966
Rhena & Greta Fancy  remini.jpg
Rhena (Fancy) Joudrey
& Greta (Fancy) Crossland
Harding Leslie Gaul 1896--Colorized.jpg
Harding L. Gaul
Dalhousie Road School 1938.jpg

Dalhousie Road School

1946 August 28


-  Rev. W. E. Cholerton and family have returned to Berwick, after three weeks restful vacation spent at Gaul's Cabins, Lake Torment. 


-  Mrs. V. L. Wright, with Dr. Rhodenizer and wife, are enjoying a two weeks vacation touring New Brunswick and Cape Breton.



-  Curtis Gaul is doing some repair work on the Dalhousie Road schoolhouse. 



-  Miss Bertha Benjamin is a patient at the Wolfville Hospital where she

underwent an operation. 


Lorena Veinotte Crossland 1959 remini.jpg
-  Mrs. Amos Veinotte passed away at her home in Dalhousie on Sunday, Aug. 11, following an illness of five weeks. Before her marriage she Was the daughter of Henry and Isabel Veinotte Wentzell, of Waldon, where she was born 75 years ago. She had resided in Dalhousie the past 50 years. Surviving are her husband, four daughters, Lorena (Mrs. Stanley Crossland) who tenderly cared for her mother during her illness: Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas Cook) of Sheet Harbour; Mrs, Alice Hiltz, Forties; Charlotte (Mrs. Alex Eisnor, Waldon; a sister, Mrs. Harding Dorey, Dayspring, and three brothers, Amos and Albert Wentzell, of Newburne, and Fred Wentzell in Maine. She Was a member of the Lutheran church.
Lorena Isobel (Veinotte) Crossland

Photo 1959
Aug part 2.png
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