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April Part Ia

1900  April 3

- Anyone wanting a first class bicycle, 1899 model, cheap and on good terms, should call at the Bulletin office quickly.

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1900 April 10

- From Pretoria on April 2nd. - Saturday’s fight at Sannah Post was a signal success for Boer tactics. A large detachment of British cavalry was particularly surrounded by the burghers on Friday night. The Boers attacked at daylight, and drove the English into a trap, capturing seven guns and two maxims with over two hundred prisoners. The British retreated southwards. The Boers have advanced within sight of Bloemfontein.

1909  April 22

- Mr. Vernon L. Wright is home having spent the winter in the employ of the Davison Lumber Company.

1911  April 27

- Mr. Elton Saunders and son, Robie Saunders, of Camp 11, of the Davison Lumber Company, spent Easter at home.


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Loading flat cars near Crossburn.

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Joseph Henry "Harry" Matthews

1884 - 1924

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Margaret Mary (Long) Russell

1913 - 1997

1914  April 7

- Coun. Gaul returned last week from a trip to Riverport, bringing back with him a fine horse.

-  E.H. Saunders attended the Good Roads meeting in Kentville on the 28th .

- Clifton E. Wright has purchased a fine horse from F.G. Grimm.

- Mr. McDade of Aylesford, has bought C.P. Wilson’s oxen.

- We are glad to hear that Verna Kaulback is recovering.

- Miss. Martha Gaul 1859-1934 {daughter of Richard and Rosanna (Marren) Gaul} is in poor health. (She never married).

- Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Long and little daughter, Margaret, of East Dalhousie, spent a week among their friends and relatives in New Ross.

- James Gaul and Harry Matthews, of East Dalhousie, were in New Ross recently looking for oxen.

- Several of our young men have gone down the Midland river driving.


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River log driving.

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Edna "Grace" Gaul

1894 - 1977

1918 April 10

- Miss. Grace Gaul came home on the 30th from the Victoria General Hospital, where she has spent the months since Oct. 26th. We are glad to welcome Grace back and hope she may be fully restored to health.


1935  April 1

- Some went away a week ago by motor to spend the week-end got snow blocked and did not return for a week. Next time for a quick trip better depend on an old spavined horse (a horse with swelling and lameness in its hock).

- Our mail driver drove from Springfield, March 30th with a sleigh and delivered the mail. He only drove a wagon a trip or two last month. If Spring is around the corner, it looks as if it was a long corner.

- Messers Alfred Herget and Millage Gates of the Forties were here this week, looking for white-faced steers.

- Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Robar on the arrival of a baby boy.

1935 April 15

- The long expected rain dropped upon us on the afternoon of the 13th, with a high wind and very cold.

- Our neighbour, Gilbert Burgoyne, who is in poor health, had a wood cutting party one day last week. They gathered with axes and saws and did good work in the wood-pile and also in the house at the table.

- Murray Barkhouse, 11-year old, son of Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse, who cut his fingers quite badly with an axe, is reported doing nicely.

- Wallace Lowe had the misfortune to lose his hog.

- Misses. Margaret Long and her cousin, Marjorie Russell, spent the week-end with Margaret’s mother, Mrs. E.A. Long.

- Joseph Gaul, who has been visiting relatives in the United States, has returned home after spending a very enjoyable two and a half months vacation.

- Some are doing quite a business in the maple orchards, making sugar, syrup, etc.

- Ray Hiltz has completed his winter’s saw cut.


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Joseph Mark "Joe" Gaul

1911 -2001

Photo from the 1930's

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Murray Charles Barkhouse

1924 - 1973

Photo from 1955

Ray Hiltz holding Marion Kaulback

Hallet "Ray" Hiltz

1895 - 1955

Holding Marion Kaulback in 1933

1936  April 15

- Walter Young has returned home from the D.M. Hospital where he was confined for 4 months with both legs broken. Welcome home Walter!

- Miss. Beatrice Keddy, Dalhousie Road School teacher, was the guest of Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Wright and family on the 4th.

- Miss. Shirley Wright has gone to Edgehill in Windsor for an indefinite time.

- Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Conrad, of Bridgewater, spent the week-end as guest of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Young.


Ray Hiltz and his garageand hall

Hallet "Ray" Hiltz

In his garden by his garage

with the hall upstairs.

1955 - Aubrey DeWinter's sawmill in Dalh

Lawrence Tupper and Ivan Crossland 

at Aubrey DeWinter's saw mill.

Photo from 1955

1937  April 19

- Mr. Carrol Gaul has purchased a new truck.

- Carrol and Philip Gaul and Quintin Kaulback were in Kentville last week.

1937  April 21

- A Pie Sale was held at Ray Hiltz’s Hall on April 9th for the benefit of the Anglican Church. Although the night was stormy and the roads were very bad, some gathered and they sold 16 pies which cleared them $21.00.

- Miss. Margaret Long is visiting relatives in New Ross.

- Mr. Maurice Taylor and daughter, Judy, are starting for the United States on April 13th to visit relatives in Massachusetts and New York.

- Thaddeus Gaul is fixing up two more cabins at Lake Torment for the sports and fishing.

- Harding Gaul has started his spring cut of shingles. He has in his employ Willian J. Lowe Jr and Harold Veinot.

- Mr. DeWinter and Mr. Gaul are starting their mills for their spring cut of lumber and staves.


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Margaret M. Long

Holding Francis Gaul in 1928

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Thaddeus Gaul

1883 - 1969

Photo taken 1939

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1937  April 23

- The marriage of Lavinia Mary Gaul, Dalhousie, daughter of Thaddeus Gaul and Harold Ralph Meister, New Ross , son of Harold Meister, took place at the United Baptist Church Manse on Friday at 2pm April 23rd. Rev. W.K. Mackay of Trinity United Church performed the ceremony.

Lavinia "Vene" Mary (Gaul) Meister

1912 - 2015

Photo taken at Edge Hill in 1929

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Harold Ralph Meister

1908 - 1977

Photo taken 1976

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The Gaul Homestead as remembered by Phyllis C. (Gaul) Lonergan.

1937  April 24

- Mr. James Gaul had the misfortune to lose his home by fire on Saturday, April 24, 1937. Every effort was made to save it but all was lost but a few household articles. Mrs. Patrick Gaul (Martha) is the guest of Mrs. E. H. Saunders (Ethel), her daughter, and Mrs. James Gaul (Grace) is the guest of her mother, Mrs. L. H.  Gaul (Lucinda).

- One of the worse snow storms of the season fell the night of the 22nd and the following day, the 23rd. A lot of the road had to be shoveled to be able to get a team or car through.


1938  - April 20

- Robert DeWinter, little son of A. DeWinter, is quite sick with the measles.

- Rhodenizer Bros. of Lakeview, had the misfortune of losing one of their valuable horses recently.

- The influenza epidemic is prevalent in this community. Those seriously ill are Mrs. Christie Mosher and little son Billy and Mrs. B. Kaulback, Lakeview. Dr. S. Bennett of New Ross is in attendance. Mrs. A. Isnor, R.N. of Scarsdale is employed at Mrs. Mosher’s while Miss. Dorothy Kaulback, R.N. is taking care of her mother.

- Business visitors to New Ross this week were: Mrs. T. Matthews, William Cross, Basil Lonergan and James Gaul.

Alma L (Fancy) Oickle

1898 - 1997

She was a sister to Guy Fancy.

1938 April 27

- We are sorry to report that Mrs. Fred Oickle is on the sick list.

- Miss. Helena Kaulback spent the past few days at Lakeview a guest of Mr. & Mrs. B. O. Kaulback.

- Harold Meister of New Ross called on friends here recently.

- Basil Lonergan and Thaddeus Gaul were motor visitors to Mahone Bay on Friday.

1939  April 5

- A dance was held at Mr. Guy Fancy’s on Monday night.

Ray & Helena Kaulback Gates  June 3, 194
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Helena (Kaulback) Gates

1912 - 1988

Photo taken 1942.

Guy Ernest Fancy

1903 - 1969

Photo taken at a dance at the new hall in the early 1950's.

1940  April 3

- Mrs. William Zwicker has returned from Aylesford to her home in Lakeview.

- Miss. Marion Kaulback spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss. Orpha Hiltz.

- Mr. E.A. Long, of Rossignol, spent the Easter holidays at his home here.

- Our East Dalhousie School teacher, Miss. Ella Corbin, spent Easter at her home in New Ross.

- Mrs. Evangeline Mack, who is a patient at the D.M. Hospital, is improving nicely.

- Wesley Graves, of Aylesford, milk tester and inspector, was at C.E. Wright’s last week.


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Orpha Hiltz & Amy Kaulback with Marion a
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Naomi Agnes (Boylan) Zwicker

1895 - 1973

Photo from the 1960's.

Edward A. "Eddy" Long

1885 - 1944

Marion E. Kaulback  / Orpha C. Hiltz

1931 - 2014   /  1920 - 1994

Photo around 1934

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Here you can see the fields where the geese made their headquarters.

1940  April 15

- A flock of about one dozen wild geese have been making their head quarters on Clifton Wright’s meadow and on his field; also on E.H. Saunders’ field for several days.

- John Gates, New Ross, was a recent guest if V.L. Wright’s.

- Carrol Gaul, Amos Veinotte and Gerald Cook were business visitors to New Ross on Tuesday.

- Basil Lonergan had the misfortune of losing his car through a fire recently.

2018 Driveway to Annie Johnson's house

- Sorry to report the illness of one of the twin  daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Johnson, Lakeview. Dr. Cunningham, New Germany, is in attendance.

- Ray Joudrey, of Springfield, was a recent guest at the home of James Veinotte.

- We are sorry to report that Sylvester Veinotte, of Aylesford Road, had the misfortune to break his leg on Wednesday. He is now a patient at the Western Kings Memorial Hospital, Berwick.

This photo, taken in 2018, shows the driveway going into the property where the Johnson home once stood in Lakeview.

1941 April 2

- Mrs. John Gates and daughter, Judith, who were guests of Mrs. V.L. Wright, have returned home to New Ross.

- Miss. Sadie Lohnes was week-end guest of Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul.

- Mrs. Basil Robar, who visited her grandmother, Mrs. Bamford Kaulback, has retuned home.

- Charles Kaulback, who was employed at the Stanley Airport, returned home on Sunday. He and his wife and two children have been spending a few days with Mrs. Kaulback’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Broome. Mr. Broome is ill.

- Charles Cogley and Ernest Russell, New Ross, were business visitors here recently.

- Inglis Hiltz, Forties, visited friends in the vicinity during the week.

- Harold Cross is confined to his bed with German Measles.

- Muriel Zwicker, Lakeview, was a recent guest of Phyllis Gaul.

- Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lonergan are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter at the D. M. Hospital Bridgewater on March 25th.

- Asa Aalders and Colin Lonergan motored to New Germany on Thursday.


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Vera  Kaulback, Helen Kaulback,  Rachel

John & Annie Broome

John Gates with daughter, Judith

Photo from 1940's.

Asa D. Aalders

1892 - 1984

Muriel F. (Zwicker) Gaul

1923 - 2001

Photo from 1940

1941  April 23

- It is beginning to look a lot like spring. The snow is disappearing fast and the road men are log dragging the roads.

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1941  April 30

- Louise DeAdder and Joseph Gaul of Boston, Mass., visited his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul, for the Easter holidays. Joe has been called and will serve in the USA Army.

- Miss. Margaret Matthews is employed at the home of Austin Casey in Lakeview, for an indefinite time.

- Mr. Herbert Oyler and son, Donald, Dr. Shaffner and Gordon Neery, all of Kentville, made the first fishing trip of the season to Gaul’s cabins at Lake Torment. Although the weather was cold, they returned with a good catch of fine trout.

- Mrs. Guy Fancy, Dalhousie, was a recent

visitor at the home of her parents,

Mr. & Mrs. E. Keddy.

Margaret Matthews Rafuse at Matthews hom
Florence Keddy-Fancy with Grover, France
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Margaret M. (Matthews) Rafuse

1918 - 2005

Photo from early 1930's.

Joseph M. Gaul & Louie (DeAdder) Gaul

1911 - 2001  /  1909- 2001

Photo from 1942.

Keddy home in New Ross

Florence E. (Keddy) Fancy, Frances Keddy, Loretta Keddy with Florence's son, Grover.

Photo from around 1938

1943  April 7

- Pte. Ethan Veinot spent a few days last week with his wife and child.

- Mrs. hazel Bezanson has had a short visit with her husband, who is recovering from a serious illness.

- Owing to the measles our school at Dalhousie Road has been closed this week.

- Miss. Margaret Matthews has returned from Aylesford where she was employed for several months.

Ella Lamina (Kaulback) Hiltz

1893 - 1981

Photo from the 1920's?

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1943  April 21

- Pte Kenneth Barkhouse spent a few days with his parents.

- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter, Halifax, were week-end guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hiltz. On their return to the city they were accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Hiltz. While in the city Mr. Hiltz will undergo a serious operation. We are wishing him a complete recovery.

- Misses Annie Matthews and Elaine Veinotte have returned home here from Berwick, where they were employed for several months.

- Curtis Gaul has gone back to his work in Halifax , completely recovered from his recent illness.

- Our school at Dalhousie Road which was closed has been reopened with good attendance.


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Annie Cecilia (Matthews) Cooke

1921 -

Photo from the 1940's?

1943 April 28

- Vivian Wright has been admitted to the Kentville Sanitarium for treatment  after an attack of pleurisy.

- Mrs. John Gates returned to New Ross after a visit with her parents.

- Miss. Ethel Wright, of Taconia, Washington, arrives tomorrow to visit her father and brothers. This is her first visit in nine years.

- Those here for the Easter vacation were:  Eleanor Young, Alison and Phyllis Wright, Cecil Veinot and Carson Lutz.

- Elaine Veinot is a victim of the mumps, as is also Annie Matthews. Who next?

- Mrs. Asa Aalders spent several days at the home of her brother, Charles Lonergan.

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- The regular monthly meeting of the Red Cross Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Hiltz, on Friday afternoon, April 16, where another quilt was tied. Plans were made for the tying of another quilt at the next meeting which will be held at Mrs. Guy Fancy’s on May 7th.

Marie C.D. (Lonergan) Aalders

1904 - 1992

Photo from 1966

Hiltz Home

Photo from mid 1920's

1945 April 4

- The pie  sale in Ray Hiltz’s hall on St. Patrick’s Day for the Anglican Church was a success, the sum of $89.00 being taken in. Expenses were small.

- The Travelling Apron, an idea of Mrs. James Veinot, and made by her, was returned to her having been at the homes of Mrs. Albert Robar, Mrs. Emerson Veinot, Mrs. Ray Hiltz, Mrs. Emerson Lowe, Mrs. Guy Fancy, Mrs. Gordon Veinot and Mrs. E.H. Saunders. When the patches, which had been sewn over contributions by different persons were removed, they were found to have covered $24.46. Mrs. Saunders donated 54 cents which brought the total to $25. An unusual idea and amusing too; especially, when the masculine sex were seen doing the patching. The money is to be used for the Anglican church purposes.

- This week we are sorry to report that Carrol Gaul has been confined to his bed with a bad cold. His garage has been closed for several days.

- The Barkhouse brothers have returned to Dalhousie after completing their logging on the Aylesford Road.


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Annie Marie (Bezanson) Lonergan

1924 - 2015

Hazel Catherine (Hiltz) Bezanson

1905 - 1997

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Austin Gerald Casey

1909 - 2000

Photo from 1975

1945  April 11

- Mr. & Mrs. James Veinotte enjoyed a few days with their son, Ronald, his wife and children recently. Ronald has been stationed on PEI, but on return to duty he is to report to Moncton, NB. From there he expects to be sent elsewhere.

- Miss. Annie Bezanson is spending some time in Halifax visiting her sister, Minnie.

- Miss. Marion Bezanson has returned from her work in Berwick and is now with her mother, Mrs. H. Bezanson.

- Miss. Mable Oickle, who has been employed in Berwick, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle.

- On Thursday Mrs. Wm Zwicker visiter at the home of Mrs. C. Gaul.

- Pte Austin Casey, Aldershot, was home for a few days last week.

- John Gaul, who has been very ill, is now a patient in the Berwick hospital.

- Miss. Marie McCormick is visiting at the home of Ray Hiltz and Aubrey DeWinters, where she will be employed for some time.

- It’s great to think that the war in Europe is almost to an end. In a recent letter from Pte. Philip Gaul to his mother he says:


“We have the Germans beaten, and, Mother, it is great to know that your boy has taken a part in this fight. I have been in France, Belgium, Holland and now Germany, since D-day. Believe me, it has been a great show, and I would not have missed it for anything. I have been lucky, but I think it has been your prayers that have brought me luck. There is hardly a church left here to pray in, but you who have churches and the time to do it, pray that our God will not be forgotten at the peace conference, when the leaders meet April 26th in California. I hope my brother, Joe, will be lucky and return safe after the Japs are defeated. Remember me to all my friends. Say I will soon be with them again. You, Mother, will be one of the many who will be proud on V-Day, for the boys have done a great job. Your loving son, Philip.”

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Philip Cecil Gaul

1916 - 1980

Photo from the 1940's

Louisa R. (Oickle) Kaulback

1873 - 1966

Photo from around 1914

1946 April 6

- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter and Mrs.L. Kaulback made business trip to Bridgewater on Monday.

- Pte. Austin Casey has returned from Springhill, where he visited his mother and other relatives, after being discharged from the army.

- Mrs. Louise Kaulback has gone to the Forties where she will spend one time with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Gates.

- Pte. Lawrence Lonergan spent a few days at his home here.

- Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morton (Dorothy) and child were guests at Mr. Douglas Lonergan’s last week.

- Pte. Earl Young, Pte. Murray Veinotte and Pte. Philip Gaul returned from Halifax on Monday, where they received their honourable discharge from the Canadian army.

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Freeman, Quintin & Louisa Kaulback ~1913
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Dorothy P. (Lonergan)


1920 - 2005

Photo from 1933?

Lawrence D. Lonergan

1924 - 1997

1946 April 10

- Pte. Eric Wilson is due in Halifax from Nassau, Bahamas, where he was posted for several years.

- Charles Lonergan is busy with truck and split drag improving the highway by levelling the ruts.

- A horse which Mr. Scott Browne traded with Horace Young, Springfield, ran away from its driver and after several attempts to stop it had failed, it was caught by C.E. Wright and returned to the owner.

- Your scribe, while out for a walk on Sunday, March 31, picked a bunch of Mayflowers, which is the first to be had in this district.

- Mrs. Louise Kaulback is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Gates, New Ross, helping care for her new grand-daughter, Mona Louise.

- While traveling from Lakeview on Friday, Mr. John Oickle saw two moose. He reports them just losing their hair, so they are not as sleek as usual.

- Mrs. Freddie Oickle is spending some time with Mrs. Johnnie Oickle at Lakeview.

- Mrs. Rachael Johnson has returned from the Berwick Hospital and is recovering from her operation at her home in Lakeview.

- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul are receiving congratulations on the birth of their son on April 3.

- The winter which came to us the first of April, has been a great help to the men in getting their logs out of the woods.

- Recently Mr. James Veinotte of Dalhousie, had eggs to market. Half a dozen tipped the scales at one pound!


1946 April 17

- Mr. Pearlie Barkhouse and son, Murray, spend some time in this place last week. We regret to report that Mr. Pearlie Barkhouse is not so well.

- Two more Dalhousie boys have returned from overseas: Paul Oickle and Eric Wilson. We extend to each a hearty welcome.


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Pearlie Harold Barkhouse

1891 - 1969

Photo from 1966

Murray Charles Barkhouse

1924 - 1973

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