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The November articles which I have published here are from 1914 onward. Reading through these we can see what many of our friends and ancestors were doing and what life must have been like.

Visiting of friends and relatives was a very important part of the country life, as these many write ups in the Bridgewater Bulletin attest. 

I hope you enjoy delving into yesterday, as much as I have in recording it here.

Be sure to click on photos to enlarge them.

Lawrence Gaul.jpg

1913 November 27th  - Mr. Henry Matthews' house was totally destroyed by fire on Monday, Nov. 17th.

1914 November 18th  -  Mr. Lawrence Gaul Jr. has taken possession of the property which he purchased from Theophilus Mack.

1915 November 17th  -  Hemroe Ramey, son of Asaph & Cecilia Ramey, has enlisted. One by one our boys are responding to their country’s call.

1924 November 19th  -  Mr. Ray Hiltz has purchased the store belonging to the estate of Lawrence Gaul.

Lawrence Gaul Jr. (1871-1943) was the nephew of Lawrence Gaul Sr. (1847-1924) I am not sure which Lawrence is in this picture with his oxen.

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Constantine was the son of Lawrence Gaul Sr. This house was then the original home of this family of Lawrence Gaul Sr. that was past down to Constantine and then sold to Ray Hiltz.

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Pearle, Betty & Jack Kaulback.jpg

1935 November 18th  -  Albert Young sold a nice pair of Hereford oxen recently to a party in Alyesford.


                                             -  C.P. Wilson purchased a nice 6 months old Hereford bull recently.


                                             -  Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Saunders

were at Kentville on the 12th attending the funeral of

his brother-in-law, Deacon Major Roope.

1936 November 11th  - Miss. Shirley Armstrong of

Kingston and Miss. O’Brien of Walton have organized

a sewing club. The slate of officers are: President, Pearl

Lowe; Vice-President, Alison Wright; Secretary,

Maxine Lonergan with Mrs. Charles Lowe and

Mrs. V.L. wright, local leaders.


            - Joseph Gaul, Emmerson Lowe and Basil Lonergan have returned home from the Valley and are now employed in cutting Christmas trees.

Elton (1865-1958) & Ethel (1885-1982) Saunders

Elton & Ethel Saunders 1950's.jpg

1939 November 8th  -  Misses Annie Matthews, Phyllis Gaul, Orphan Hiltz, Helena Kaulback and Elaine Veinotte, of Alyesford, spent the weekend at their homes here. They are working in the valley for the fall.


















                     -  Mrs. Charles Kaulback and children, Jackie and Betty Ann, who have been visiting                           the former’s parents in New Ross, returned home on Sunday.


                      -  Clifton Wright, Carl Young, Earl Aalders and Quintin Kaulback left during the week                        to take up their duties on the Christmas tree job.


                     - Mrs. Mabel Gaul and Miss Marguerite Shaw,teachers in Dalhousie Road and                                      Lakeview respectively, are attending Teachers’ Institute at Canning.

Pearle, Betty & Jack Kaulback.jpg
Apple washing at Scotian Gold 1935edited

Pearle Kaulback (1901-2003) with her daughter and son, Betty Ann & Jackie.

1939 November 18th  - Mrs. Martha Gaul has moved to the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.H. Sanders, at East Dalhousie, for the winter months.


            -  We were glad to see Mr. Pearlie Barkhouse and family

home again from the Valley, where they resided during the

apple picking season.


            - Mr. & Mrs. Austin Casey and Mrs. William Zwicker,

Naomi, of Lakeview, were dinner guests at the home of

Mrs. Louisa Kaulback on Sunday. (Louisa was the wife of

Freeman Kaulback.)

Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse 1966.jpg
Kaulback House across from fair mid 1950

Frances (1899-1973)  & Pearlie (1891-1969) Barkhouse

Photo 1966

The farm of Freeman & Louisa Kaulback.

Photo 1950's

1940 November 20th  - Misses. Phyllis, Vivian and Alison Wright,

accompanied by F.C. Emeneau, attended the show, “Silver on the Sage”,

at New Germany on Friday night.

            - Week-end visitors at their homes here were Mr. Carrol and

Miss. Phyllis Gaul, both employed at Alyesford; Mr. Harold Lowe, of

Alyesford, Miss. Annie Matthews, Alyesford and Mr. Douglas Lonergan,

New Germany.


            -  The teachers, Miss. Ruby Schofield of Lakeview and

Miss. Marguerite Shaw of Dalhousie Road, attended the King’s

County Institute. They spent the weekend at their respective homes.

Silver on the Sage.jpg
Chesley Hazel Arnold Bezanson 1941.jpg

Chesley (1939-2017), Hazel (1891-  )

& Arnold Bezanson

1942 November 4th  -  Mrs. Hazel Bezanson returned home on Thursday after spending a week in Halifax.


            -  Quintin Kaulback who is in the employ of Hofert Co., Bridgewater, was home with his family for the weekend.
















           - Mrs. Albert (Bert) L. Gaul, (Ella Russell) of Hinsdale, NH, called on friends recently. She was accompanied by her brother, Foster Russell and Mrs. E.H. Long (Louie DeAdder). Needless to say we were all glad to see Mrs. Gaul after an absence of seven years.

Qunit & car at Hiltz's.jpg

Quint Kaulback (1907-1991)

          -  Mrs. Curtis Gaul and little daughter, Joan, left for Hartland, NB on Friday morning after receiving a telegram from her mother informing her of the sudden passing of her father, Fraser London. We extend sympathy.

Mabel (1912-2007) & daughter, Joan.

Photo taken in Hartland,

probably in 1940/41.

Mabel & Joan Gaul

1942 November 4th - Pte. Charle Kaulback is home on a 16 day furlough. While here he and his family visited friends at New Ross, New Germany and Dalhousie. Pte. Philip Gaul of Debert, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul. Pte. Gaul has just returned from a trip to Cape Breton with Pte. Errol Young. Pte. Young spent the week-end with his wife at the Forties.

Charlie in Pub.jpg

Charlie Kaulback

Philip Gaul

Phil WWII.jpg

Many of the young women and men went to the Valley to work. This is the Scotian Gold apple plant in Alyesford. This was where the girls from Dalhousie worked in the thirties.

1943 November 3rd  -  Pte. Kenneth Barkhouse spent a few days here recently with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse. Another son of Mr. & Mrs. Barkhouse, Vernon, has received his call for military duty.




                                                                              - Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinters of Halifax                                                                                          were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ray Hiltz.


                                                                              -  Mrs. Clifton Wright (Fay Paisley) has                                                                                              returned home after spending several weeks                                                                                  in the USA.

Aubrey DeW holding Gloria, Orpha, her mo
Kenneth Barkhouse.jpg

A young Kenneth Barkhouse.

Photo taken around 1928?

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Austin & Vonnie Casey.

Photo taken in 1973 at their daughter's, Eleanor's, wedding.

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Mrs. Harding (Alberta or Bertie) Gaul

1945 November 14th   -  Mrs. Leslie Robar is a patient at the Berwick hospital. Her father, Mr. Oliver Lohnes, is improving slowly. He was injured when he tried to unhitch a cow tied with a chain.


            - Mrs. C.E. Wright has gone for a visit with a friend in Newport, R.I., who was seriously injured in a car crash. She plans to be away for six weeks.


            - We are sorry to report Miss. Doris Keddy, who has been ill so long and who recently had an operation at the Kentville hospital, is not doing so well. Her sister, Mrs. Guy Fancy (Florence), was a recent visitor at the hospital.


1945 November 14th   - The sad death of Mr. Bamford Kaulback occurred at his home in Lakeview early Tuesday morning, when Mrs. Christy Mosher, who had been in the habit of visiting the old people every morning, found him dead on the door step and on entering the house she found Mrs. Kaulback suffering from shock and cold. Dr. Bezanson of Alyesford was called. He moved Mrs. Kaulback to the Berwick hospital and Mr. Bamford was buried in the Church of England cemetery on Thursday afternoon. His four sons and their wives as well as his daughter Dorothy were in attendance at the funeral.


            - Miss. Bertha Benjamin was a weekend guest of Mrs. T. Gaul’s.


            - Mrs. Ray Gates (Helena) and children of New Ross spent a week

           with her mother, Mrs. L. Kaulback (Louisa).


            - We are sorry to report that Asa Alders was hurt while at work

            and he is now resting at Joe Lonergan’s in Berwick.


Helena Kaulback & Orpha Hiltz.jpg
Bertha White Rock1945-46.jpg

A young Mrs. Ray Gates (Helena Kaulback) with her niece, Orpha Hiltz.

Bertha Benjamin outside her father's home in White Rock.

Photo taken 1945.

Click here to go to Part 2.

The November News

 - Part 2 -

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1943 November 10th   -  The teachers, Miss. Ruby Schofield of Lakeview and Miss. Marguerite Shaw of Dalhousie Road, attended the King’s County Institute. They spent the weekend at their respective homes.  


             - Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Kaulback and baby are spending a week at Lakeview, guests of his brother, George. While here Cecil is enjoying a few days hunting.


                                                 - Austin Casey, Mrs. Casey, Muriel Zwicker, Phyllis Gaul and Carrol Gaul motored to                                                       Bridgewater on Tuesday and enjoyed a show. They were accompanied as far as                                                                   Springfield by Leslie Gaul, teacher at Lakeview, who spent  

                                                a few hours with his mother, Mrs. Harding (Bertie) Gaul.


                                                - We are glad to report that Mrs. Martha Gaul, who has been  

                                                suffering from a broken hip, much improved and now able to  

                                                bear some weight on her leg. This is remarkable considering  

                                                her advanced age (she was 90 and she did die suddenly on  

                                                December 14th of this year). Mrs. E.H. Saunders, who has been  

                                                suffering from a sprained ankle, is not doing so well, we are

                                                sorry to say.

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