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Part 2


1947 August 13


- Mr. Foster Russell, who was injured by a large plank falling on his leg at J.H. Hick’s Mill, is a patient at the Middleton Hospital while under observation.


- A number from here, East Dalhousie, attended the anniversary party at Steve Lowe’s on Monday evening, when a host of friends arrived as a surprise party for them. The couple received a lot of lovely gifts with a few jokes for good measure. Music was furnished by  Mrs. Raymond Connell on violin, Maurice Robar on guitar, Melbourne Lowe on accordion and harmonics and Donald Wright banjo. A delicious lunch was served  by the ladies. 

Foster Russell
Foster Russell and children fishing remini.jpg

1947 August 20


- Mrs. Walter Young left over the weekend for Kentville, where she will be a patient at the Sanitorium for the fall and winter months.

Rhodenizer fireplace in 2020 edited.jpg
All that is left of Gloria Lodge in 2020

1949 August 10


-  Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rhodenizer of Gloria Lodge, had their annual picnic of relatives and friends on Aug. 7. The day being very fine and the afternoon having a nice breeze the most of the time, which added enjoyment to the occasion. Your correspondent undertook to count the cars en route to Gloria Lodge, but he lost the count, but needles to say there was a lot of them, and no doubt as usual, they had a very enjoyable day of it.


-  The community was shocked CO hear of the very sudden death of Mrs. John Oickle, of Lakeview, whom we thought was a healthy person. She died In her sleep the night of Aug. 2. She leaves a husband, six small children, an aged father, Wm. Barkhouse, one brother, Harold Barkhouse, Nineveh, and a lot of cousins and friends. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. 


-  Mr. Hudson Ramey is employed with Albert Young, who is building A new house.


-  Mrs. George Kaulback and her daughter, Miss Helen, spent a few days recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgoyne, at Cherryfield Road. Misses Doris McGowan and Marjorie McGowan are spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McGowan, Halifax, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spencer, of Spryfield. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fancy were week-end visitors at the Forties.

Albert Young, on the Alton Road directly across from our property.  In the spring of 2004
Albert Young's home 
on the Alton Road

1949 August 24


-  The long wished and looked-for rain came at last with a vengeance, the night of the 18th, which was a very welcome visitor. The water question was becoming quite serious. The wells and brooks and vegetation and forest fires were very much in need of rain. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Taylor, Messrs. Eric Wilson and Merlyn Wright have gone to Charlottetown on a motor trip.

-  Mrs. C. E. Wright motored to Rhode Island, U.S.A., to visit relatives. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Foster Russell and son, Peter, Mrs. E. A. Long and Mrs. V. L. Wright, who motored to North Bay, Ont., have returned home. They had excellent weather. They visited relatives and found them well, and they report having an excellent time. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Saunders recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Robie Taylor at Margaretsville.


-  Dr. James Long, who is taking a special course at Toronto, hopes to complete his F.R.S.S. this Fall. Mrs. Long was also a guest of Mrs, Mahar of North Bay. The route travelled was No. 2 via Truro, Parrsboro, Moncton, thence to Fredericton and from Edmunston to Riviere du Loup. Then down to Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and up through Renfrew, Pembroke and Mattawa. The return route was through Mon Joli and the Matapedia Valley, and down the East shore of New Brunswick.

ERic in uniform 1940's copy.jpeg
Eric Wilson 

Photo 1940's
Margaret and her brother James Long.jpg
James W. Long

1951 August 8


- Mr. Joe Gaul and Miss. Louise DeAdder, of Mass., are home for their annual vacation.



- Mr. Foster Russell of Bridgetown, spent the week end here with his family.

Joe & Louie Gaul 1942 remini.jpg
Joe M. Gaul & Louie (DeAdder) Gaul
Photo 1942

1952 August 25


- Mrs. Kharene Peterson of Dorchester, Mass., who was visiting her sisters, Mrs. T. (Norine) Gaul and Mrs. E. (Louie) Long, was called home by her daughter and family. She left by motor with Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell and Mrs. E. Long. They motored to Yarmouth where they caught the boat to Boston. Mrs. Russell visited friends enroute whom she had met in Normal College.

Kharene, Norine, Francis, Louie & Bob 1932 remini copy resized.jpeg
Photo from around 1932

1953 August 5


- Road work has been going on here for some time with ditching and grading. Number of men are employed.


- Miss. Nina Lowe, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe, returned home after spending several weeks at the V.G. Hospital, Halifax.


- A number of men are now employed in doing the cement work at the community hall. We hope the deed of the land on which the hall will stand has been made to the community. This is a very important matter and one that should not be neglected.

Fair Day 1963.jpg
Photo from Fair Day 1963

1953 August 26

-  Six children will make their first Holy Communion at Mass on Saturday morning.

Sister Rebecca and Sister Francis Josephine. of the Sisters of Charity from St. Patricks School for Boys are here this week instructing the children of the R. C. church. They are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gaul, while here. They have dinners with Mrs. T. Gaul and on several evenings had supper with Mrs. Francis Gaul. Tuesday the sisters had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lonergan.

First Communion 1960  Saint Brigid's remini.jpg
Vincent Casey, Gail Lonergan, Chris Gaul & Barry Lonergan
This 1st Communion Photo was from 1960 at Saint Brigid's in Dalhousie.
Saunders 1.jpg
Leslie & Margaret Rafuse's home.

-  Dr and Mrs. James Long with Teddy and Prian of Pembroke, Ontario, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E.A. Long and sister, Mrs. Foster Russell and Mr. Russell and Peter, On Tuesday, Dr. Long accompanied by his mother motored to New Ross, where they visited friends and rélatives.


-  Repairs to the R.C. Chapel have been completed for now. Harold Veinot has been doing the work assisted by his brother, Lyman.


-  Congratulations are. being extended to Mr, and Mrs. Irving Cook (nee Annie Matthews) on the ar-

rival of a daughter, August 20th., A sister for Theodore and Joan. Mrs.Cook is being cared for by her sister, Mr. &. Mrs. Leslie Rafuse.


-  Mrs. T. Matthews is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rafuse where she is helping to care for her daughter, Mrs. Cook and children.

1955 August 3


-  Mr. and Mrs. Carson Lutz and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wright, Dalhousie East, on Sunday. On Tuesday they visited Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Rhodenizer and Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Rhodenizer.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Carson Lutz, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wright, attended the Sanford-Lonergan wedding at Berwick on Monday evening. 


-  Among members of the Robar family who enjoyed a family picnic at Lake Paul Beach on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robar, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Robar, Deborah, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robar, Marlene and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robar, Fern and Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hubley and sons, of Farmington, Mrs. Merna Robar and Richard, Aylesford, Miss Yvonne Veinotte.

-  Recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gates were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gates, Mrs. Lizzy Weaver, Mrs. Margaret Rooney, Port Williams.

Ray & Helena Gates & Family
Vernon & Flossy Wright  remini 1966.jpg
Vernon & Flossy Wright
Photo 1969
Ray & Helena Gates and Family remini.jpg

1955 August 10


-  Mrs. George Kaulback visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Howard Burgoyne and Mr. Burgoyne and other friends and relatives. 


-  Mrs. Justena Gaul accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGowan, Doris McGowan, Mrs. Hugh Brownell and Tremaine and Catherine Spencer enjoyed a trip to Evangeline Beach one day last week.

1955 August 17


-  Forty friends and relatives attended the wedding of Carl Sanford and Marie Lonergan at the Berwick Baptist Church on July 25th, with the reception in the vestry. 


-  Mr. Edward Oickle, manager of Steadmans Store at Berwick, was with Mr. Beatty a Sunday visitor at V. L. Wright's on Sunday. It was Mr. Oickle's first visit in six years.

1955 August 31


-  Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Cooke and children of Maplewood visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rafuse on Sunday. Mrs. T. Matthews is spending an indefinite time at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Caul and children of Cambridge, N. S., are spending 9 month at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gaul spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Saunders and other friends.

-  Miss Barbara Smith, Halifax, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith. She returned to Halifax on Monday and left by plane on Tuesday for a visit with her aunt, Mins Leah Smith, Cambridge, Mass.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter motored to Bridgewater on Wednesday the 17th. Mrs. E. A, Long visited Mrs. Malinda Beeswanger, New Germany on Wednesday.

-  Mrs. Ed. Armsworthy and children of Halifax are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wright.

1958 August 6


-  Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E..H. Saunders were Mr. and Mrs. Roble Taylor, of Margaretsville; Mr. and Mrs. Reg McGill, of Kentville; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gaul and children.

-  Aubrey de Winters, Charles Kaulback and Arnold Fancy, who have been tallying lumber at Parrsboro, have returned home.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dagle and two daughters, of Ottawa, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harding Gaul for a few  weeks. They 1eft on Monday for a short visit with relatives at Sackvilte, N. B.


-   Mr. Harold Veinotte, who is employed at Kentville, spent a week-end with his wife and family.

-  Sunday visitors at Ivan Crossland's were Mr. Gerald Cooke, of Maplewood, and Miss Margaret Crossland. 


-  Messrs. Ivan Crossland, Henry Matthews and William Gaul were business visitors to Kentville recently.

Aubrey DeWinter & Orpha Hiltz.jpg
Aubrey DeWinter
Charlie & Pearle Kaulback remini.jpg
Charlie Kaulback
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan and daughter, Sherry 1980's.jpg
Arnold Fancy
Ivan Crossland 2002.jpeg
Ivan Crossland
Beatrice, Richmond & Henry Matthews resized.jpg
Henry Matthews
 Emerson & Pearl Lowe 1950's remini.jpg
Emerson & Pearl Lowe
Photo 1950's
Frances Barkhouse 1966  remini.jpg
Frances Barkhouse
Photo 1966

1960 August 3


-  On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rhodenizer, Mrs. Elton Saunders, Mrs. William Beeswanger, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Raimey, Judy and Marlene Silver, all enjoyed a trip to the Ovens.

-  Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sullivan and boys, of Dartmouth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Lowe for the week-end. 


-  Mr. Gerald Cooke, of Berwick, visited at the home of Mr. Ivan Crossland on Sunday. 


-  Miss Beulh Slauenwhite, of Stanburne, is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Oickle.


-  Sorry to report Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse is a patient at the W. K. M. Hospital, Berwick. We wish her a speedy recovery. 


-  Friends and relatives will regret to hear Mr. Charles Lowe will be entering the V. G. Hospital for an operation soon. Wishing him all the best, 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Maxine and Sylvia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morton, Pinehurst last Thursday on their return were accompanied by their grandson John Martin who is visiting them at present.


-  Mr. John Oickle, Lakeview, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oickle and Beulah on Tuesday. Miss Gloria deWinter was a visitor at the same home on Thursday.


-  Miss. Nine Lowe and Bazil Love were married at New Germany on July 30th. The reception was held at his mother's. Mrs. W Lowe the same night on the Alton Road.

-  Miss. Laura Naugler has been calling on old friends at Lakeview and Dalhousie. She will teach the Lake Pa School next year.

-  Thaddeus Gaul visited with his brother and sister on Thursday, James Gaul and Ethel Sanders. 


-  Miss Janet Tracey has been visiting at her aunt Bertha's the last week and Michael Gaul is spending a week of his vacation at Greenwich with Garry Gaul.


-  Mrs. John Gates and Meredith spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, V. L. Wright, East Dalhousie. 

Charlie Lowe.jpg
Charlie Lowe
Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dorothy & Verna Lonergan 1963 remini.jpg
Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dorothy & Verna Lonergan
Nina Lowe married Basil Lowe July 30th 1960.jpg
Nine & Basil Lowe
Photo 1960

1961 August 2


-  Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gaul, John and Mrs. James Gaul were at Falkland Ridge, Thurs., to pick blueberries. The writer recalls days when with horses and hay wagons we went to Waldens Never Tell Barrens for a day's picking, and no one could forget the first view of "Grandmother's head, a rock which was a guide post for the pickers. Also trips to the New Ross barrens by boats rowed the many miles by hand. In those days it was a poor picker who came home with less than a large basketfull. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wilson and their family attended a family reunion at Parkdale on Sunday at the Zwicker home.

View from the top of Grandmother's Head Rock.
paper 1.jpg
Long house for Gaul story.png

1962 August 2


-  On July 26th Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey DeWinters motored to Halifax where their little girl entered the V. G. Hospital, where she will have an operation on her leg. We hope It will be successful. Mrs. DeWinters remained in the city.


-   On Saturday evening, July 28th, a pie sale and dance was held in the Community Hall put on by the people of the community to raise money to help with the annual fair which will be held this month. Returns have not come in as yet.

-  During one of our recent thunder storms Mrs. Margaret Russell's house was struck. Considerable damage was done to the house and the TV set was & total loss. 


-  Mrs. Margaret Russell and Mrs. T. Gaul were Saturday evening visitors at Henry Matthew's and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Lonergan.


-  Mike Gaul returned to his home after two weeks vacation with his grandparents.

The Long / Russell Home

1962  August 8


- On July 29, Basil and Colin Lonergan motored to Aylesford where they visited their brother Clarence whom they found in a very 'bad shape. He is now keeping his bed. 


-  Friends of Colin Lonergan will be sorry to learn that he has to return to the San at Kentville for treatment, soon.


-  Gary Gaul Greenwich, visited his grandparents over the week-end. On Monday July 30, his mother and two daughters motored to New Brunswick. They were joined there by relatives and all took a trip to Detroit. They expect to be gone two weeks.


-  Mrs. Harris (or Harry) Meister and son Rex were here on Sunday calling on relatives. Harold Meister and wife visited here Sunday evening.


-  Ivan Crossland, who is employed at Halifax with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raymon was home over the week- end. 


-  Owing to the absence of Father Theriault P. P., there has been no service here for two Sundays. Church will be resumed again August 12 at 4 p.m. 


-  Mrs. T. Matthews has moved to Dalhousie Road for the summer with her son Henry and family.

L-R Harry Meister, Ronald Strum's sister, Helen, Ronald, Rex Meister, Lois (Mrs. Harry) Fa
Theresa E. (Aalders) Matthews.jpeg
Rex and his mother, Lois Meister
Photo taken at his sister's (Helen) wedding
Crossland siblings Christmas 2002 remini.jpg
Marcus Crossland
Photo 2002
Arthur Crossland and deer remini.jpg
Arthur Crossland
Theresa (Aalders) Matthews

1962 August 22


-  Mr. Aubrey DeWinter, Arthur and Marcus Crossland, and John Legge, who were employed picking tobacco in Ontario, returned to their homes Tuesday.


-  Mrs. Clayton Bezanson and three children, of New Germany; moved to this community this week into the house owned by Mr. Lloyd Veinott. 


-  Miss Judith Lowe visited her sister, Mrs. Basil Lowe this week.


-  Mrs. Quinten Kaulback, who spent a week at Nictaux, with her daughter, Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mr. Smith and children, returned home on Sunday. 


-  Pleased to report Mrs. Guy Fancy returned home from V. G. Hospital last week.

Del Judi and Pearl 1969 remini.jpg
Judi Lowe-Hiltz
Photo 1969
Orpha Hiltz & Amy Kaulback with Marion and Marjorie 1934 remini.jpg
Amy (Alders) Kaulback

Photo 1934
Florence Keddy-Fancy with Grover, Frances and Loretta Keddy remini.jpg
Florence (Keddy) Fancy
& son Grover

Photo 1939
Phil Gaul 1944 remini.jpg
Phil C. Gaul
Photo 1944

1965 August 4


-  Philip Gaul, wife and two daughters and son George were in Dalhousie last week. They were supper guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Gaul and also called on Mrs. Henry Pare. Francis Gaul and the family visited his parents on Sunday. Chris remained to visit his grandparents for a few weeks. 


-  We are sorry to report Mrs. L. Kaulback not too well. She is confined to bed part of the time. 


-  Miss Maxine Lonergan has been to Berwick Hospital for a few days where she received a checkup.


-  Many in Dalhousie are hauling water from nearby lakes for use in their homes during this dry summer, gardens are poor and hay crops light.


-  Mr. Harley Zwicker has gone to Bridgewater where he will be employed. 


-  Veinotte's garage at Dalhousie has been closed.


-  During the week several men of the community gathered at the community hall and made necessary repairs to its foundation.


-  Miss Valeria DeWinters spent two days at the home of Freddie Oickle.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Allie DeWinters visited with Aubrey DeWinters recently and were supper guests.

Louisa Oickle Kaulback 1890's edited.jpg
Louisa (Oickle) Kaulback

Photo 1892
Betty & Harley Zwicker and family.jpg
Harley Zwicker
Valerie Mailman 2008.jpg
Valerie (DeWinter) Mailman
Photo 2008
Maxine Verna Doug Lonergan remini.jpg
Maxine Kenny Lonergan

1965 August 25


-  Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter visited their daughter. Mrs. Maurice Oickle and first grandchild at B. F. M. Hospital, Kentville, Monday night. Maurice Oickle was a caller on Tuesday night.


-  Peter Russell, Gregory Lonergan and Chris Gaul spent Wednesday in Bridgewater. Peter returned to his work at New Minas on Thursday and Chris Gaul who had been visiting his grandparents returned to his home at North Alton.


-  Canvasers have been soliciting for the Community Fair which is to be held in the near future.

David & Wanda Oickle with Jean and Ernie.jpg
Gloria DeWinter Hubley 2008 copy.jpeg
Gloria (DeWinter) Oickle Hubley
Jean (Oickle) Robb
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Oickle

1966 August 3


-  Little Miss Gail Lonergan is spending her vacation at Berwick, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Aseph Alders. 


-  Pat Gaul, Gregory Lonergan and Chubby Zwicker were in Halifax on Sunday. 


-  Mrs. Lorena Crossland and Mrs. Dwayne Veinott were in the Valley on Sunday where they visited Mrs. Veinott's daughter. Mrs. Veinott remained for a week.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meister, Ross, were visitors at Mrs. Meister's parents. Sunday and callers at Mr. and Mrs. Errol Crossland. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gaul were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Gaul. Their son Mike returned home while Chris remained for another week. 


-  This week Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gaul are receiving congratulations on the birth of a little girl, born at the V. G. Hospital.


-  A number of men and trucks are employed on the Aylesford Road where a mile of road is being built (the road was starting to be paved).

-  Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter have returned from a lovely visit to Frye, Maine. They also had a trip to the White Mountain in New Hampshire.


-   Mrs. C. R. Joudrey of Clayton Park is a guest of Mrs. C. E. Wright this week. They visited with Mrs. V. L. Wright and spent Thursday in Bridgewater.


-  Congratulations to Mr. Guy Fancy and Mrs. Nellie Algee who were married (July 27) at the home of Mr. Brownson West at Grafton by Rev. Don Chase on Wednesday.


-  Mrs. C. Low (Del), Mrs. Emmerson Lowe (Pearl) and Judy, Mrs. Arnold Fancy were to Bridgewater on Thursday. 


-  Leslie Rafuse and Leslie Robar are employed on the highway at Lake George.

Alvaretta Rettie Lonergan holding Gail 1955-Colorized.jpg
Gail Lonergan
with her grandmother
Alvaretta R. Lonergan
Photo 1955
Lorena Veinotte Crossland 1959 remini.jpg
Crossland siblings Christmas 2002 remini.jpg
Lorena (Veinotte) Crossland
Guida (Crossland) Veinotte

Photo 2002
Margaret & Peter Russell.jpg
Margaret (Long) Russell
Peter Russell

Photo 1969
Del Judi and Pearl 1969 remini.jpg
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan and daughter, Sherry 1980's.jpg
Del Lowe, Judi Lowe & Pearl Lowe
Photo 1969
Audrey Fancy
Photo 1980's
Curtis Connie Garry Phyllis Mabel resized.JPG
Garry & Phyllis Gaul
1966 Asa & Marie Aalders.jpg

1966 August 17


-  Those confined to their homes this week with hepatitis are John Gaul, Maurice Oickle. James Oickle and Grover Fancy. We wish them all a speedy recovery.


-  Betty Kaulback is enjoying a three week vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaulback. 


-  Mr and Mrs. Garry Gaul are spending a weeks vacation at the home of Gary's grandparents at Dalhousie. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and family of New Ross, were Sunday dinner guests at Margaret Russell's. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Aseph Alders are spending two weeks at Mrs. Alders old home on Dalhousie road. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Pearley Barkhouse have returned home after a visit to Bridgewater. 


-  Mrs. Hazel Bezanson is in Springfield where she is visiting her daughter. 


-  Mrs. Henry Matthews and two boys spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Kaulback.

Asa & Marie (Lonergan) Aalders
Photo 1966
Hazel (Hiltz) Bezanson

Photo 1941
Chesley Hazel  Arnold Bezanson 1941 edited-Colorized.jpg
Henry & Beatrice Matthews remini.jpg
Henry & Beatrice (Lutz) Matthews
1905 Lakeview School copy.jpg
After the William & Naomi Zwicker's home in Lakeview burnt down, the family renovated the old school house (which stood just across the street) into a home for Naomi. This school was opened in 1905 and held its last class there in 1961.

I captured this photo of Naomi looking out through the screen door around 1972. She passed away in February, 1973.
John Gaul 1970.jpg
John Gaul
Photo 1970
Vonnie Casey 1975 remini.jpg
Vonnie (Michaud) Casey
Photo 1975
Alma Oickle remini 2.jpg
Alma L. (Fancy) Oickle
Florence Fancy 1951.jpg
Florence (Keddy) Fancy

1967 August 2

-  Mrs. Margaret Russell was a supper guest of Mrs. Austin Casey, Lakeview, on Sunday also visited Mrs. Naomie Zwicker. Others at the two homes were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Walker and family of Kentville, Pat Gaul of West Northfield, Miss Sonia and Chubby Zwicker of Upper Tantallon and Mr. John Gaul of East Dalhousie.

-  Mr. Quinten Kaulback visited Mr. Freeman Oickle at the home of Fred Oickle on Tuesday. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgoyne of Cherryfield Road spent the evening at the same home.


-  Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter visited relatives at New Ross on Sunday. 


-  Mrs. Austin Casey and daughter Eleanor of Lakeview were supper guests with Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter on Thursday. 


-  Mrs. Guy Fancy and Mrs. Fred Oickle visited Mr. Fancy at the D. M. Hospital on Thursday. Other visitors were Mrs. Errol Crossland (Greta), Mrs. Grover Fancy and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fancy. Pleased to report Guy feeling much better.


-  C.P.L., W. S. Tratt, Mrs. Tratt and Janet, who were visiting Mrs. Tratt's father, Mr. Ronald Smith, returned to Manitoba last week. 


-  Mrs. Maurice Oickle and Jean and Mrs. Ray Hiltz visited Mrs. Ray Gates, New Ross, on Friday. Mrs. Oickle and Jean visited friends at Kentville in the afternoon.


-  Mrs. Maurice Oickle; Mrs. Colin Lonergan and children, Narda and Kim visited Mr. Colin Lonergan at W.K.M. Hospital, Berwick on Tuesday. Since then, Colin has been admitted to the Kentville San, Mrs. Lonergan and girls remained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lonergan, Berwick. 


-  Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter and Gregory Lonergan enjoyed a trip to Halifax on Tuesday.


-  Friends here were saddened to hear of the passing of Mrs. Mabel (Wright) Hube of North Bay, Ontario. 


-  Frlends and relatives of Mr. Guy Fancy will be pleased to hear he is recovering nicely since his operation at the D.M. Hospital, Bridgewater on Monday. Recent visitors were his wife, Mrs. Guy Fancy; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fancy; Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fancy; Mr. and Mrs. Errol Crossland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joudrey.

-  A very enjoyable dance and pie sale was held at the Community Hall on Saturday night. The proceeds which amounted to $213.60 from sale of pies and donations was given to Roy Oickle.

Vernon Wright to sister Mabel 1906.jpg
1906 post card Vernon Wright sent to his sister, Mabel from Crossburn Camp.
Ray & Helena Gates  1942 wedding remini.jpg
Helena (Kaulback) Gates
Photo 1942
Quint Kaulback 1960.jpg
Quintin F. Kaulback
Photo 1960
Ella (Kaulback) Hiltz.jpg
Ella L. (Kaulback) Hiltz
Greta Crossland 2012.jpg
Greta M. (Fancy) Crossland
Photo 2012
Below: Mr. Laurie Wile was often in Dalhousie to be our Auctioneer at the Pie Sales. Here he is auctioning a cake in 1972.
Pie Sale 1972 Laurie Wile remini.jpg
Carrol, Vene, Francis & Phyllis 1995.jpg
Vene (Gaul) Meister
Photo 1997
Phyllis Colin Joan 1945.jpg
Phyllie (Gaul) & Colin Lonergan
Sylvia Lonergan edited remini copy.jpeg
Sylvia Lonergan
Murray & Beulah Barkhouse.jpeg
Murray & Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse
Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg

1970 August 5


-  Sorry to report Donna, Lianna and Nova Lee, children of Mr. and Mrs. Errol Crossland are on the sick list this week. We wish them a complete recovery soon. 


-  Mrs. Harold Meisner (Vene) of New Ross is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. T. Gaul who is not feeling well. 


-  Mr. Peter Russell accompanied by his mother Mrs. Margaret Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Colin Lonergan and Kim were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Aalders, South Berwick.


-  Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Rhodenizer were Mr. and Mrs, Curtis Gaul, Greenwich, N,S. 


-  Mrs. Charles Joudrey and Mrs. Eric Wilson and Jocelyn visited Mrs. Errol Crossland and girls on Thursday.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Murray Barkhouse were to Rockland on Sunday evening and called on Murray's mother, Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse and aunt, Mrs. Helen Spier. 


-  Douglas Lonergan and daughter Sylvia were to Berwick Frida afternoon and were accompanied home by Miss Maxine Lonergan, who spent the week-end with her father and sister. Maxine returned to Halifax Sunday evening with Miss Judy Lowe, who was returning to her position at the V. G. Hospital after 8 two week vacation spent at her home here.


-  Miss Gail Lonergan, who is employed for the summer at Waterville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Colin Lonergan. Gail returned to her work Monday morning with Miss Valerie DeWinter. 


-  Milton Palmer, Millville, was a Sunday visitor of William Gaul and Miss Violet Wentzell. 


-  Many new cabins are being constructed in the area this summer. Two of the more recent ones being Clinton Gaul's (Berwick) and Curtis Boylan's (New Ross) which are built at Lake Torment. 

-  Carson Lutz, Lake Paul  has been employed with his dozer by Henry Matthews during the past week. 


-  Mrs. Charles Lonergan and grandson David of Windermere, daughter Mrs. Carl Sanford Jr., Randy, Cammie and Elizabeth of Kentville were Saturday visitors of Douglas Lonergan, Maxine and Sylvia, Mrs. Lonergan, Randy and David were supper guests of her sister, Mrs. Quintin Kaulback and Mr. Kaulback; Mrs. Sanford, Elizabeth and Cammie were supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Errol Crossland and girls and with Debbie were Saturday evening callers at the Kaulback home. 


-  Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Kaulback were Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Lowe, Mr. and Mr. Errol Crossland and girls, East Dalhousie and Sandra Fisher, Somerset: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Casey and Mrs. Naomi Zwicker were Sunday afternoon callers at the Kaulback's. 


-  Carroll Gaul, West Northfield, spent Saturday night at the home of his mother, Mrs. T. Gaul. Sorry to report Carroll had to motor his mother to Bridgewater Hospital on Sunday where she received medical attended. She returned home Monday evening, having spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Gaul at Northfield. Mrs. Gaul's daughter, Mrs. Harold Meister, New Ross, is presently spending a few days with her mothe.


-   Mrs. Carson Lutz (Alison) and son Gregory were Thursday evening visitors at the Douglas Lonergan home. Mrs. Lutz is spending a week at the home of her mother, Mrs. V. L. Wright, while Mrs. Wright is at Oxford visiting her granddaughter.

Alison (Wright) Lutz

1970 August 26


-  We were sorry to hear of the death of Dorothy Viola Kaulkack, R.N, which took place in Halifax. Dorothy, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bamford Kaulback of Lakeview was very popular with the folks here. 


Left are brothers Guy of Annapolis and Carl. Her brothers Ford and George are dead. She has many cousins still living in Dalhousie. 


She spent most of her life in nursing and spent much time among the Indians in the West. She expressed the fact that the Indians work was a special part of her life. She was buried from the Anglican Church in Bridgetown on Friday at 3 o'clock. Sympathy to her remaining relatives.

-  Mr. and Mrs. Blair Seffern of Seffernville and Mrs. T. Gaul spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter.

-  Mrs. Arnold Fancy and her mother, Mrs. Emerson Lowe motored to Bridgewater on Wednesdav and Mrs. Lowe left by bus for Halifax where she will spend several days with her daughter Judy. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Basil Lowe of Alton Road, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oickle.


-  Mrs. Eric Wilson (Marion) visited Mrs. Errol Crossland (Greta) and girls last Wednesday night. 


-  Mrs. Arnold Fancy, Nolan and Sherry and Mrs. Emerson Lowe, accompanied Miss Judy Lowe to Bridgewater on Saturday. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fancy and children enjoyed a trip to Kedgie Park, also Annapolis on Sunday.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Grover Fancy and family are vacationing this week. 


-  Mr. Blair DeBaie left on Friday for Ontario where he has employment with the Kirk Co.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pineo, of Waterville: Mrs. Lawrence Lonergan and Keith, Berwick were Sunday supper guests of Douglas Lenergan, Maxine and Sylvia.


-  Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pineo, of Waterville; Mrs. Lawrence Lone gan and Keith, Berwick; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeEll and boys, Rockland, Mr, and Mrs. Minard Hiltz, Penny Jones and Mrs. Austin Bezanson, The Forties, visited Mr. and Mrs. Murray Barkhouse and family and Mrs, Hazel Bezanson on Sunday. 


-  Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gates and Eugene, New Ross, visited Mrs. Gate's brother, Quinton Kaulback and Mrs. Kaulback on Sunday and were supper guests.


-  William (Billy) Gaul, Mrs. Claire Boylan and Miss Violet Wentzell were to New Germany on Thursday morning.


-  Murray Barkhouse accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Albert Bezanson (Ruby) and Gwen were business visitors to the Valley on Wednesday afternoon.

Loretta & Blair Seffern & Norine Gaul 1966.jpg
Loretta & Blair Seffern 
with Norine Gaul
Photo 1966
Fred and Alma Oickle copy.jpg
Fred & Alma (Fancy) Oickle
Photo 1980
Wayne & Linda Pineo 2016.jpg
Wayne & Linda Pineo
Photo 2016
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan and daughter, Sherry 1980's.jpg
Arnold & Audrey Fancy
Photo 1980's
Murray Barkhouse remini copy.jpg
Murray Barkhouse
Photo 1955
Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse & Ruby Bezanson 1952.jpg
Ruby (Barkhouse) Bezanson
Eric & Marion Wilson 1951 wedding remini.jpg
Marion (Zwicker) Wilson
Photo 1951

This concludes these pages of articles and photos from the old newspaper that I have collected. 
This website is now full and I can not add any more to it.
I hope you have enjoyed reading these pages.

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