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The Christmas News

Our Christmas Concerts

1957 School tree side view.jpg

No matter what year it may have been, Christmas was always a wonderfully magical time in our lives. For a child, Christmas morning was the most anticipated and impatiently awaited morning of the year, but a close second to that morning was the school's Christmas Concert. The children of Dalhousie were no different than any other, as I can well remember, and we could hardly contain ourselves as we went through our rehearsals for that most special evening when all our families would be there to see us perform. The best part, of course, was always the arrival of Santa Claus at the end of our concert.

Here are a few of the articles from the Bridgewater Bulletin that made reference to our local Christmas Concerts.

This tree was our class tree in 1957 at the Dalhousie Road school.

Note the bells hanging from the ceiling, the red and white streamers stretched from corner to corner and the tree decorations; especially, the icicles.

1907 December 19th

On December 19th school section No. 8 enjoyed its first Christmas tree. An excellent programme was well rendered in the new and up to-date schoolhouse. The presents to the teacher (Miss. Lillie Parker) showed the estimation in which she is held in this section. Twenty-five pupils were present and each had a part to perform and all did well. The enthusiasm of the children spread to the elders and thus the affair was made a complete success.

This was the first year that the new school was open in Dalhousie Road after the first school had burnt down a few years before this.

1934 December 5th

- Our school teacher (Dalhousie Road) is preparing for a Christmas entertainment in her school.

1934 December 26th

 - There was good attendance at both the Dalhousie East and the Dalhousie Road concerts. Great credit goes to the teachers and pupils as they put on splendid performances.

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Dalhousie Road School No. 8 - 1950's

1936 December 23rd

- On Thursday evening the East Dalhousie school held their concert and welcomed a very large gathering. We must say they did their best to entertain the crowd and we’re sure there were a good many suppers heartily  “laughed off”. We congratulate our teacher, Miss. Mabel London, and her pupils.

- A number of young people from here hiked to Cherryfield on Dec. 16th to attend the splendid school concert. Much credit goes to Miss. Corkum, the teacher, and seven small students. It is the first time they attempted a concert and the results were well worth it.

1937 December 22nd

- Our teacher, Mr. Albert Gidney, and scholars (at the East Dalhousie School) put on a Christmas entertainment in the school house the evening of the 15th. It was an ideal evening and much credit is due the teacher and scholars for the well prepared program which they presented to a well filled house. At the close of the entertainment a well laden tree was stripped of its presents and delivered to each scholar and some others by Santa Claus.

- Miss. Corkum, the Cherryfield school teacher, and scholars held their concert on the 14th. The school is small but they put on nice entertainment.


Mabel (nee London) 1937.jpg

Mabel (nee. London) Gaul - 1937

1943 December 27th

-Our school teacher, Miss. Eleanor Young, and pupils gave a Christmas concert in the East Dalhousie school on the evening of Dec. 22 to a very large and attentive audience. Both teacher and pupils deserve praise for the fine program they presented. At the close of the entertainment Santa Claus appeared with a smile for all and distributed gifts from a well-laden tree.

1948 December 22nd

- The teachers and students are busy preparing for their Christmas concert. All schools here plan to have concerts this year.


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East Dalhousie School

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1953 December 30th

- All school concerts were good wth a good attendance. Much praise goes to the teachers and students, who put on such a good entertainment. With the sale of the fudge and admission, each school had a good sum of money to be used for school purposes.

Lakeview June 1960  Mike Gaul, _, Vincen

The Lakeview School in June 1960

L to R: Mike Gaul,  ?, Vincent Casey, Mrs. Francis Gaul, Chris Gaul, Eleanor & Frankie Casey.

1954 December 22nd


- The school concert at Dalhousie East on December 22nd was enjoyed by all present. The teacher, Mrs. Loran Ernst and pupils deserve credit for such a good program.

1959 December 30th

- The school concerts held at Dalhousie Road on Monday night and East Dalhousie Tuesday night were attended by large audiences and enjoyed by all. The teachers and scholars deserve great praise.

1961 January 4th

- The teachers and pupils of Lakeview, Dalhousie Road and East Dalhousie held their Christmas concerts on December 14, 20 and 21 respectively. For Lakeview this will probably be their last school concert, as they have received word that their little school which has an enrolment of 4, will be closed next spring.

1962 December 22nd

- The teacher, Mrs. Errol Crossland (Greta Fancy) and pupils of East Dalhousie and Cherryfield Road had a very enjoyable concert at the school house on Wednesday night. The evening being not so cold many were able to attend and all enjoyed the concert.

1965 December 19th

- The school concert was held on December 18th (in the East Dalhousie school). Mr. Carroll Crouse, our teacher, is to be heartily congratulated on the success of the effort. Every part was well taken and the children all under grade 7 vied with each other in making their part the best. The music, drums and guitar and auto harp and in parts recorded background was well rendered. A sale of fudge is always a welcome item. The dialogue was good and a few members in the Sacred Spirit of Christmas gave us the thought that Christ is still in Christmas.

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Greta (nee Fancy) Crossland  -  1949

 1956 Concert

Santa Had Finally Arrived!

Click below to see who we visited over the Christmas holidays.

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