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Part II b

Aldershot 1943 aa.jpg

Camp Aldershot 1940's

Beatrice, Richmond & Henry Matthews resi
Annie Bezanson Lonergan.jpg

1945  May 3

- Pte. Laurence Lonergan, Aldershot, was home for the week-end. He was accompanied by his cousin, Margaret Lonergan.

- Miss. Annie Bezanson is spending a week at Berwick with friends.

- Miss. Beatrice Lutz visited Mrs. T. Matthews last week.

- Mrs. Asa Aalders has been to Berwick and Kentville for an x-ray. She was accompanied by Mrs. Lee Oickle who also went for medical treatment.

- Mr. Ray Hiltz is attending council at Kentville this week.

- Mr. E.H. Saunders has sold his property to Basil Lonergan on the south side of the road and is making preparations to build on the north side of the road.

Beatrice (Lutz) Matthews

Annie M. (Bezanson) Lonergan


Marie Lonergan Aalders.jpg
Ray Hiltz, Guy.jpg

Marie C. (Lonergan) Aalders


Hallet "Ray" Hiltz


Cornwallis Inn.jpg

1945 May 16

- Miss. Annie Bezanson has gone to Kentville, where she is employed at the Cornwallis Inn.

- Johnnie Gaul, who is a patient at the Berwick hospital, has undergone a second operation and is making good improvements.

- Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Crossland and family have taken over the Amos Veinotte property and have moved there to look after the old people.

- The Pie Sale that was held at the Ray Hiltz hall was quite a success. In spite of the rain a crowd gathered and the sum of $79 was taken in. Music was furnished by Mrs. Quintin Kaulback and daughter, Phyllis.

- Miss. Phyllis Gaul has gone to New Ross where she

will remain for some time.

- Mr. Ethan Veinotte has gone to Camp Hill hospital,

where he will receive medical treatment.

- VE-Day was observed very quietly in this place.

The ringing of the church bells denoted that once

again God is more powerful than the devil.

There is still many a Canadian boy in the war

against Japan.

VE Day.jpeg

1947 May 7

- Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy, who for the past year, have run the farm and store for Basil E. Lonergan, have finished their contract and moved back to their own home.

- Mr. A.B. Lutz and Mrs. Charles Lutz were visitors here on Wednesday and attended the meeting of the Glee Club at Mrs.Clifton E Wright’s where games and music were enjoyed.

- A number from here attended the Pie Sale and Sing Song in the Baptist vestry at Springfield on Tuesday night.

- Mrs. Charles Lowe visited Mrs. Fred Oickle, who has been laid up for several weeks with an injured foot.

- Lorimer L.(son of Vernon & Florence) Wright is employed with the McCullough Company, Bridgewater.

- Mr. Theodore Keddy, of Truro, and Miss. Alberta Keddy, who is teaching in Springfield, spent Sunday with their parents, Coun. and Mrs. E.J. Keddy, Forties.


Florence & Guy Fancy.jpg
Alma & Fred Oickle Stanburne 1924.jpg
 Dell and Charlie Lowe. This phot was ta

Guy & Florence (Keddy) Fancy

1903-1969 / 1910-1964

Nina Ardelice "Dell"  (Veinotte) Lowe


Alma Lavinia (Fancy) Oickle


1947 May 14

- The proceeds from the Pie Sale held on May 2nd at the East Dalhousie School, $62.00, have been forwarded to the Cancer Society, Halifax. The teacher and students wish to thank all who helped.

- Mr. Spurge Cross and party, of Kentville, spent a number of days fishing at Gaul’s cottages, Lake Torment. They took back with them a number of fine trout.

- Owing to the cold spring and heavy rain last week the fishing here has not been good. We trust from now on, many of the large ones will be taken from the lake.

- The Red Cross Drive is now closed. Following are the names of those who bought stickers at Dalhousie:

Mrs. James Gaul, Mr. James Gaul, Mrs. Laurence Gaul, Mr. Scott Brownie, Mr. Eric Wilson, Mrs. E.H. Saunders, Mrs. Curtis Gaul, Mrs. C.E. Wright, Mr. V.L. Wright, Mr. John Legge, Mr. William Gaul, Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter, Mrs. Carrol Gaul, Mrs. C Bezanson, Miss. Marion Bezanson, Mrs. Charles Kaulback, Mrs. Quintin Kaulback, Mr. Arthur Benjamin, Miss. Frances Benjamin, Mr. Francis Gaul, Mr. Aubrey Tracey, Mrs. Austin Casey,


Thaddy with Trout 1935.jpg

Mrs. Christine Mosher, Mr. William Barkhouse, Mrs. Vernon Joudrey, Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mr. Vernon Joudrey, Mr. Emerson Lowe, Mr. Errol Crossland, Mr. Charles Lowe, Mr. Charle Lonergan, Mr. John Gaul, Mr. Albert Robar, Mr. Dan Lonergan, Miss. Maxine Lonergan, Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Mr. LaMont Veinotte, Mrs. Harding Gaul, Mrs. Stanley Crossland, Mrs. Aseph Alders, Mrs. Lee Oickle, Mrs. T Matthews, Mr. Henry Matthews.

The money was sent to head office together with what we had on hand from our Dalhousie Red Cross. So ends over SEVEN years of WAR-WORK. A Letter of thanks was received from England for the food we sent. Before closing the members of the Dalhousie Red Cross thanked all who helped during those years.

Harold Lowe (left) and Emerson Lowe (rig
Camp Aldershot  Charlie Kaulback & Stan
Annie Johnson.jpg

Harold Lowe and Emerson Lowe


Charlie E. Kaulback


(Photo 1943)

Annie (Lohnes) Johnson


(Photo 1947)

Bertha & Francis 1946 edited.jpg

Francis & Bertha (Benjamin) Gaul

1927-2007 / 1926-

(Photo 1945)

1949 May 18

- Harold Lowe, Charlie Kaulback and Ervin Cook left on Monday for New Brunswick, where thy will be employed with the Dept. of Lands and Forests surveying party.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul and family left by car for White Rock, where they plan to stay a couple of weeks, where Francis will receive medical treatment.

- Miss. Marie McCormick spent Sunday with her mother (Annie [Lohnes] McCormick

then Johnson) in Lakeview. (Marie married Guy Hiltz).

- Mrs. Theresa Matthews and daughter, Margaret, accompanied by Mr. Leslie

Rafuse, motored to Halifax on Friday, where they spent the week-end with

Mrs. Matthews’ brother, Harvey Aalders

Margaret Matthews Rafuse at Matthews hom

Margaret (Matthews) Rafuse


- Mr. & Mrs. Lee Rhodenizer of Florida, arrived here during the week, and will spend the summer at their home at Gloria Lodge.

Mrs. Guy Fancy is employed at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Hibbert Keddy, Forties. Mr. & Mrs. Keddy are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son.  (Hubert Keddy’s grocery truck)

Rhodenizer fireplace 2009 resized.jpg

All that is left of the beautiful summer home

of the Rhodenizers - Gloria Lodge.

(Photo 2018)

1951  May 2

- Miss. Marie Lonergan has gone to New Germany where she is employed at the store of Mr. E. J. Ramey.

- Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Barkhouse and children spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse.

- Gerald Cook of New Burn, spent several days visiting Mrs. Lorena Crossland and family, and his grandfather, Mr. Amos Veinot, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle were guest at the same home on the 23rd.

- Grover Fancy is staying with his sister, Mrs. Charles Joudrey, Cherryfield Road. He travels on his bicycle to East Dalhousie School.

- Miss. Nina Lowe arrived home on Friday from the Children’s Hospital, Halifax. Her many friends hope she will enjoy good health and are pleased to see her home.

- Mrs. Ray Hiltz, Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter and Gloria and Mrs. Louisa Kaulback were business visitors to New Germany during the week.


Guy and Florence Fancy's four children .
Nina Lowe.jpg
Louisa Oickle Kaulback 1890's edited.jpg
Greta & Errol Behind them from left to r

Lorena I. (Veinotte) Crossland


(Photo from 1959)

Louisa R. (Oickle) Kaulback


(Photo from 1890)

Nina L. (Lowe) Lowe


(Photo from 1950's)

Grover Bennett Fancy

(An early photo of Grover)

Hiltz Dance Hall edited.jpg

Ray Hiltz's Dance Hall

- The Pie Sale and dance at Ray Hiltz’s Hall on April 27th, proved a success. The sum of $88.40 was made on pies. There was a grab box and sale of fudge. The pies were auctioned off by Clifton Wright. Music was furnished by Mrs. Quintin Kaulback and Phyllis Kaulback and Mr. Royce Wentzel. Money to be used for shingling the church. Errol Crossland had the lucky ticket, No. 23, on the quilt, which was ticketed off the night of the pie sale.

Mabel G. (London) Gaul


(Photo from 1957)

Paul Robar

(Photo from 1951)

Rhena (Fancy) Joudrey

Mrs. Charles Joudrey

(Photo from 2018)

Rhena Joudrey Dec 2018.jpg
1957-2 Photo by Curtis -  Joe, ?, Louie,

1951  May 16

- The Junior Red Cross and teacher, that was Mabel (London) Gaul, at Dalhousie East, sent $10.00 to the Crippled Children’s Fund and $10.00 to the Walter Callow Fund.

- Mrs. T. Matthews spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse and she spent Friday at the home of Mrs. E.A. Long.

- Mrs. Charles Joudrey and Joyce, of Cherryfield Road, visited at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy on Monday evening.

- We are pleased to see that Paul Robar is erecting a new house on his farm. The old house burned at the time it belonged to Mr. & Mrs. Harry Joudrey.

- Mrs. Stewart Veinotte, Dalhousie East, recently spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Robar.

Hiltz Dance Hall edited.jpg

Charles "Charlie" Angus Lowe

1887 - 1962

Charles "Charlie" Angus Lowe

1887 - 1962

1953  May 6

- Mrs. V.L. Wright and son Donald were called to Sydney Mines to see her son Lorimer who is hospitalized after being in a car accident ( he suffered  a broken jaw, chipped pelvic bone and a concussion).

- Mrs. Louisa Kaulback has returned from Berwick Hospital, where she underwent an operation on her eye.

- Mrs. Lee Oickle is somewhat improved after a few weeks of illness, part of which she spent in the Berwick Hospital.

- Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe and daughter, Judi, Miss. Lois Oickle and Basil Lonergan visited relatives at Berwick on Monday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter spent Saturday afternoon in New Germany.

- Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGowan were Mr. & Mrs. Harry Mailman and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mailman, of Albany, Mr. & Mrs. Willard Swallow, Falkland Ridge, were recent visitors at the same home.

- The R.C. pie sale on Saturday night turned in $87.00.

- There was a business meeting for the community centre on Friday night. A lot of work was planned for.

- Donald Gaul spent the week-end in Halifax.

- Mr. Archie Lowe and son Garfield, accompanied by Leslie Rafuse, East Dalhousie, motored to Aylesford on business Wednesday evening.

Donald Wright and Guy Fancy.jpg

Donald "Donnie" M. Wright


(Photo from the early 1950's)

Ladies Seated.jpeg

Louisa R. (Oickle) Kaulback


(Photo from around 1915)

Emerson and Pearl Lowe with their childr

Emerson & Pearl Lowe

1915-2001 / 1921-1999

Nina, Audrey & Judi

(Photo from 1949)

1953  May 27

- Mr. & Mrs. John Gates and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wright in Dalhousie.

1954  May 12

- On Saturday night Messrs. John Larder and Vincent Hughes gave a TV demonstration  at C. E. Wright’s. A number of local folk and Mr. & Mrs. Archie Lowe, of Cherryfield, enjoyed the demonstration.

- Mrs. Quintin Kaulback visited her daughter in Nictaux, today.

- Rev. L. Surrette, of Yarmouth, was a week-end guest of Mrs. E.A. Long and Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell. They held a service at the R.C. Church, a.m.

1952 Admiral .jpg

- Mr. V.L. Wright lost a brooder house and 265 chickens in a morning fire. The cause is undetermined  as the building and stove were in good condition. Thanks to all the friends who helped keep the fire in check. You can’t beat Dalhousie in time of need.

VL Wright Store& Home.jpg

Charles "Charlie" Angus Lowe

1887 - 1962

Mannie Oickle, Del Lowe, Harold Lowe (sm
Florence Wright a.jpg

1956  May 16

- Albert Lowe is employed with Mr. Charles Lowe, Dalhouise Road, for an indefinite time.

- Maurice Oickle spent last week driving Billy Gaul’s truck at Annapolis Royal. A number of trucks were hauling lumber for Mr. Harold Reeves.

- Mr. & Mrs. Carson Lutz  and Burton Lutz were recent visitors to Halifax. They were dinner guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. George Rossley. They also attended the Mental Health Clinic at the V.G. Hospital.

- Mrs. Vernon Wright, Dalhousie, spent several days at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Carson Lutz last week. Mr. & Mrs. John Gates, Merlin and Meredith, of New Ross, were Sunday guests at the same home.

- Mrs. Carolyn Joudrey and Erin Lutz attended the reception at Berwick on Tuesday evening for her sister, Beatrice, who were recently married.

Florence "Flossie" (Rhodenizer) Wright


1956  May 23

- There are several cases of German measles in this vicinity. Mrs. Harold Veinot, Mrs. Garnet Joudrey and Jackie Kaulback have had them recently.

- Sorry to report that Pearl Bezanson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bezanson, a patient at the W.K.M. Hospital, Berwick. She had an operation on Monday.

- Miss Greta Fancy and Miss. Audrey Lowe, who have been employed at Berwick for many months, have returned to their homes.

- Mrs. Lorena Crossland is employed with Mrs. Clifton Wright for an indefinite time.

- Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Charles Kaulback on the death of her mother, Mrs. John Broome (Annie), of New Ross. Mrs. Kaulback spent many months helping care for her mother.

- Pleased to report Peter Russell who had been sick with a cold and then German measles is back to school again after being home for a few weeks.

- The bingo party and lunch sale held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy on Wednesday night was well attended. The sum of $41.35 was received clear of expenses. Folks were there from New Ross, Stanburne and Lakeview. Proceeds to be used for church purposes.

Pearl Bezanson 2010.jpg
Emerson and Pearl Lowe with their childr
John & Annie Broome.jpg
Guy Fancy house 1970.jpg

Pearl Bezanson


Audrey Lowe

(Photo from 1949)

Annie (Leopold) Broome


Home of Guy & Florence Fancy

1956  May 30

- On Tuesday of last week the community was shocked to hear of the sudden passing away in his sleep of Ozem “Ozie” Oickle (1895-1956), of Lakeview. He lived alone and was found by a neighbour the next day who was alarmed when he was not around to tend his stock. He celebrated his 61th birthday only a few days before. He is survived by six brothers, Fred, Lee, Manuel, John, William, all of Dalhousie, Freeman of Dorchester, Mass. and several nieces and nephews.

- Mrs. Harold Meister, of New Ross, was a recent visitor of Mr. T. Gaul. She also called on other relatives.

- Despite the cold spring Henry Pare’s cabins at Lake Torment have been filled to capacity. Several fine trout have been taken from the lake.

- Our teacher, Miss. Maxine Lonergan, is among those who are at present sick with the measles.

- Austin Casey has returned to his work after being called to see his mother in Springhill who suffered a stroke.

- Mr. Colin Lonergan is now employed with the Fuller Brush Company. We wish him every success.

- Mass was held at the R.C. Church at 5 o’clock Sunday by Fr. A.R. Simpson. Mass will beheld at the same time every Sunday this summer.

- On Thursday a number of cars took about 40 children and their teachers from East Dalhousie, Lakeview and Dalhousie to attend the polio clinic at Morristown.

Vene (Gaul) Meister & Joe Gaul.jpg
Maxine, Verna & Doug Lonergan.jpg
Fuller Brush.jpg

Mrs. Harold Meister

Lavinia Mary (Gaul) Meister


Maxine Kenny Lonergan


A Fuller Brush Man's

trunk loaded for business.

1958  May 7

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joudrey and family and Mr. & Mrs. Lawson Robar and Myles were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and family, Dalhousie.

- Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Maxine & Sylvia visited Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morton, Wayne & John in Pinehurst on Sunday.

- Arnold & Chesley Bezanson, Halifax, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Hazel Bezanson at the home of Roy Barkhouse.

- Miss. Audrey Lowe and Arnold Fancy called on friends in Berwick on Sunday.

- Mrs. Parker Neily and children of Middleton spent Sunday afternoon visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles McGowan and Mr. McGowan.

- Mr. & Mrs. Merlyn Wright and children of New Germany visited Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Wright in Sunday.

Chesley, Hazel & Arnold Bezanson 1941 ed
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an

Chesley, Hazel & Arnold Bezanson

(Photo from 1941)

Arnold Fancy & Audrey Lowe

After they became Mr. & Mrs.

1958  May 21

- Inspector S.C. Gordon, Wolfville, called on the school on Thursday. Mr. Paul Eaton, Agricultural Rep, was visitor on Monday.

- Sorry to report that Miss. Maxine Lonergan is not feeling too well. Miss Audrey Lowe, who was employed at Waterville, returned home on Wednesday and will teach the Dalhousie Road School while Maxine rests at home.

- Arnold Fancy accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Guy Fancy, Mrs. E.H. Saunders and Mrs. Fred Oickle spent Thursday at Bridgewater.

- Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Slauenwhite, Beulah and Brian, Stanburne, visited Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle and Maurice on Saturday.

1961  May 3

- Several carloads of fishermen were here with their boats only to find all our lakes still have from 12 to 18 inches of ice. This sets an all-time record. No frogs or peepers have been heard to date.

- Vet. Emerson North has been called to Leslie Rafuse’s and Tom Lohnes’. Sorry to say Mr. Rafuse lost a valuable horse.

- Mrs. Errol Crossland as well as Carroll and Julia Crouse have completed their teaching practice and plan to return to P.N.C. on Sunday.

- Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. John Gates, New Ross, Mr. & Mrs, John Kaulback, Dartmouth, Mr. & Mrs. Vere Wentzel, of Falkland Ridge, and Mr. & Mrs. R. Wheadon on the arrival of their respective bundles from heaven this week.

- The highway in front of the Wright homes has long

been known as a danger spot because of a hill which

obscures the view from both directions. We have tried

in vain to get action to either build up the road or post

signs. Numerous accidents have happened here and

many “misses”. We hope now for action to have the

condition remedied.

- Mr. H.L. Gaul attended council meeting two days of

last week.

- Mrs. V.L. Wright visited her daughter, Mrs. Carson

Lutz, at Lake Paul on Friday and attended an

interesting 4-H Club meeting at the school house.

Vernon L. Wright former home 2018 (2).jp

1961  May 24

- Mr. V.L. Wright has passed over his fertilizer business to Leslie Rafuse. This has been handled by the Wright family for over 70 years. Due to the heavy work involved Mr. Wright felt he should pass it on to a younger man.

- Mr. G. Porter and crew have started work on the Crossburn-Donnelan access road in Annapolis side of the county line.

- On Tuesday, May 9th, Mrs. Carrol, Mrs. Francis and Mrs. T Gaul, also Mrs. Colin Lonergan motored to Wolville for the annual Acadia University Convocation. The Gaul’s were interested in Joan Gaul and her mother, Mrs. Curtis Gaul, who both received their arts degree.  A very unusual thing for a mother and daughter to graduate on the same day. We extend our congratulations to both, and wish them luck in the future.

- Mrs. Louisa Kaulback recently visited the Kentville San. were she had x-rays. We hope she will receive good reports.

- On Sunday, Mrs. William (Naomi) Zwicker spent a few hours with her mother-in-law, Mrs. (Alberdina Adelaide Daniels) Zwicker (b. 1863 d.?), who celebrated her 98th birthday and is still very active.

- Mrs. Colin Lonergan was a Friday guest at Mr. & Mrs. Henry Matthews.

- Murray Barkhouse had his mother, Frances, and little son to Berwick on Thursday where both had medical aid.

Joan & Mabel copy.jpg
Leslie Rafuse & Amy Kaulback.JPG
Freeman, Quintin & Louisa Kaulback ~1913
Murray Barkhouse 1955.jpg
Beatrice, Richmond & Henry Matthews resi
Naomi Zwicker.jpg
Colin Phyllis & family 1960.jpg

Joan (Gaul) Meloni

& Mabel (London) Gaul

(Photo from 1961)

Leslie J.M. Rafuse


Louisa R. (Oickle) Kaulback


(Photo from 1914)

Colin D. Lonergan & Phyllis C. (Gaul) Lonergan

1914-1986 / 1916-2008

Murray Charles Barkhouse


Naomi A. (Boylan) Zwicker


Beatrice (Lutz) & Henry J Matthews

& son


(Photo from 1949)

1970 Frances Tracey cutting cake at Gaul

Aubrey & Frances Tracey Family

Visiting the Francis & Bertha Gaul Family

Ted & Loretta Keddy 1956.jpg

Ted & Loretta Keddy

On the occasion of their 50th.

1975-31a Muriel & Carroll Gaul's 30th An

1961  May 31

- Francis Gaul and Harold Veinott who are employed at Middleton were home for the long week-end.

- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Tracey and family spent the long week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul.

- Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy visited Mrs. Fancy’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Keddy, Forties., Saturday evening the occasion being Mr. Keddy’s 85th birthday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Murray Sullivan and boys, of Dartmouth, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe. They also visited other relatives.

- A very successful Pie Sale was held at the Community Hall Saturday night, May 20th. Proceeds of $114.00 from sale pf pies, fudge, parcel post and 10 cent parcels, to be used for Anglican Church purposes. Mrs. Gordon Veinott Jr held the lucky ticket on a lovely cushion, donated by Mrs. Gordon Veinott (Oran Luella), Sr. Thanks to all who helped in any way to make this pie sale a success.

- Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy, Miss Sharon Steeves and Grover Fancy motored to Middleton on Tuesday. Grover had his injured neck examined at the hospital and we regret to report he remained at the hospital for a short time.

- Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter attended the show at the Drive-In at West Northfield Wednesday night. Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul accompanied them to the show.

- Gerald MacKay and David Veinotte were supper guests of Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter on Saturday. They called at several home canvassing for the Salvation Army.

Muriel & Carroll Gaul 

1923-2001 / 1910-2011

(Photo from 1975)

1963  May 1

- On Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Barkhouse, David, Evelyn and Peter and Miss. Beatrice Turner, of Halifax, were dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Murray Barkhouse and family. In the afternoon they called at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bezanson and family and were supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lonergan, Maxine & Sylvia.

- Mr. Albert Bezanson was to Halifax one day last week.

- Glenn Lonergan, Berwick, spent several days of his Easter vacation with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lonergan and his aunts, Maxine & Sylvia.

- Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse are spending some time visiting Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McLean, Kingston, and their son Vernon and Mrs. Barkhouse and family in Rockland.

- Miss. Maxine Lonergan has returned to her duties at WKDHS, Auburn, after spending the Easter vacation at her home here.

- Colin Lonergan returned to the N.S. Sanatorium on Thursday after spending ten days with his family here.

- Mr. Maurice Oickle called on his niece, Mrs. Gilbert Wagner, Nictaux, on Tuesday.

- Messrs. Lloyd Keddy, Dick Keddy, Foster Hiltz and Mrs. Ruby Vardol, all of the Forties, called on Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy Saturday night.

- Mrs. Emerson Lowe returned home after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Charles Lowe (Del) and Mrs. Harold Lowe and girls, Bridgewater. Pleased to hear that Mrs. C. Lowe is recovering nicely from her flu. We wish her all the best.

- Mr. Ivan Crossland, who is employed with Mr. Carson Lutz, Lake Paul, spent the week at home.

- Recent visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Rex Meister were Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith and daughter, of Hammond’s Plains.

- Fire destroyed a home owned by Daniel Hiltz on Thursday evening. The local fire department was called around 11pm but there was little they could do. This is believed to be the oldest home in New Ross area, built by James Bezanson many years ago.

Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse 1966.jpg
Maxine Lonergan at Christmas.png
Albert, Gwen, Ruby & Miles Bezanson 1966

Albert & Ruby Bezanson

Gwen & Miles

(Photo from 1966)

Glenn & Heather Lonergan 2013.jpg

Glenn & Heather Lonergan

(Photo from 2013)

Charlotte & Ivan Crossland 2013 brother

Ivan Crossland

(Photo from 2013)

Dell, Judi and Judi's mother, Pearl Lowe

Frances L. (McLean) & Pearlie Barkhouse

1899-1973 / 1891-1969

(Photo from 1966)

Maxine Kenny Lonergan


Dell Lowe, Judi Lowe & Pearl Lowe

(Photo from 1969)

1963  May 15

- Mrs. Lorena Crossland, Errol and Mrs. Gerald Pare (Charlotte) attended the funeral service of their uncle, Amos Wentzel, at Newburne on Saturday. Mr. Wentzel was well known here and all regret his passing.

- Mr. Nickerson, of the poultry division stationed at Lawrencetown, called at V.L. Wright’s on Monday. Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Wright attended the cattle auction at Lawrencetown also the Daniels auction.

- Don Wright, of Truro and Sharon Lutz, of Lake Paul, were week-end guests of Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright. Sharon spent Monday night with Judy Lowe.

- Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse were Monday visitors to Maplewood.

- Mr. & Mrs. Ira Broome and Michael, Halifax, were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Broome.

- Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Walker and Terry, Chester, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Walker and family.

- Marion Walker was a Tuesday overnight guest of Mr. & Mrs. Blair Seffern, Seffernville.

- Francis Gaul and family spent Mother’s Day and week-end with his parents. We regret to report Mrs. Gaul not too well.

- Mr. Charley Carey, Aylesford, called on some of his old friends here Thursday. He used to be our Rawleigh dealer.

Click to enlarge the gallery below.

Click to enlarge the gallery below.

1965  May 5

- Garry Gaul and friend spent the weekend with his grandparents and enjoyed some fishing.

- Francis Gaul and family were in Dalhousie for the week end where he enjoyed some fishing.

- Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse spent a week at Bridgewater among friends. This week they went North to spend a week with their son.

- Ivan Crossland is improving after his car accident. He is resting at home.

- Mrs. Louisa Kaulback has improved following her recent illness.

- Mr. Henry Pare’s cabins at Lake Torment were filled to capacity over the week-end a sign that the fishing season has really started.

- Mr. Scott with a party of his friends of New Minas were here on Saturday. They spent the day on Black Duck Lake and took back with them some fine trout.

- Mrs. Charles Lowe returned to the home of her son, Harold Lowe, of Bridgewater after spending week with her daughter, Mrs. Emerson Lowe.

- Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilson and family spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Grace Gaul.

- Mrs. George (Dick) Keddy, Avon representative of the Forties, was in this area on Wednesday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Emerson Lowe.

- Mrs. Arnold Fancy, Sherry and Nolan, Mrs. Emerson Lowe and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Slauenwhite in Stanburne.

- Inspector C.E. Edwards of Bridgetown visited Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland on Wednesday and was a supper guest. Mrs. Delia Lowe (Mrs. Charles Lowe) of Alton Road was a visitor Thursday afternoon.

- Peter Russell accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan and family enjoyed a trip to Kentville on Friday. They called on Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul and family, North Alton.

- Mr. Guy Fancy and his daughter, Mrs. Charles Joudrey of Cherryfield Road were to Bridgewater on Tuesday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Medford Gaul of Lakeview were supper guests at Fred Oickle’s on Friday and spent the evening. Other guests for the evening were Mrs. Howard Reid and three children of Canning, Miss. Vera Kaulback, Miss. Mary Oickle and James Oickle of Lakeview.

Garry Gaul

Jon & Garry Gaul Deep sea fishing in 2015.

Ivan Crossland

Ivan and Lorena Crossland Christmas 1979.

Pearlie Barkhouse

Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse in this photo taken in 1966.

Louisa Kaulback

Freeman, Quinten & Louisa Kaulback an early photo of the family taken in 1913.

Dell Lowe

Dell, Judi and Judi's mother, Pearl Lowe in 1969.

Grace Gaul 1970

Grace taken at her home near Spectacle Lake.

Medford Gaul

Medford Gaul, Pearle Broome & Charlie Kaulback in 1928 in Kentville.

Vera Kaulback 1947

Ruth Oickle, Vera Kaulback, Bertha Gaul, Eileen Casey & Lloyd Oickle students in Lakeview in 1947.

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