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Part III -B
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1945  March 7

- Arthur Zwicker and Curtis Gaul of Halifax, spent Sunday at their homes here.

- Miss. Doris Keddy spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Guy Fancy.

- On February 22 the Dalhousie Red Cross sent $200 (?) to a tobacco company to have cigarettes forwarded as Easter gifts to the Dalhousie boys who are serving overseas.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harold Barkhouse and baby returned to their home in Hemford after some time spent with Harold’s father at Lakeview.

- Mr. Carson Lutz is spending some time with friends in Lake Paul.

1946  March 6

- A very successful Pie Sale and Dance was held in the parish hall in New Ross on Saturday evening. Proceeds for the Canadian Legion. Music for the dance was furnished by Shirley Boylan, Teresa Russell and Maurice Russell.

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Amy Kaulback.jpg
Donnie Wright & Guy Fancy 2.jpg
Jackie & Betty 1957 edited.jpg

1946  March 6

- Friends who filled the house to capacity gathered to welcome home Charlie Kaulback, as he is known by his friends, and given a gracious welcome by himself and wife. His mother, Mrs. Louisa Kaulback, has been ill for some months, and all are glad to see her able to enjoy the party. While male members of the party enjoyed a game of cards in the kitchen and members chatted everywhere, the living room was made lively with music. Mrs. Quintin Kaulback, violin; Donald Wright, guitar, and Mrs. V. L. Wright at the piano. A pleasing feature was a request song by Betty accompanied by Marion Kaulback on piano. She sang “Bell Bottom Trousers”. This song made a hit at the school concert, when her brother Jackie played the music on the guitar. A sum of money was collected and presented to Mr. Kaulback by C.E. Wright in the spirit with which it was given, and Charlie, though taken by surprise, acknowledged the gift in a few words. A lovely lunch was served by the ladies after which all joined in singing God Save the King. Charlie has re-enlisted in the army and will be posted in the near future.

Maurice Russell

New Ross

Charles Edwin Kaulback

1905 - 1994

Amy E. Aalders Kaulback

1911 - 1986

Donald Merrill Wright

1926 - 1996

Betty Kaulback Zwicker

Freeman, Quintin & Louisa Kaulback ~1913

- Word has been received here that his cousin, Nursing Sister Dorothy Kaulback, has been appointed Supt. of Nurses at the T.B. Military Hospital at Aldershot. This is a great satisfaction to Dorothy’s friends, as she has worked hard for her honours. She returned home from overseas last June. Dorothy is the only daughter of Mr. Bamford Kaulback, who passed away recently.


Louisa R. Oickle Kaulback

1873 - 1966

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Curtis T. Gaul

1908 - 2007

1947 March 5

- Curtis Gaul has gone to work at Lunenburg repairing the R.C. church.

- Quintin Kaulback has been employed for some time in Windsor.

- Fire recently destroyed one of our old land marks, when it burned to the ground the Mack House. The house was formerly owned by Mrs. Evangeline Mack and is now occupied by a mill crew. The fire caught from over-heated pipes, the crew escaping with a few of their belongings.

- Miss. Marion Bezanson has returned from Berwick, where she has been employed for several months. She is now spending some time with her mother.


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Hazel C. Hiltz Bezanson

1905 - 1997

Irish Stubborness

Reading through the booklet “Memory’s Album” by Mrs. Margaret Russell I came across this delightful story, an example of Irish Stubornness.

“Paddy O’Flynn was dying. Paddy had quarrelled with the priest, and he had not attended Mass or been to the Sacraments for a long, long time. Paddy, dying gave no sign of repenting, but Paddy must not die without seeing a priest, making his peace with God.

The nearest priest was Kentville, well over thirty miles away. Paddy’s soul must be saved.

A neighbour started for Kentville on foot. He ran as much as he could. Yes, many of the miles he ran, until he reached the door of the priest.

The priest brought the messenger back with him via horse and wagon. The priest did not spare the horse as he urged him over the miles. They reached Paddy’s door.

He would not see the priest.

Paddy died in his Irish stubbornness.

Today, years later, when a child shows strains of stubbornness, it is not uncommon to hear him classed as being as “contrary as Paddy O’Flynn”.
Peter Russell with his two grandmother,

1947 March 12

- Mrs. Wallace Russell, New Ross, is visiting her son, Foster Russell, at East Dalhousie for some time.

- Charles Lonergan’s baby boy has been very ill with pneumonia. Dr. Cunningham, New Germany, was called to see him.

- The violent storm which struck this place on Monday did much damage to radio and telephone wires.

- Visitors to New Germany and Bridgewater this week were Mrs. E. A. Long "Louie", Mrs. Fred Oickle "Alma" and Foster Russell.

- Mrs. Laura Sproule and daughter, Maxine, who were employed at C. E. Wright’s, have returned to North River.

- LaVerne Lonergan, young son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lonergan, has been quite sick with a bad cold.


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Mrs. Wallace Russell

(Minnie or Jennie Aalders)

1878 - 1948

Foster Rudland Russell

1908 - 1958

Luitzard "Louie" Loretto DeAdder Long

1882 - 1960

LaVerne William Lonergan

1945 - 2010

Charlie Lonergan.jpg

Charles William Lonergan

1910 - 1991

Fred & Alma Oickle 1930's.jpg

Alma Lavinia Fancy Oickle

1898 -


1947  March 27

- Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Foster Russell on the birth of a son, on March 12th at the D.M. Hospital in Bridgewater.


1947 March 26

- On March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, Mrs. C.E. Wright visited the East Dalhousie school and gave an interesting talk on he travels to Ireland, about the beauty of the country and the habits of the people.

- Miss. Margaret Matthews has completed her ninth pair of pillow cases along with other embroidery work which will be later sold at the fancy sale. Proceeds to go toward the building of the new church in Ellenwood.

- The King’s birthday will be celebrated on Monday, June 9th, Prime Minister MacKenzie King has announced.

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Annie Eliza (Leopold) Broome

1864 - 1956

1950  March 26th

- Mrs. Charles Kaulback was called to New Ross due to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Broome.
- Mr. Clifton E. Wright, who believes in some of the old methods of farming, recently spied a clucking hen among his flock. He hied off to a neighbour and secured a setting of eggs, to the tune of 13 and set his hen. On March 13th she presented him with 11 baby chicks. Not so bad, eh?
- A funeral service was held on Friday afternoon at the Anglican Church for Mr. Stanley Crossland. Despite the mud and rain the church was packed with sympathetic relatives and friends.

Stanley Crossland 1892-1950.jpg

Stanley Elijah Crossland

1892 - 1950

1953 March 4

- Mr & Mrs. Ray Hiltz, Mr. Quintin Kaulback and Mr. Aubrey DeWinter attended the hockey match in Lunenburg on Friday between Lunenburg and windsor.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harding Gaul had their two sons, Donald of Halifax and Ted of Chatham Air base home for a visit.

- Donald Gaul who is taking guitar lessons has bought an amplifier for his guitar and with Jackie Kaulback, Phyllis Kaulback and Don Wright have had three musical sessions. First at Harding Gauls on Monday, at Vernon Wright’s on Tuesday and at Mrs. Kaulback’s on Friday with piano, piano accordion and three guitars. Those taking part enjoyed it immensely. Lunches were served by the hostess. Too bad the vacations don’t last longer.

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The whole community was shocked to hear of the death of FO Donald Gaul on August 25, 1956 while on a training flight in Cold Lake, Alberta. He is the eldest son of H.L. and Mrs. Harding Gaul and had been in the Army. Then after his discharge worked for a time in Halifax. He later enlisted in the Air Force and had attained a FO rank, planning soon to write his F. Lieut. papers.

The accident happened on the Air Force Station where he was struck by a vehicle and killed almost instantly. He is survived by his wife, Edna (Eustace), and an infant daughter, Donna Lesley. Also surviving are his parents, one sister, Lesley, Mrs. Dargle, and two brothers, Ted and John.

Unfortunately, it was just over three years later that the following news was reported:

Fred & Alma Oickle 1930's.jpg

Fred & Alma (Fancy) Oickle

1953  March 11

- William Zwicker, who for the past six months has been employed in Labrador, is now home.

- Arthur Zwicker, Halifax, spent the week-end with his parents in Lakeview.

- Teddie Gaul has returned to his training in the Air Force after a two week stay with his parents.

- The Valentine Dance and Pie Sale held at Hiltz Hall netted $68. Other donations brought it to $78. A similar time will be held at the East Dalhousie School house on St. Patrick’s. Proceeds for our new hall.

- Mr. & Mrs. Murray Russell and children of the Forties, visited Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell, Peter and Mrs. Eddy Long on Sunday.

- Maurice Oickle, accompanied by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Burpee Slauenwhite and family and Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Slauenwhite and family, Stanburne.

James Foster & Margaret.jpg

James Long with his sister Margaret (Long) Russell


Foster R. Russell

Peter Russell & Buba (his grandmother, L
Clair Loneragn & his oxen (Shelley Loner

Peter Russell


Louie (DeAdder) Long

1954  March  6th

- Mr. Clare Lonergan, Berwick, who spent the winter in Dalhousie, visited his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Hartley Lonergan, last week.

Peter St. "Clair" Lonergan & his oxen

1902 - 1979

1955  March 21

- Medford Gaul accompanied by Mrs. E.H. Saunders, Mrs. Ronald Smith and Margaret Crossland were to New Germany on Thursday.

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Medford Gaul, Helena & Charlie Kaulback

Medford L. Gaul

1905 - 1966

Ethel Muriel (Gaul) Saunders

1885 - 1983

- Wayne Morse of Morristown, owner and operator of his mill on the Stanburne Road lost his foot in an accident. He had started the mill and leaned over to dislodge a shim when the carriage lever caught him and pushed him toward the rotary saw. He threw himself on the carriage and was carried to the end of the mill. The foot coming in contact with the saw  was cut completely off from heel to toe. After no help could be had from New Germany, Mrs. Fancy contacted Wm. Gaul who rushed him to the Berwick hospital by car. The foot was amputated above the heel and Mr. Morse is doing as well as can be expected.  Having just started sawing the accident put a serious set back to his work and means a lot to the men who were employed by him.

- On a lighter note. Mrs. Foster Russell is heartily congratulated on winning the jackpot of $99 on a quiz show. Mrs. Russell is a keen quiz fan and had the answer to a good many riddles won by others on the drawings. She recently won an electric griddle on another show. Congratulations.

- Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul had a television set installed on Saturday by Raymond Balsor. These folks are both unable to get out much and we hope they will enjoy it. (It was a gift from their son, Joseph.)


Margaret Mary (Long) Russell

1913 - 1997

Margaret (Long) Russell 1929.jpg
1970 Leslie Rafuse Amy Kaulback.jpg

1956  March 7

- Leslie Rafuse, who a short time ago, was taken to the Bridgewater hospital with a badly smashed leg, has had to have it amputated and will be in the hospital for some time yet.

- The mill at Dalhousie Road has been shut down for some time now and the trucks are busy trucking the lumber to different parts. The Meister Bros. mill at Shell Camp also has been shut down and the men have gone home for a while.

- Colin Lonergan arrived home after the storm. He has been employed at the Kings County Home for years, but doesn’t plan to go back.

Vonnie Casey, Colin & Phyllis Lonergan.j

Leslie Rafuse

1921 - 1999

Colin Daniel Lonergan

1914 - 1986

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Florence (Keddy) & Guy Fancy

Photo from the 1960's.

Charlie Pearlie Barkhouse and Quint.jpg

1956  March 21

- Master Richard Joudrey, Cherryfield Road, recently spent a few days with his grandparents. Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy.

- Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Barkhouse and family of Berwick, visited Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse on Sunday.

- Pleased to report that Mr. Leslie Rafuse returned home from the D.M. Hospital, Bridgewater, Saturday and is feeling very good. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

- The community was shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Pitman Hiltz of Lakeview, on March 7th.

- Mr. Ernie Crossland and Arnold Fancy spent the week-end at Berwick. They were over night guests of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Reeves.

- Miss. Greta Fancy and Miss. Audrey Lowe, Berwick, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and Mr. & Mrs. Emmerson Lowe.

Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an
Pearl Lowe

Audrey (Lowe) Fancy

Pearlie Harold


1891 - 1969

Pearl Marie (Lowe) Lowe

1921 - 1999

Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an

Arnold Fancy

1932 -
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The first settlers in the Dalhousie area were disbanded soldiers originating from Ireland. To read more about the faith they brought with them and how they helped it grow in this new land, click on the green St. Patrick's Day hat.

Irish Catholics

1956  March 28

- Sawler’s Grocery truck made its first run in two weeks and it’s ten days since we (in Lake Paul) have had mail. It is expected today (March 23rd). Since there are no stores in this district and no phones within four miles, we are really shut in when a snow storm comes.


Hibbert Keddy's delivery truck from New

- Mr. Carson Lutz and those employed with him, have returned to their homes after having been in a logging camp near Hardwood Lake since the last week of December.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harry Joudrey, of Waterville, have been guests at the home of George Young for the past several days while waiting for the roads to be opened so they could proceed to their home in Waterville. Mrs. Joudrey was a cook at the Carson Lutz logging camp.

Greta M. (Fancy) Crossland

1959 March 25

- Mr. Errol Crossland, accompanies by Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and Miss. Greta Fancy, visited Mrs. Fancy’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Keddy, Forties on Sunday.

- Mrs. Charles Russell, who spent a week with Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter, left by car on Sunday for Halifax, where she is caring for a sick friend.

- Mrs. Carrol Gaul attended the St. Patrick’s Day dance at Bridgewater and was an overnight guest of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boylan.

- About 20 friends gathered at the home of Mr. Jack Nash on Saturday night, the occasion being his birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent playing games and watching TV. A nice lunch consisting of birthday cake, sandwiches, cookies, and tea was served by Mrs. Louise Varner, Mrs. Guy Fancy, Nina Lowe, Greta Fancy and Charlotte Crossland. Mr. Nash was completely surprised. All wish him  many more happy birthdays.

- Miss Charlotte Crossland is employed at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul.

- Masters Richard and Francis Joudrey spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy.


Ted & Loretta Keddy 1956.jpg
Muriel Zwicker Gaul
1957 Michael, Chris, Francis & Bertha
Francis & Richard Joudrey.jpg
Greta Crossland, Alberta Gaul Bertha Gau

Muriel Frances

(Zwicker) Gaul

1923  -  2001

Greta M. (Fancy) Crossland

Francis & Richard Joudrey


Ted & Loretta Keddy

60th Anniversary - 1956

Michael, Francis, Chris & Bertha Gaul


Chesley, Hazel & Arnold Bezanson 1941

Hazel Bezanson

& two of her children

Chesley & Arnold

in 1941

1960  March 23

- Mrs. Hazel Bezanson is visiting her sons, Arnold and Chesley, Halifax, for an indefinite time.

- Due to the bad storm on Sunday, we were unable to have mail until Wednesday and schools were closed. Let us hope we don’t get more such storms.

- Congratulations to Mrs. Douglas Lonergan on winning a clock radio and silverware on the Quaker Flour and Quaker Rolled Oats Contest on the Kentville Radio Station.

- Mrs. Fred Oickle called on Mrs. Laurie Hamm, New Germany, on Monday. March 7th.


Verna Barkhouse Lonergan

Verna Alexandra (Barkhouse) Lonergan

1902 - 1970

Annie Bezanson Lonergan.jpg
Louisa Oickle Kaulback 1890's edited.jpg
Chralie, Marie & Daniel.jpg
Laurence, Sylvia, Dorothy & Maxine Loner
Albert, Gwen, Ruby & Miles Bezanson 1966
Greta & Errol Behind them from left to r
Vera  Kaulback, Helen Kaulback,  Rachel

1962  March 7

- Miss. Maxine Lonergan, who is on the teaching staff at Auburn,had an accident at school, getting her hip injured and, was unable to work for several days. We hope she will soon be back to work. She spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lonergan and family at Berwick.

- Dr. J.B. Crow, New Germany, was called to the house of Mrs. Foster Russell on Friday where Jerry Rafuse met with a painful accident. He was taken to the D.M. Hospital where he had X-rays and has had several ribs broken. We wish him all the best. He was pinned between a tractor and a truck.

- Mrs. V. L. Wright was a dinner guest at Mrs. Albert Bezanson’s and also visited Mrs. Louisa Kaulback and family. Mrs. Kaulback seems to be in excellent spirits and health.

- Mrs. Lorena Crossland is staying with Mrs. Charles Lowe for an indefinite time.
  Mrs. Marie Aalders and Mrs. Colin Lonergan visited them on Wednesday.

- Miss. Vera Kaulback called at a number of homes in connection with her sales of Familex supplies.


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Familex products were aimed at simplifying household tasks. They were often sold door-to-door by enterprising young men and women.

Vera (Kaulback) DeEll

Photo 1940

Marie Cecilia (Lonergan) Aalders

1904 - 1992

Lorena Isabelle (Veinotte)


1896 - 1986

Maxine Kenny Lonergan

1922 - 1978

Annie Marie (Bezanson) Lonergan

1924 - 2015

Ruby May (Barkhouse) Bezanson

Louisa (Oickle) Kaulback

1873 - 1966

Mr. and Mrs. John Meister, Judson Broome

1962  March 21

- Mrs. Seymour Gates is a patient at the V.G. Hospital in Halifax.

- Miss. Marie Gates, Sackville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Gates.

Seymour & Lydia (Meister) Gates

- Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland and Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy were to Bridgewater on business on Saturday.

- Mr. Charles Kaulback has gone to Windsor where he is employed tallying lumber.

- Mr. Medford Gaul and Miss Margaret Crossland spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Ivan Crossland’s.


Marie Meister (Gates).jpg
At Crossland's 1991 4x6.jpg
Charlie K with his grandchildren.jpg

- Mr. Johnnie Sullivan, Berwick, called at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fancy on Sunday afternoon.

- Mr. Leslie Robar and Maurice Oickle who were employed with Mr. Dan Hiltz, Squirrel Town, have both been to their homes sick with the flu for a week. We wish them a speedy recovery.

- Congratulations to Mrs. Doug Lonergan

who won $5.00 on “Pick Your Partner,

Five Roses Contest” on a Kentville

radio station.

Lonergans 1963 Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dor
5 Rose Flour.jpg
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an

Marie (Gates) Meister

Errol & Greta (Fancy) Crossland


Arnold & Audrey (Lowe) Fancy

Photo 1980's

Charles E. Kaulback

Photo 1980's

Verna A. (Barkhouse) Lonergan

Photo 1963

1962 Edition

1962  March 28

- There was no school on Friday, due to the sickness of their teacher, Mrs. Errol Crossland. We wish her a speedy recovery.

- Jackie Kaulback and Miss. Betty Kaulback visited Mrs. Charles Lowe on Sunday afternoon.

- Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gates visited the Kaulbacks on Sunday.

- Cheryl & Marsha Lowe spent Monday with Mrs. Arnold Fancy and Nolan. Dinner guests at the same home were Mrs. Charles, Harold and Emerson Lowe.

Ray & Helena Kaulback Gates  June 3, 194

Ray & Helena (Kaulback) Gates

Photo 1942

Jackie & Betty 1957 edited.jpg

Jackie & Betty Kaulback

Photo 1957

Greta & Errol Behind them from left to r

Greta (Fancy) Crossland

Photo 1959

1964  March 18

- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul and Kevin of North Alton visited Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter on Sunday, They also called on the former’s aunt, Mrs. E.H. Saunders.

- Visitors at the home of Mr. Ivan Crossland’s on Sunday were Miss Margaret Crossland and Mr. Medford Gaul.

- Miss. Minnie Bezanson, Kentville, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Bezanson and other relatives.

- Miss. Gloria DeWinter, Kentville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter, Valeria, Cynthia and Ronnie.

- Mrs. Grover Fancy and Wanda spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Robar, Meisner’s Section.

- Mrs. Howard Burgoyne, Mrs. Archie Lowe & Mrs. Doran Crouse of Cherryfield Road and Mrs. Ronald Smith, Mrs. Violet Acker, Mrs. Ernest Daniels, Mrs. V.L. Wright, Miss Margaret Crossland and Mrs. Fred Oickle enjoyed quilting at the home of Mrs. Eric Wilson on Thursday.


Fred & Alma Oickle 1930's.jpg
Florence Wright a.jpg
Gloria, Valerie, Ray, Ronnie and Cynthia
Hazel Bezanson.jpg
1977 Mike, Chris, Bertha, Kevin & Franci
Ethel 1971.jpg

Hazel C. Hiltz Bezanson

1905 - 1997

Alma Lavinia Fancy Oickle

1898 -

Ethel Muriel (Gaul) Saunders

1885 - 1983

Florence (Flossy) Rhodenizer Wright

1984  -  1988

The DeWinter Children 2009

Gloria, Valerie, Ray, Ronnie & Cynthia.

Bertha (Benjamin), Francis & Kevin Gaul

Photo 1977


1967  March 8

- Mr. & Mrs. D.L. Crooker, Mr. and Mrs. V.L. Wright visited Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Lutz in Lake Paul on Sunday also called on Mr. & Mrs. Derward Tupper at Lake George.

- Mrs. Quintin Kaulback is visiting her daughter, Marion (Mrs. Ted Durling) at Fairview this week.
- Mrs. Leslie Rafuse was a Friday afternoon visitor with Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright.

- Mrs. Tom Lohnes spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Rosie Joudrey, at Cherryfield. Mrs. Joudrey was at Bridgewater for X-Ray on Thursday. We hope she will soon be better.


Vernon and Florence (Flossy) Leila Wrigh
Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg
Marion Durling.jpeg
Orpha Hiltz & Amy Kaulback with Marion a

Vernon & Flossy Wright

Their 50th Anniversary

Photo 1966

Mrs. Carson Lutz (Alison Wright)

1922 - 2017

Mrs. Ted Durling (Marion Kaulback)

1931 - 2014

Mrs. Quintin Kaulback (Amy Alders)

1911 - 1986

1969 March 8

- On Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Murray Barkhouse were to the Valley where they called on Mrs. Hazel Bezanson and Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse.

- Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Kaulback spent Sunday in Kentville, guests of their son, Jackie and family.

- Mr. & Mrs. John Nash of Boutilier’s Point were callers of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle, Sunday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Oickle and Jean of New Ross were callers in the evening. Jean remained with her grandparents for a short visit.


Murray & Beulah Barkhouse.jpeg
Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse 1966.jpg
Fred & Alma Oickle 1930's.jpg

Murray C. & Beulah F (Bezanson)


Pearlie H. & Frances L. (McLean) Barkhouse

Photo 1966

Charlie & Pearle Kaulback edited.jpg
Jack, Mavis & children 1970

Charles E. & Pearle A. (Broome) Kaulback

Anniversary Photo

Jack & Mavis (Lenihan) Kaulback

Their children,

Jennette & David

Photo 1970

Fred J. & Alma L. (Fancy) Oickle

Photo around 1922 when they were married.

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