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The December News

Part II

Florence Wright

Flossy Wright 


Saunders Home

1940 December 4th


- Mrs. M. Rhodenizer, Parkdale, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Wright.


- Mrs. Martha Gaul has moved in with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Saunders, and Mr. Saunders for the winter.


- Mrs. Asa Alders, Marie, is spending an indefinite time with her mother, Mrs. Alverretta Lonergan.


- Elaine Veinot, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Veinot and Carolyn Jean, Berwick, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Veinot.

Alverretta Lonergan

Alverretta Lonergan


Curt & Mabel's 1948

The Curtis & Mabel Gaul Home


Henry & Beartice Matthews Home 2009

The Henry & Beatrice Matthews Home


1941 December 3rd


- Mr. Lawrence Gaul who was in the D.M. Hospital, Bridgewater, and had a leg amputated above the knee, has come home and is doing nicely.


- Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Keddy of the Forties are the guests of his sister, Mrs. Guy Fancy, and Mr. Fancy.


- The Red Cross workers in East Dalhousie held a sale of fancy work, sold lunches and had a dance in Albert Young’s hall on the evening of Nov. 22, which was a financial success, clearing over thirty dollars. The Junior Red Cross also had a counter where they sold small Christmas presents, also fudge making over $4.00. Out of the four dollars they are sending $2.00 for a blanket for overseas. They are also sending $2.00 for the Crippled Children’s Fund.


- James Gaul killed a hog this fall that tipped the scales at 651 pounds, after hanging 48 hours to cool and shrink. The heaviest we have heard of this fall. Who next?


- Misses Helena Kaulback & Phyllis Gaul have gone to Aylesford to spend some time.


- Hudson Ramey, who has been working on Curtis Gaul’s bungalow, is doing a fine job and will soon have it ready for them to move into.


- Misses Margaret and Annie Matthews who are employed at Aylesford and Berwick, spent two weeks with their mother, Mrs. T. Matthews.

Phyllis Gaul
Helena Kaulback

Phyllis Gaul


Helena Kaulback



1941 December 31st


- Mr. E. A. Long arrived home recently to spend the holidays with his family here. His son, Dr. James Long, of St. John, will also spend a few days at his home during the holiday season.


- Ray Hiltz and Thaddie Gaul have started their lumber operation for the winter months. Mr. Hiltz is boarding his men at Emerson Veinott’s, while Mrs. Mildred Shine has opened a boarding house to accommodate Mr. Gaul’s men.


- Wayne Morse and Harold Meister are not commencing logging operations until after Christmas. Mr. Meister has his mill located in the same lot. The lumber will be trucked away, which will help to keep the roads open for other traffic.


- I suppose it is hardly right to talk of Christmas cheer while the dark clouds hang over so many homes, but there is one thing we all must be thankful for, that Hitler’s men in Russia are on the run  -  and it’s up to us to keep them running. Every dollar, yes, every stamp we buy will help to do it. Let us give and give until it hurts!


- Pte. Charles Kaulback, Aldershot, is home for a few days with his mother and family.

Hallet "Ray" Hiltz
Eddy A. Long

Hallet "Ray" Hiltz


Edward "Eddy" A. Long


Harold Meister in 1976
Charlie E. Kaulback

Harold Ralph Meister


Charles Edwin Kaulback


1942 December 2nd

(Held over from Nov. 28th)

- It has certainly been a very heavy rain at this date. The weather is very changeable. Last Saturday and Sunday were very wintery. I believe the recent fall of snow has been the heaviest we have seen for the month of November since November 1918. I think at that time, November 14th, there was heavier fall of snow, but it fell level. This snow with the high wind, drifted and piled up the road in some places to a depth of four to five feet.

Colin & Lawrence shoveling

- Mrs. Ethen has received word that her husband, who is in the Canadian Army is now a patient in a New Brunswick hospital suffering from eye trouble.


- Pearlie Barkhouse and family have moved back to their old place again after spending the summer and fall on a farm in the Valley.

- Mrs. John Gates (Shirley) and little daughter of New Ross, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Vernon Wright. She returned to her home on Nov. 30th.

- Joseph Gaul of Boston, Mass., spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul. He was accompanied by Miss. Louise DeAdder. Joseph, who is serving in the American Army, had a week-end pass, and travelled this distance to spend one day at his old home here.. On going to Boston five years ago Joseph worked with pick and shovel; since then he steadily rose higher up the ladder of success, becoming manager for a large number of warehouses for the Lawrence Warehouse Company, Hyde park, Mass. His many friends are wishing him success in the army, of which men of his talent are needed.

- Mrs. Vernon Wright and family called on Joe at his home on Sunday. A reunion of the family took place, with the exception of Phillip, who is stationed at Sussex, NB, who was unable to be at home, and one sister, Lavinia, who resides in New Ross.

- William Cross is ill, we are sorry to report. Quite a number have had bad colds. Little Seldon Lonergan, three-year old son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lonergan, has been quite ill with a bad cold bordering on pneumonia. Glad to report that he is better.

Joe & Louie 1942.png

Colin and his brother, Lawrence Lonergan

Shovelling the road between their home and Doug Lonergan's up the road.

Joe Gaul & Louie DeAdder


Martha Taylor Gaul 1853-1943

1943 December 14th


- The death of Mrs. Martha Gaul occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.H. Saunders, on the evening of December 14th, after an illness of only four days. Mrs. Gaul had only recently recovered from a broken hip which had confined her to bed for six months. Her recovery at the advanced age of 90 was a surprise to her friends. Mrs. Gaul was the wife of Patrick Gaul, who had predeceased her 25 years ago this December. She was a life-long resident of this place and a devoted church member. She leaves to mourn their loss two sons, Thaddie and Jimmie, a daughter, Ethel, with whom she made her home, a number of grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The body was laid to rest in the Church of England Cemetery on December 16th.

1943 December 15th


- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter of Halifax spent the week-end with Mrs. DeWinter’s parents, Mr & Mrs. Ray Hiltz.


- Miss Spidle of Scarsdale spent a few days at the home of

 Ethel Saunders caring for Ethel’s aged mother, Martha Gaul.

Roy Barkhouse 1950's
 Hazel  Bezanson 1941
Mr. & Mrs. Hiltz and Marion Kaulback

1945 December 12th


- Pte. Austin Casey and Laurence Lonergan, Aldershot, were home for the week-end.


- Miss. Annie Bezanson is spending a few days at the home of her mother, Hazel Bezanson. (Hazel kept house for Roy, at Roy Barkhouse’s house.)


- Mrs. Carson Lutz (Allison E.) and baby are spending time with her mother, Mrs. V.L. Wright.


- A good number from here have been successful in getting beavers.


- The heavy snow fall last week made the roads bad and in some places impassable.


- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter were honoured by a visit

from Aubrey’s brother, Gordon, who lately returned

from overseas. Gordon has been in the fight since the

invasion of France (in 1940) and has seen a lot of

fighting. We are proud to welcome him back. His home

coming was saddened by the memory of his brother,

Robert, who was killed in Italy.

Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg
Aubrey DeWinter & Orpha Hiltz

Ella & Ray Hiltz

with their niece, Marion Kaulback

Roy Barkhouse


Hazel (Hiltz) Bezanson


Alison (Wright) Lutz


Aubrey Davis DeWinter & Orpha Churchill (Hiltz)

1916-1995  :  1920-1994

Austin Casey 1975

Austin Gerald Casey


1945 December 16th


- Word has been received here that Laurie Gaul, son of the late Mr. &           Mrs. Luke Gaul, died very suddenly of heart trouble in Moncton, NB.


- Born to Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul, James Patrick, Dec. 16th at the D.M. Hospital. We regret to report that the baby is not doing well and was taken to the Children’s Hospital in Halifax for treatment.



1945 December 26th


- This week our Red Cross members acknowledge with thanks 10 bags from Mrs. E. H. Saunders.

The five quilts on hand have been sent to Berwick head office by Mrs. Simpson. Also sewing has been completed and sent to Berwick. The box received from Berwick head office contained 15 yards of cotton for quilts and 18 bags, also sewing, but on being checked only 16 bags were received, which Mrs. Charles Lowe agreed to work and Mrs. G. Fancy to dye them. Mrs. Curtis Gaul was to cut and sew the cotton for the quilts. We thank those ladies also for all that help in the good work they are doing now, as it is so much needed. (This work was to help the war effort.)


- Mr. William Zwicker, Halifax, spent the week-end at his home in Lakeview.

Muriel & son, James

James lived only a few short months.

Muriel with her first child, James.
Ethel (Gaul) Saunders

Ethel (Gaul) Saunders


Carrol Gaul family 1950's

1948 December 22nd


- Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul are receiving congratulations on the birth of a boy, born at Dalhousie Dec. 12, 1948. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Veinott are also receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, born at Dalhousie.


- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul spent Tuesday at White Rock. Mrs. Francis Gaul (Bertha Benjamin) has been in the Berwick hospital for an operation on her foot, which has been troubling her for some time.

Family of Carrol & Muriel Gaul

Children: Carol Ann & Pat

1949 December 14th


- Mrs. Guy Fancy (Florence) spent several days recently visiting relatives at the Forties.


- Foster Russell and Garnet Joudrey, who were employed at Middleton, spent the week-end at their homes here.


- Mrs. Hibbert Teddy and her two children, Forties, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Guy Fancy for a few days this week.


- Errol Crossland, accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle, motored to Berwick on Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Reeves.

Errol & deer

Errol Crossland


1950 December 6th


- Mrs. Lorena Crossland, Margaret and Erne Crossland, Medford Gaul and Don Condon of Berwick, motored to Bridgewater on Monday.


- On Saturday night, Nov. 25th, several friends from this place attended the reception at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lowe at Cherryfield Road, for their daughter Felma, who was married on the 17th to Mr. Robert Naugler of Bridgewater. A pleasant evening was spent. Music furnished by Guy Fancy, accordion, Melbourne Lowe, guitar, and mandolin by Mrs. Raymond Conn. Mr. & Mrs. Naugler received a lovely collection of useful gifts. After the gifts were opened, a delicious lunch was served of sandwiches, cakes, cookies and drinks. 

- Mr. Ford Kaulback, Bridgetown, was visitor at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lee Oickle on Sunday.

Flooded Dalhousie Road

1950 December 13th


- For quite awhile the roads were overflowed, so traffic was tied up only by boat in places.  They are hauling gravel on the road. If the ditches were opened up the gravel might do some good.


- Mr. Charles Joudrey. of Cherryfield, is at present employed with Mr. Tanner at Stanburne.


- Mr. Foster Russell and Garnet Joudrey, who are employed at Middleton, spent the week-end at their homes.


- Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Lorena Crossland were her daughter, Margaret of East Dalhousie, and Emanuel Oickle. Mr. Don Condon, of Kentville, was an overnight guest at the same home.

A Flooded Dalhousie Road

Guy Fancy is seen here taking a boat load of people across the flooded section of the road.

1950 December 20th


- I have an item that reads like a page from Ripley’s Believe It to Not. If I did not know the facts, I would hardly believe it. On Tuesday, December 5th, Emmerson Veinotte of Dalhousie Road bought a young pig at C.E. Wright’s and started home about four o’clock. He also had a pair of rabbits he bought. Arriving home he was minus both pig and rabbits and found they had gone through the bottom of his coupe car. He returned as far as Spectacle Bridge but concluded with all the traffic it was useless to come further. The pair of rabbits were picked up by Melbourne Lowe. No one saw the pig until on the morning of the 13th. James Gaul walking up the highway noticed the burlap bag in the water and decided as it moved a bit he would investigate. Here was the pig alive but very weak. He hustled it home and gave it a warm box and Mrs. Gaul fed it a few mouthfuls at a time and before night it had recovered enough to jump out of the box. We can hardly see how a small pig lying in wet and cold for eight days could survive but there is the pig to prove it.


- The Christmas tree workers have all returned home, the Wright brothers and Merlyn Wright, Ainsley Wilson, Wallace Lowe, who were employed by the Kirk Company, of Tacoma, Washington. This company shipped over 100 carloads of trees from Nova Scotia to the USA. Albert Young shipped from Woodstock, NB. Messrs Douglas Lonergan and Quint Kaulback were employed by Hoferts. We believe the record contractor was James Gaul, whose contract landed 7000 trees. These were hauled by Arch Lowe. It is estimated that about $2,500,000 came our way for trees and that much more for wages. It is good money coming at a time when the farmer’s income is nil and also keeps the pastures clear of useless fir growth. We hope pasture spruce will be the next to go as this has to be burned under the present system.


- Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Cook, of Maplewood, have moved in with Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Refuse, who recently purchased the farm and store owned by Basil Lonergan.

Randy's CHristmas Tree Lot in Dalhousie

Randy's Tree Lot


James Gaul (Jimmy) at this saw mill
Saunders First Home

The Saunders - Lonergan - Rafuse Home

James Gaul


1953 December 16th

- Miss. Joanie Gaul, while walking in the woods on Sunday, Dec. 13th, picked a small bouquet of Mayflowers, which she took to her father, who is a patient at the Kentville San. Until a week ago Mrs. Gaul, who visited her husband at the San every two weeks, was able to pick him a bouquet from her garden.


Joan Gaul ~ 1958

- We regret to report that Johnnie Franey, one of the oldest citizens of Dalhousie, who some time ago was taken to the Bridgewater hospital, had his leg off above the knee. He is now doing good and expects to leave the hospital by the first of the new year for his home.


- Mrs. Harold Meister, New Ross, visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul on Tuesday and she and Harold were supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan.


- Nina Lowe, the small daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe, was stricken while at school. She was taken to the V.G. Hospital at Halifax where, for a time, she was on the danger list. We are glad to report she is improving.


- Mr. Joe Lonergan and family, Berwick, spent Sunday with Mrs. Alvarette Lonergan and Mrs. Asa Alders.

Joan (Gaul) Meloni


Vene (Gaul) Meister & Joe Gaul
Joe Edward Lonergan

Lavinia "Vene" (Gaul) Meister


Joseph Edward Lonergan


Johnny Franey

Johnny Franey

1954 December 29th

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lonergan, Seldon and Laverne, Mrs. Guy Fancy and Maurice Oickle were business visitors to Bridgewater on Tuesday.

- Sorry to report that Mrs. E. H. Saunders (Ethel) met with a painful accident when she fell at Bridgewater and broke her collar bone. We wish her a speedy recovery.

- Sunday supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell, Peter and Mrs. E.A. Long were Father Simpson, of Annapolis Royal, Mrs. Vernon Swallow, Dolores and Gregory of Falkland Ridge.

- Mrs. Quintin Kaulback is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Durling, Mr. Durling and children in Dartmouth.

- Miss. Marie Lonergan, of Grafton, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lonergan, Seldon and Laverne.

Ethel (Gaul) Saunders

Ethel (Gaul) Saunders


Helena Kaulback & Charlie Lonergan

Charles W Lonergan


Amy (Aalders) Kaulback

Amy (Aalders) Kaulback


Laverne W Lonergan 1945-2010

Laverne W. Lonergan


Saunders Home in 1970
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