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Part 1


1903  July 9


- Ethel Gaul, Maggie Matthews, Kathleen Matthews, Clara Smith, Alma Long attended provincial exam at Middleton. (Ethel was the oldest at 18 at the time, Kathleen was the youngest of the group at just 15 with Maggie being 17, and Clara and Alma being 16.)

Ethel copy.jpg
Margaret _Maggie_ (Matthews) Falt.jpg
Clara Smith Russell-edited.jpg
Margaret Sophia & Mary Kathleen (Katie) Matthews edited.jpg
Alma Long.jpg


Ethel Gaul       Maggie Matthews       Kathleen Matthews      Clara Smith       Alma Long 

- Mr. Harding Burgoyne, of Berwick, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Lawrence Gaul, Jr. (Lucinda), on the 12th.

Annis Saunders.jpeg

1910  July 21


- Miss. Annis Jane Saunders left on July 8th for Boston. She was accompanied by her brother, Mr. Elton H. Saunders, as far as Middleton. (It was usual for people from Dalhousie going to the New England states to go by horse and buggy to Middleton and catch the train from there.)

Off to the Middleton Train Station.
Annis Saunders  1868-1927
Cora Hiltz Russell.jpeg

1914 July 7


-  Ray Hiltz of East Dalhousie, attended the picnic at New Ross Cross on July 1st.


-  Miss. Cora Hiltz, who has been teaching at Mill Road School for the past two years, has returned to her home at East Dalhousie. ( Cora was the daughter of Ned Hiltz and Matilda Durling. She was also the sister to Ray Hiltz. She later married Judson R. Russell of New Ross.)


-  Mr. & Mrs. William Theodore Smith (the former Eva May Mack), of Crossburn, were in New Ross a few days last week, they were the guests of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Russell. They were also visiting at Chester Basin.

Cora E. (Hiltz) Russell  1888-1946

1920 July 6


-  A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the Church of England on June 21st at 2pm, the Rev. Mr. Plummer of New Ross officiating. The bride was Miss. Alice, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Amos Veinotte and the grown was Percy Hiltz of the Forties. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss. Lorena Veinotte and the groom was supposed by Ozem Oickle. After the signing of the register the couple left the church with Mrs. Ray Hiltz (Ella), the organist, played the wedding march.


-  There passed away at his home on the 24th of June, Mr. James Oickle, aged 62. Mr. Oickle had been in delicate health for a number of years when dropsy developed and caused his death. (Today dropsy is called EDEMA - build up of fluid in any organ.)


-  Rev. Plummer of New Ross spent a week here recently visiting his congregation.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Northrup and Miss. Alice Gaul motored from Kingston and were the guests of Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Gaul on the 27th.


-  Miss. Ross and Miss. Plummer of New Ross were the guests of Mrs. Patrick Gaul (Martha) on the 21st of June.

Church of England 1929.jpeg
Photo from 1929
Lorena Veinotte Crossland.jpeg
Lorena (Veinotte) Crossland
Freeman, Quintin & Louisa Kaulback ~1913.jpg
Freeman Kaulback 1865-1931
Ella (Kaulback) Hiltz.jpg
Ella L. (Kaulback) Hiltz

1931  July


- Freeman Kaulback of Dalhousie drowned in lake. Freeman Kaulback a resident of Dalhousie, NS, was accidentally drowned in a nearby lake on Sunday evening. He was a foreman for Rafuse and Crouse Lumbermen and was in charge of the camp over Sunday. Late in the afternoon, he took a boat on the lake and, not returning, an alarm was given and the body was recovered this morning. Mr. Kaulback leaves a wife and four children and was about 65 years of age. Angus, Joseph and Bamford Kaulback are brothers of the deceased.

1934 July 18


-  A pie social was held at Ray Hiltz's Hall on the 13th, realizing something over fifty dollars.


-  Walter Hubley, of Simpson's Corner, has been building and repairing chimneys in this place and at present is helping with the hay making at Carman Wilson's.


-  Bears appear quite plentiful in our district. Lots of track and occasionally a bear is seen.


-  A car load of young people from here attended a dance at the Forties on the evening of the 14th.

Hilts Garage edited.jpg
Ray Hiltz
His garage with the dance hall above it. 
You can see part of the gasoline pump on the right of the photo.
Click photo to enlarge.

1934 July 25


-  The worst electric storm in some years passed over this district the night of the 20th continuing for over 3 hours. Fortunately no damage was reported here, but unfortunately, Falkland Ridge did not escape without loss. Anthony Wagner's barn with over 20 tons of hay, his horse and three calves were destroyed, also a wagon and some other machinery were lost. A friend visiting the same home had a valuable car which was totally demolished in the barn.


-  A car load of young people from New Germany and New Canada were visitors at C.P. Wilson's on Sunday evening.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Taylor and Judy spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. L.M. McNayer, at Lake Pleasant.


-  An ice cream sale was held at V.L. Wright's the evening of the 21st.

1936 July 1


- Phillip Gaul who underwent a surgical operation at Berwick, has returned home much improved, but minus his tonsils and adenoids. (Phil would have been 19 at the time.)


- Charles Lonergan, Doug Lonergan, Harding Gaul, Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Wright, C.P. Wilson and Roy Barkhouse were business visitors to the valley recently.


- Mr. Foster and party, who are surveying lines of the late Lawrence Gaul, Sr., estate, are staying at Thaddeus Gaul's cabins on Lake Torment.


-  Miss. Bernice Saunders of Chicago, is visiting at her home. (Bernice was the daughter of Laurie &  Blanche Saunders. She was born in 1929 so she was very young at the time of this visit with her Dalhousie relatives.)

A young Phil in his parent's yard..jpg
Janet Saundeers Schmidt.jpeg
Phil Gaul 1916-1979
Janet "Bernice" (Saunders) Schmidt
1929 - 
Alma (Fancy) Oickle  1898-1997
Photo 1922
Fred Oickle  Alma Fancy 1922-Colorized.jpg
Margaret Matthews Rafuse at Matthews home-Colorized.jpg

1937 July 7


-  Two truck loads of people from here and East Dalhousie attended the nomination at Kentville on Tuesday, the 22nd, and the Liberal Political meeting at Berwick on Saturday evening June 26th.


-  Mrs. Edgar Legge has gone to the Bridgewater Hospital for treatment for a gathering on her throat. Dr. Marcus, Bridgewater, was called and rushed her to the hospital immediately. Mrs. Fred Oickle is at present employed there.

-  Miss. Margaret Matthews is visiting for an indefinite time at Upper Cornwall.


-  Miss. Phyllis Gaul found employment at Chester at Butlers restaurant.


-  Many from here attended a picture show at Bligh's Theatre, Berwick, Saturday night.


-  Mrs. Charles Kaulback returned to her home here after spending the past week with her parents at New Ross.


-  William DeEll and family of Rockland, were visiting at the home of Pearlie Barkhouse on June 27th.


-  A number of young folks from here attended the concert and dance at Maplewood on Thursday evening.

Margaret Curtis Stella Louie Francis Phyllis 1929.jpg
Pearle Broome before she became a Kaulback.jpg
Bligh's Theatre 1934.jpg
Bligh Theatre Berwick.jpg
Margaret (Matthews) Rafuse 1918-2005
Photo ~1932
Phyllis (Gaul) Lonergan  1916-2008
Photo 1929
Pearle (Broome) Kaulback 1901-2003
Photo ~ 1930
Water Carnival Bridgewater  colored.jpg
In 1935, newspaper editor C.J. Cragg (1861-1944) initiated the idea of holding a Venetian water carnival in Bridgewater. The carnival featured fireworks, illuminated boats, bands and competitions. In 1948, the water carnival drew over twelve thousand people. By 1960 the carnival had ended.

1937 July 28


-  A truck load of people from here attended the Water Carnival at Bridgewater on Thursday evening. All reported a nice time.


-  A pie sale is to be held in the hall here on Friday night, July 30th. Proceeds will go towards the Sewing Club.

Water Carnival Bridgewater  colored.jpg
L to R: Dorothy (Lonergan) Morton
Maxine Kenny Lonergan 1922-1978

1939 July 5


-  Misses Dorothy and Maxine Lonergan visited friends and relatives at Berwick during the week.


-  Born to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaulback on June 20th at the D.M. Hospital, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann (Betty).


-  Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lonergan and Laurence, also Mrs. A. Lonergan and Miss. Agnes Hiltz motored to the Valley on Thursday. On their return they were accompanied by Misses Dorothy and Maxine Lonergan.


-  Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Saunders left for McAdam, NB, where they will visit Mrs. Saunders' niece, Mrs. William Smith and Mr. Smith. They were accompanied by Mrs. Curtis Gaul, who will visit at her home in Hartland, NB, for a few days.


-  Miss. Phyllis Gaul and Curtis Gaul are staying at the home of E.H. Saunders for an indefinite time.


-  Miss. Shirley Wright visited at the home of her parents during the past week.


-  Miss. Annie Matthews has gone to Aylesford, where she will have employment for a couple of weeks.

Laurence, Sylvia, Dorothy & Maxine Lonergan befoe 1978.jpg
Aunt Annie Matthews Cooke.jpeg
Jackie & Betty 1957 edited.jpg
Annie C. (Matthews) Cooke
Elizabeth Ann "Betty" (Kaulback) Zwicker
Rhodenizer fireplace in 2020 edited.jpg
The fireplace is all that remains of the beautiful Gloria Cottage just off the Alton Road.
Photo 2020

1939 July 12


-  Mr. Lee Rhodenizer and family, of Rockland, Mass., are spending their vacation at their nice bungalow in our vicinity (Gloria Cottage). While here they had a large family and relative picnic on their grounds. The day was fine and needless to say they all had a good time.


-  Miss. Viola Lowe is visiting Mrs. Ivan Grant, Barss' Corner.


-  Mr. Lemage Ramey of Needham, Mass., has been the guest of his brother, Aseph and family.


-  Miss. Phyllis Gaul last week visited Misses Mabel & Eleanor Young.


-  There passed away July 6th, an aged and respected citizen in the person  of Mrs. Catherine, widow of the late William Gaul, at a good age of 90 years, 9 months and 13 days. She is survived by two sons. Lawrence and John, and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was laid to rest in the Church of England Cemetery, where several of her family are buried.

1939 July 19


-  Mrs. Vernon Barkhouse is visiting her parents at the Forties.


-  Miss. Annie Matthews has retuned from Aylesford where she was employed for the past few weeks.


-  Mrs. C. E. Veinotte, Mrs. Hewitt Bezanson and Chesley, Harold Cross and LeRoy Barkhouse, were to Lawrencetown and Middleton on Sunday.


-  Approximately 36 persons from here enjoyed the program put on by George Chappell and the Merry Islanders at New Germany, the 12th. Several remained and attended the dance at the completion of the program.


-  Charles and Helena Kaulback, accompanied by Mrs. H. Bezanson, Chesley, Annie and Carrol Bezanson motored to New Germany Thursday evening.


-  Miss. Phyllis Gaul is visiting Miss. Margaret Matthews at Mrs. A. Franey's, Aylesford, for a few days.

Melba Irene (Hiltz) Barkhouse
Melba Irene Lutz Barkhouse.jpg
Chesley Hazel  Arnold Bezanson 1941 edited-Colorized.jpg
Hazel (Hiltz) Bezanson 1905-1997
her sons
Chesley & Arnold
Roy Barkhouse 1895-1960.jpg
LeRoy Nevis Barkhouse 1895-1960
Charlie, Helena Kaulback & Joe Gaul + 3 men 1931.jpeg
Charles E. Kaulback 1905-1994
Helena C. (Kaulback) Gates 1912-1988

Photo 1931

1940 July 10


-  Mr. & Mrs. Ford Kaulback, Mr. Durling and Miss Dorothy Kaulback, R.N., called on friends here on July 7th.


-  Leo Rhodenizer was host to a number of friends at his summer home at Alton Road. The party motored here from various points.

Orpha Hiltz & Helena Kaulback.jpg
Orpha (Hiltz) DeWinter 
Helena C. (Kaulback) Gates 

1940 July 24


-  Mrs. Hewitt Bezanson (Hazel) entertained a number of little folk on Wednesday in honour of her son, Chesley, who celebrated his 4th birthday. The afternoon was spent playing games, after which a delightful supper was served.


-  Elaine Veinot and Annie Matthews returned home after being employed in Berwick for the past few weeks.


-  Ray Hiltz, Orpha Hiltz, Mrs. Quintin Kaulback and Helena Kaulback made a business trip to Kentville on Monday.


-  Mrs. Vernon Barkhouse (Melba) and baby Lester, are spending some time at the home of Mr. & Mrs. William Hiltz, New Ross.

Orpha Hiltz & Amy Kaulback with Marion and Marjorie 1934.jpg
Amy (Alders) Kaulback 1911-1986
Photo 1934
Quint Helenas Charlie 1929 edited.jpg
Earnest "Quintin" F. Kaulback 1907-1991
Photo 1929

1940 July 31


-  Misses Grace & Annie Bezanson of Forties are at present the guests of Mrs. Hewitt Bezanson.


-  We are glad to report that Mrs. Evangeline Mack, who for the past several weeks was a patient at the D.M. Hospital, has improved sufficiently to be moved to McAdam Junction, N.B. where she is a guest of her daughter.  (She died on Feb. 15, 1941.)

1942 July 1


-  Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter of Halifax spent the week end with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hiltz.


-  Curtis Gaul, Halifax, visited his family over the week end.


-  Miss. Minnie Bezanson , New Germany, spent a few days visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Bezanson, after which she went to the Forties, where she visited for a few days.


-  Mrs. Pearle Barkhouse and son Kenneth of Berwick also Miss. Nina Joudrey of Lake Paul called on relates here on Wednesday.


-  Gnr. (Gunner) Ethan Veinotte of Debert spent the week end with his wife and baby at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Veinotte.

Kenneth Barkhouse.jpg
Billy Gaul, Ethan Veinotte, Charlie K & Carroll Gaul 2.jpg
Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse 1966.jpg
1944 Aubrey & Orpha DeWinter.jpg
Aubrey & Orpha (Hiltz) DeWinter
Photo 1944
Hazel Bezanson's children.jpg
Minnie Jane Bezanson 1922-2011
Photo ~ 1960's
Ethan Veinotte
Kenneth Pearlie Barkhouse 1922-2002
Photo 1928
Frances Louise (McLean) Barkhouse 1899-1973
Photo 1966
Laurence Gauls Mill-Colorized.jpg

1942 July 8


-  Roy Oickle was painfully injured at Wm. Gaul's mill on Tuesday. He is a patient at D.M. Hospital suffering from a broken arm and fractured neck bone. Dr. MacDonald had him conveyed by ambulance, and reports he is making satisfactory recovery. He is the son of Emmanuel Oickle and made his home with Mr. & Mrs. Lee Oickle. He got caught in a belt, which threw him very heavily to the floor, striking the back of his head, neck and shoulders and breaking his arm below the elbow.(Roy was 28 at the time of accident.)


-  The sound of the mowing machine is a daily occurrence. The hay cut is two weeks earlier than usual.


-  On Wednesday a number of young folk gathered at the home of Doran Lutz for a farewell party for Austin Lutz, who had been home for a short time before leaving for overseas. He is another gallant airman who will go forth to bomb the Axis, in defence of our homeland.


-  Pte. Charles Kaulback, Aldershot, spent the week-end with his family.

Camp Aldershot  Charlie Kaulback & Stan MacDonald 1943.jpeg
Emerson Lowe
Putting in a load of hay.
Aldershot Barracks  1943
Pte. Charles Kaulback
Pte. Stan MacDonald
Emerson Lowe-Colorized.jpg

1942 July 22


-  We are sorry to report that Lawrence Gaul, who has been in poor health for some time, has had a stroke and is suffering from paralysis in one arm and hand.


-  Miss. Margaret Lonergan, Berwick, spent a few days with her grand-mother, Mrs. Daniel Lonergan, last week.


-  Mrs. Louisa Kaulback has returned from the valley, where she spent some time with Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse.

Doug & Verna Lonergan color.jpg
Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse 1966.jpg
Freeman Quintin  Louisa Kaulback 1913-Colorized.jpg
Louisa (Oickle) Kaulback 1873-1966
Photo 1913
Douglas & Verna (Barkhouse) Lonergan
Doug & Verna were married in 1919.
This photo was taken around that date.
Frances Louise (McLean) Barkhouse 1899-1973
Photo 1966
Ray & Helena Gates Wedding 
Photo 1942
Ray Norwood Gates 1911-1978
Helena C. (Kaulback) Gates 1912-1988

1944 July 5


-  The people of this community extend deep sympathy to Mr. & Mrs. Archie Lowe and family in the death of their beloved son, who was drowned on Monday.


-  Mrs. Louisa Kaulback is spending time in New Ross with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Gates, where she is caring for her grandson who has been quite ill.


-  Eldrige Armsworthy, RCAF, and Mrs. Armsworthy of Halifax, spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Wright. Mrs. Armsworthy was the former Miss. Eris Wright.


Ray & Helena Gates 1942.jpg
Phyllis close up.jpg
Phyllis C. (Gaul) Lonergan  1916-2008
Photo ~ 1930's
Naomi (Boylan) & William Zwicker 1921 edited.jpg
Naomi A. (Boylan) Zwicker 1895-1973
Photo 1921
Fred & Alma Oickle 1922 remini.jpg
Alma L. (Fancy) Oickle 1898-1997
Photo 1922

Alma Fancy married Fred Oickle on Feb. 1, 1922 in New Ross. At 98 years of 
age, Alma still remembered making the trip by horse & wagon from East Dalhousie to New Ross that winter's day.
8   Gauls at Thaddy & Norine's 1966  Loretta & Blair Seffern.jpeg
Blair & Loretta (Walker) Seffern
Visiting Norine & Thaddy Gaul

Photo 1966

-  Misses Phyllis Gaul and Muriel Zwicker are spending a week in Halifax, guests of Mrs. Curtis Gaul and Mrs. William Zwicker.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul have returned to live at their bungalow in Dalhousie after a year spent at war work in Halifax. While in Halifax Mrs. Gaul made several visits to the Red Cross Donor's clinic.


-  The Barkhouse brothers have resumed logging on the Taylor property after a brief rest while they did their planting.


-  Pte. Austin Casey, of Aldershot, spent the week-end at his home in Lakeview.


-  Mrs. Fred Oickle was guest of Mrs. C. Lois for several days last week.


-  Wm. Gaul's car met with minor damage when it collided with another car on the Cherryfield Road.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Blair Sufferns and children were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul.

Thaddy & Billy bear hunting 1929.jpg
Thaddy Gaul with his first cousin once removed, William Horace "Billy" Gaul, after a successful bear hunt in 1929.

1944 July 12


-  Thaddeus Gaul captured a large bear last week.

-  We are sorry to report Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse (Frances) is on the sick list.


-  Mr. Wm. Zwicker of Lakeview, is home doing some repairs on his house.


-  Mrs. E.A. Long (Louie), Mrs. Foster Russell (Margaret) and Mr. Russell and Mrs. T. Gaul (Norine) motored to New Ross on Sunday where they visited friends and relatives.


-  Miss. Eleanor Young has returned home after a week spent in Aylesford, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Traney.


-  Mrs. Aseph Aalders has returned to Dalhousie much improved in health. (She was at the Kentville Sanatorium.)


-  Mr. & Mrs. James Veinot are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Elaine, who arrived from the USA a short time ago.


-  Ethan Veinot, Halifax, paid a short visit with his family last week.


-  Calvin Johnson is now employed with the Lonergan Brothers.

Calvin Marcus Johnson remini.jpg
Marie Lonergan Alders.jpg
William H Zwicker edited.jpg
William Zwicker 1991-1959
Photo 1922
Louie DeAdder Long.jpg
Luitzard "Louie" Loretta  (DeAdder) Long

Photo 1952
James, Margaret & Foster Russell edited.jpg
Marie Cecilia (Lonergan) Aalders

Photo ~ 1925
Foster R. Russell

Photo 1934
Calvin Marcus Johnson
Photo ~ 1940's
Cornwallis Inn.jpg

The Cornwallis Inn

Hazel Bezanson's children colored.jpg
Marion (Bezanson) Lowe
Theresa E. (Aalders) Matthews.jpeg

1944  July 19


-  Miss. Phyllis Gaul has gone to work at the Cornwallis Inn in Kentville.


-  Pte. Austin Casie, Aldershot, is at his home in Lakeview haying. Francis Gaul is employed at the same place.


-  Miss. Marion Bezanson and father are guests of Roy Barkhouse.


-  Mrs. Theresa Matthews and family and Mrs. Charles Lonergan and children motored to Aldershot on Sunday to visit friends and relatives.


-  The Red Cross thanks Mrs. E.A. Long and Mrs. Foster Russell for two sweaters knit by them and recently delivered.


-  We are sorry to report Mrs. Bamford Kaulback (Eliza Jane Ramey) a patient in the Berwick Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Theresa E. (Aalders) Matthews


1944  July 26


-  Mr. & Mrs. Harold Barkhouse and baby are spending a few weeks with Harold's father, Mr. Wm. Barkhouse, at Lakeview. (Harold was butcher in Ninevah, Lun., Co.)


-  An ice cream sale was held in Ray Hiltz's hall on July 15th; proceeds to go towards painting the Anglican Church.


-  Mrs. Harding Gaul has accepted the Lake Ramsey School for the coming year. The East Dalhousie and Dalhousie Road Schools are still without teachers.


-  Pte. Austin Casey has returned to his duties in Aldershot after a few weeks spent on his farm. His sister and son from Springhill, are spending their vacation with Mrs. A. Casey, Lakeview.

Mrs. Harding Gaul (Bertie).jpg
Alberta "Bertie" C. (Bower) Gaul

3 Lakeview School 1920-Colorized.jpg
Harold Barkhouse 

Photo Mid 1920's
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