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Part 2

1947  July 15

- A wedding of interest to friends was solemnized in St. Bridget’s Church, Dalhousie, at 10 a.m. on July 15th, when Rev. Father Deveau united in marriage Bertha P. Benjamin, oldest daughter of Arthur and Lillian Benjamin, White Rock and Francis J. Gaul, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul of Dalhousie.

Francis & Bertha's wedding 1947 edited.jpg
L to R: Henry Matthews, Frances Benjamin, Joan Gaul, Francis & Bertha Gaul
To the right are also a young Eileen Casey and Maxine Lonergan amount others.
Bertha  Francis Gaul Wedding 1947-Colorized.jpg
1947 Circus.jpg

1947  July 23

- Mrs. Eddy Long (Louie) left recently for Saskatchewan to visit her son, Dr. James Long, and wife and son “Teddie”.


- Quite a lot from this place visited the circus in Bridgewater on July 11th.

James & pet deer Christmas Day 1938.jpg
James Long  1919-1958
Photo Christmas Day 1938
Louie  James and Fish wagon 2.jpg
Louie (DeAdder) Long

Photo ~ 1932
New Ross
L-R Elliott's old hotel, Barkhouse's feed shop and Alfred & Annie Barkhouse's home with the store in the front of the residence. Across the street was Phil Barkhouse's garage, which was later sold to Cedric Meister. The picture was taken by Shirley Gates- Veinot. Picture was taken in the early 1940's.

Charlie Kaulback went to work at the Barkhouse place of business in 1948.
Alfred Barkhouse Store & Garage.jpg

1948 July 14

- Mr. Fred Walker and party, of Aylesford, enjoyed a few days outing at Gaul’s cabins on Lake Torment.


- Mrs. Arthur Boylan (Idella G. Ramey) and son returned home on Sunday after spending a vacation of two weeks spent at Lakeview, the guest of Mrs. William Zwicker.


- Charles Kaulback is now in the employ of Alfred Barkhouse at New Ross.


- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul and family were Sunday guest at the home of Austin Casey, Lakeview.


- The telephone company has installed a telephone for Mr.Pearlie Barkhouse. This is the last one that can be put in without a new line.


- Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan motored to Kentville Sanatorium on Tuesday for an X-ray.

Fred & Maggie Walker.jpg
Fred Walker 1875-1949
Naomi Zwicker-Colorized.jpg
Naomi Agnes (Boylan) Zwicker  

Photo 1960's
1973-11 Austin & Vonnie Casey's in Lakeview.jpg
Austin & Vonnie Casey Home
Photo 1973
Colin & Phyllis Lonergan.jpg
Colin & Phyllis Lonergan
Photo 1970's
Phyllis (nee Kaulback) Mrs. Shirley Smith.jpg
Phyllis (Kaulback) Smith
Photo 1950's

1948 July 28

- Mrs. Laurence Lonergan and baby are visiting at Roy Barkhouse’s. Also visiting at the same time for a week is Miss. Minnie Bezanson, Halifax.


- Miss. Phyllis Kaulback is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Ray Gates.


- Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan were in White Rock Mill on Friday. On their return home they were accompanied by Miss. Frances Benjamin, who will visit her sister, Mrs. F. Gaul, for a week.


- On Friday night a Pie Sale was held in Ray Hiltz’s Hall for the English church and on Thursday, July 22, a supper was held at Mr. V.L. Wright’s.  Proceeds to go to the Baptist church. Proceeds from both were small.


- Mrs. T. (Theresa) Matthews was dinner and supper guest at Mrs. T. (Thaddeus) Gaul’s.

Annie (Bezanson) Lonergan, Laurence Lonergan and little sister Sylvia Lonergan2.jpg
Annie Marie (Bezanson) & Laurence D. Lonergan & Laurence's sister, Sylvia.
Photo ~ 1946
Theresa E. (Aalders) Matthews.jpeg
Theresa E. "Tressie" (Aalders) Matthews

Photo ~1935
Doug Lonergan Haying copy.jpeg
Doug Lonergan hauling in hay.

1949  June 10

- The fine weather is giving the farmers time to make hay. They report the heaviest crop there has been for years. Also the strawberries are good.

- Miss. Nellie Taylor (daughter of Henry Taylor and Eliza Lonergan, she was also a niece of George A. Taylor) of this place returned to Boston last week, having spent the month with her parents.


- Mrs. Colin Lonergan and baby, Gregory, were guests at Mrs. T. Matthews on Wednesday.


- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul  and small daughters Connie and Joan and son, Gary, left by car Tuesday morning for an extended trip, which will include Truro, Amherst, Saint John, Peel and Hartland, NB, the former home of Mrs. Gaul. On their return they expect to visit Mrs. Snyder Jodens and Fr. Deveau at Amherst, our former parish priest.


- Mrs. Carrol Gaul and Mrs. William Zwicker, accompanied by Colin Lonergan made a business trip to Bridgewater on Saturday.

Phyllis & Greg 1951.jpg
Phyllis (Gaul) Lonergan
& son, Gregory

Photo 1951
Connie Joan & Garry.JPG
Connie, Joan & Gary
Visiting in Hartland
Photo ~ 1948
Carroll's Garage.jpg

1951 July 4

- On June 23rd, the night of the reception held in honour of Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Robar, and which was held at the Hiltz’s Hall, a heavy truck backed into one of the gas tanks at the Gaul Garage, destroying one of them. The company was notified, who in turn notified the RCMP, who investigated the damage done, which they figured would be around $500. They proceeded to New Germany in search of the truck which is believed to have caused the damage.


- A number from here have gone to the Annapolis Valley, where they will be employed at picking berries for awhile.


- Our road foreman made a short visit to Dalhousie recently. By all accounts there will be a considerable amount of money to be spent the Lakeview Road this summer.

1951 July 13

- I wonder if the rhubarb grown in Mr. C.E. Eagle’s garden can be surpassed for size. The stock brought to the local store measured in circumference 7 1/2 inches was 15 inches long and the leaf measured 42 inches across! One of these stalks makes a pie, and if you are not using the quart size pyrex, you have a bit left over.


- A Variety Concert was given by the Anglican folk in the Dalhousie Road school on Wednesday evening. Rev. J. Crowther, of New Ross, was in charge of the program.  A full house greeted the cast, after which a dance was held at Hiltz’s Hall.

Ray Hiltz's Hall
Photo 1951
Hiltz Dance Hall  with names-Colorized.jpg
Doreen 1956.jpg
Doreen (Gaul) Redden 1944-1975
Photo 1956

1951  July 25

- Little Doreen Gaul will leave on July 20th for an operation at the Kentville hospital. We hope the operation will be a success and her eyes will be made straight again.


- This week Rev. J. Crowther, the Church of England minister at New Ross, with wife and children, are camping at Lake Torment. He plans to visit a number of his people during his stay here.

1952 July 8

- Several from here attended the Pie Sale in Lakeview on Wednesday night. Congratulations go to the young daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Zwicker, as holder of the lucky number and who won the quilt. Mrs. Curtis Gaul guessed the number of beans in a jar and received the cake. The sum of $45 was cleared and will be used for the school.

Lakeview School 1940's
Three of the Casey girls in the foreground.
Lakeview School 1.jpg

1952 July 23

- Mrs. Francis Gaul is still  having a serious time with her knee. She has to return to the hospital at Berwick for treatment.


- The terrible dry weather is making it hard for anything to grow. Small fires in different places have been put out by the prompt action of the people but isn’t it wise in a dry time like we are having not to start a fire at all.

Bertha Ben 1947.jpg
Bertha P. (Benjamin) Gaul
Photo 1947 in Lakeview
Mabel Geneva (London) Gaul

Photo 1976
Ruby Barkhouse Bezanson.jpg
Ruby May (Barkhouse) Bezanson
Photo 1950's
Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg
Alison Eleanor (Wright) Lutz
Hiltz Dance Hall  with names-Colorized.jpg
Paul Arnold Robar 1928-2022
Photo 1950's

1953 July 1

-  We are sorry to report Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse on the sick list, and Johnnie Franey, who has been in poor health since the passing of his sister, Annie, recently.


-  Mr. William Zwicker has purchases a new car to replace an older one. Mr. Zwicker is at present working at New Germany doing repairs on a building he recently bought and where he is planing on running a restaurant this summer. We wish him luck.


-  Mrs. Curtis Gaul and children were in Kentville Thursday seeing the Coronation pictures (Queen Elizabeth II being crowned.) Others from here motored to Middleton, among them, Mrs. Ronald Ridge, who gave her school the treat of seeing the pictures at that town.


-  The pie sale and dance held in the Hiltz Hall Friday night, proceeds for the Community Hall, brought only the small amount of $37.00 We had hoped to do much better than that.


-  A full church greeted the Old Fellows and Rebekahs on Sunday afternoon when the Memorial March and Service was held. Rev. Sydney Horton gave the address and a choir from all four parts furnished the music with Roy Wright as soloist.


-  Roy Wright, who was critically injured in a car crash at Sydney Mines in April, spent 10 days at his home here, returning to Baddeck on Wednesday. He wishes his friends to know all the cards, letters and flowers were a great help to him during his illness and were greatly appreciated. (Roy was Lorimer LeRoy Wright, a son of Vernon and Flossie Wright)


-  Mr. & Mrs. Harry Saunders, of Chicago, Ill., are visiting his father, Elton Saunders. Mr. & Mrs. B. Taylor are guests at the home also.


-  Mrs. Ruby Barkhouse is spending an indefinite time with Mrs. Carson Lutz at Lake Paul.


-  Congratulations are due Mr. & Mrs. Carson Lutz on the arrival of a daughter (Eleanor Lynn), on June 9th, also Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robar, a daughter, on June 15th.


-  Mrs. C.E. & Mrs. V. L. Wright were at Middleton on Saturday to see the Coronation picture "A Queen is Crowned".

A Queen is Crowned.jpg
Johnny Franey.jpg
Johnny Franey
Frances & Pearlie Barkhouse.jpg
Frances Louise (McLean) Barkhouse

Photo 1969
Naomi (Boylan) & William Zwicker 1921 edited.jpg
William Herman Zwicker

Photo 1921
Harry Saunders becoming a USA citizen 1935 Age 40.jpg
Harry Carrol Saunders

Photo 1935
Florence Keddy-Fancy with Grover, Frances and Loretta Keddy remini 2.jpg
Florence (Keddy) Fancy
and son, Arnold

Photo 1935
Lorena Crossland copy.jpeg
Lorena I. (Veinotte)
Mary Oickle 1960.jpeg
Mary Oickle
Photo 1960
Helena Frances Johnson.jpg
Helena Frances (Johnson) McCulley

1953 July 8

-  Mrs. Guy Fancy was a busy woman last week. Besides carrying for Johnny Franey, who is not too well, she has 6 of her brother's children to care for white their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Keddy, were on a trip to Truro.


-  Mrs. Stanley Crossland (Lorena) is in care of the home of Mr. C.E. Wright whilst Mrs. Wright (Fay Messenger Paisley) is on her annual visit to the USA.


-  Wm. Oickle's daughter, Mary, is spending her vacation home, having been in the School for the Blind at Halifax for a year.


-  A bean supper, dance and bingo party was held at the Lakeview School and Austin Casey's home on the night of July 2nd. Over $50 was taken in. After expenses are paid the balance will be for school purposes.


-  Tickets were sold on the cushion and ticket No. 89 was the lucky one. Miss. Helena Johnson being the lucky holder. Proceeds were for the school.


-  A few of the young girls have gone to the Valley where they are picking strawberries.


-  Since the schools have closed the cabins at Lake Torment have been filled.


-  A sad drowning accident occurred at Lake George last week when a 2 1/2 year old child of George Adams, Berwick, lost his life near the cabin in which the parents were staying for a brief holiday. Four doctors and a nurse and the Kentville firemen were soon on the scene, but failed to bring life to the child.


-  Maurice Oickle has returned from New Ross where he was working in a garage. He is now working on the highway.


-  The measles are spreading in this community. First the Kaulback children were down with the disease, now Chesley Bezanson and Wilson Johnson are sick and others have been exposed.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe and Judith were dinner guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Louise Varner, New germany on Friday.


-  Mrs. Ronald Smith (Violet), accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Saunders and Miss. Barbara Smith, motored to Winderemere on Sunday. Barbara remained for a few weeks at the home of Mrs. W. Woodworth.


-  On Monday Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe and family motored to Halifax. Their daughter, Nina, remained at the V. G. Hospital for a check-up.

Maurice Oickle.jpg
Maurice Oickle
Chesley Hazel Arnold Bezanson 1941 remini.jpg
Chesley Bezanson
Photo 1941
Vera  Kaulback, Helen Kaulback,  Rachel  Johnson Muriel Zwicker, Florence McCormick, Arthu
Wilson Johnson

Photo  Mid 1930's
Emerson Lowe family 1949.jpg
Emerson & Pearl Lowe
L to R: Nina, Audrey and Baby Judi

Photo 1949
Elton & Ethel Saunders 1950.jpg
Elton Hiram Saunders
Ethel Muriel (Gaul) Saunders

Photo 1950's

1953 July 29

-  On Wednesday, July 29, the annual picnic was held at the Kentville San. Mrs. Curtis Gaul and children attended.


-  Mrs. Charles McGowan recently returned home from Halifax. She was accompanied by her daughter, Marjorie,  and infant daughter. They plan to spend the balance of their vacations at McGowaan's.


-  John Gaul, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. Harding Gaul, went to Halifax, where he joined the RCAF and has been accepted. His brother, Teddie, has been in training for some time at N.B.


-  Donald Gaul, who is employed at Halifax, spent the week-end here with his parents. He was accompanied by his girl friend.


-  We are sorry to report Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse not improving well. Mr. Johnnie Franey also is quite ill. He has recovered from a cold but is suffering from two bay legs.


-  The heavy rain and dull weather is making it very hard for the men to get the hay made. Many loads of what might have been good hay is now second.

Ted Gaul & son Carey.jpg
Theodore "Ted" Gaul
1970 John & Sonia Gaul's wedding-3.jpg
John Gaul
Photo 1970
crokinole 2.jpg
crokinole 1.jpg

Crokinole Board

Betty Kaulback 15 years old.jpg
Betty Kaulback
Photo ~1955
Greta  Errol Behind them from left to right Lorena Guy and Florence 1959-Colorized.jpg
Greta (Fancy) Crossland
Photo 1959
adults left to right- Nina Ardelice _Dell_ (Veinto) Lowe, Clara Zwicker, Louisa Amelia (ma
Dell (Veinotte) Lowe

1958 July 2

-  A successful card and progressive crokinole party was held at the home of Archie Lowe on Wednesday evening. Ten tables of cards and three of crokinole were in play. High score in cards went to Mrs. Charlie Lowe and high in the crokinole game to Audrey Lowe. A lovely lunch was served. The proceeds to benefit the school, which combines Dalhousie East and Cherryfield Road.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Joudrey and girls, Mrs. Violet Acker, Mrs. Owen Veinotte and two boys and V.L. Wright attended the Chest Clinic at New Germany on Tuesday.


-  Don Wright, employed at Shelburne with the Dept. of Lands and Forests, spent a long week-end at home.


-  Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright and Don attended the graduation exercises at Auburn on Friday evening. Congratulations go out to their granddaughter, Sharon Lutz, who was an honour student, also to Julia Crouse, who had an honor pass in Grade X at the NGRH.

-  A fairly large type of aphid has appeared in the Christmas trees. A smaller type on the spruce and also the sugar maples.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilson are at Halifax where little Jocelyn will be under medical observation for an ankle treatment.


-  School closed today, the teacher, Miss. Greta Fancy, will not be returning next year. Mrs. Howard Burgoyne will be teaching next year.


-  Miss. Betty Kaulback has completed her course at Mack's Business College, Kentville, and is spending some time at her home.


-  Mrs. A.H. Freeman and Mrs. William Beeswanger, of New Germany, visited  Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rhodenizer at Gloria Lodge on Monday afternoon.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul and son Michael and Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan and Gregory were to Halifax on Friday. Francis had a check-up on his back. Pleased to report he is much improved.


-  Mrs. Charles Lowe of Dalhousie Road, spent Wednesday with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Murray Russell, Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter called at several homes here on Wednesday.

Eric & Marion July 18, 1951 remini.jpg
Eric Oscar Wilson
Marion A. (Zwicker) Wilson

Photo 1951
Donnie Wright  Guy Fancy 2-Colorized.jpg
Donald Merrill Wright

Photo 1950's
Michael Francis Chris Bertha 1957.jpg
Francis & Bertha Gaul
Sons: Michael & Chris
Photo 1957
Margaret & Peter Russell.jpg
Margaret Mary (Long) Russell
Peter Russell
Garnet H. Joudrey  1927-2010.jpg
Garnet H. Joudrey
Vonnie Casey, Colin & Phyllis Lonergan.jpg
Colin Lonergan
Phyllis C. (Gaul) Lonergan

1958 July 9

-  Arnold Fancy and Miss. Audrey Lowe were to Berwick Sunday. The latter remained at Mrs. George Bezanson's and has employment at Berwick Bakery.


-  Miss. Barbara Smith, Halifax, and Mr. William Tratt, Greenwood, spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Smith.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Maxine and Sylvia, visited Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morton and boys of Pinehurst, on Sunday.


-  Mr. Roy Barkhouse returned home on Monday from Camp Hospital, where he spent a few weeks. Pleased to report he is feeling much better.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lowe and Cheryl are visiting the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lowe and other relatives and friends this week.

Pearl Lowe's brother Harold Lowe.jpg
Lonergans 1963 Maxine Doug Sylvia Dorothy  Vera-Colorized.jpg
Roy Barkhouse 1895-1960 remini.jpg
Harold C. Lowe
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan and daughter, Sherry 1980's.jpg
Arnold Fancy
Audrey (Lowe) Fancy

Photo 1980's
Doug & Verna Lonergan's Family
Photo 1963
L to R: Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dorothy & Verna

 Dell and Charlie Lowe. This phot was taken in front of Charlie and Dell's home which late
Roy Nevis Barkhouse

Dell & Charlie Lowe
Charlie Angus Lowe
Nina Adelice (Veinotte) Lowe 


1958 July 16

-  Miss. Audrey Lowe, Berwick, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe.


-  Miss. Nina Lowe returned home on Friday after spending several days at the V.G. Hospital, Halifax.


-  Mrs. Charles Lonergan and sons, Seldon and LaVerne, Miss. Audrey Lowe and Miss. Beulah Slauenwhite all of Berwick, attended the pie sale held at the community hall.


-  Recent visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy were Mr. & Mr. Theodore Keddy, Truro, Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Keddy of the Forties.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boylan of Bridgewater visited Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter on Thursday evening.


-  Mrs. Margaret Russell and son Peter returned home after spending a few months at New Ross.

1962 Cabot Trail NS, Reggie Hiltz, Theodore Keddy, Alfred Otis Keddy.jpg
Theodore Keddy
Photo 1962
Guy Fancy house 1970.jpg
The Guy & Florence Fancy Home
Photo 1970
Nina Lowe remini.jpg
Nina (Lowe) Lowe

1962  July 4

- Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan and Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter were to Middleton and Kentville on Friday. Gregory Lonergan and Michael Gaul accompanied them to Middleton. From there they went to Boys Camp at Tusket.


- Mr. & Mrs. Robie Taylor of Margaretsville, were guests of Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Saunders on Sunday.

Greg & Mike 1952 remini.jpg
Gregory Lonergan & Mike Gaul

Photo 1952

1965  July

- Charlie Kaulback was having carpentry work done on the house he bought from Francis in 1962. The carpenters had just finished renovations at Henry Pare’s place and later went on to work at Murray Barkhouse’s home on Walker’s Hill.

1972 Francis & Bertha's old home after Charlie Kaulback had bought it.jpg
Charlie Kaulback
Playing in his yard with his two grandchildren, Janette and David Kaulback.

Photo 1972

1966 July 13

-  A note from Mrs. H.L. Gaul (Bertie) from Hamilton, Ontario tells us she is having a wonderful time on her vacation trip. They expect to be in Winnipeg in a few days to visit with Ted Gaul and family.


-  Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright and Clifford Robar attended the Hymn Sing in Springfield. Mrs. Wright sang the solo "Then Jesus Came"


-  Mr. John Gates is doing the haying on V.L. Wright's farm. Mrs. Gates visited her parents on Tuesday. Leslie Rafuse is doing the baleing.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Veinotte of Peel, NB, are visiting relatives and friends in Nova Scotia this week.


-  Extension Forester L.L. Wright, Cambridge, was at Lake Sixty Scout Camp on Thursday to talk to the Resident Scouts on woods lure. He told us the infestation of cut worms in the vegetable garden was serious. In one row he picked over 600 of the vermin, in spite of the spray dust advised by the research team. He has replanted some of his garden.

Leslie Rafuse and tractor.jpg
Leslie John M. Rafuse
Mrs. Harding Gaul (Bertie).jpg
Alberta C. "Bertie" (Bower) Gaul
Vernon  Flossy Wright 1966-Colorized.jpg
Vernon L. Wright
Flossy Leila (Rhodenizer) Wright

Photo 1966
John Gates and daughter.jpg
John Gates & daughter, Judith

1966 July 20

-  Mrs. Ray Hiltz and Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter visited Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Oickle on Tuesday in their new home.


-  Albert Bezanson was in Berwick Tuesday for a medical check-up and again on Friday for an x-ray.


-  Mrs. Harold Meister and Mrs. Ned Meister visited Francis Gaul Wednesday at North Alton.


- Chubbie Zwicker, Halifax, is spending his vacation at Lakeview with his grandmother.


-  Mrs. Hazel Bezanson has gone to Berwick to keep house for her daughter, Annie, who is a patient at the Berwick Hospital.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter made a trip to Halifax where they received medical attention for their baby, who is not ready for his operation yet.


-  Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter were in New Ross Sunday where they visited relatives.


-  Mrs. Ray Hiltz is having some remodelling done to her house. Mr. Crossland and Mr. Ernst are employed.

Ella (Kaulback) Hiltz.jpg
Ella Lamina (Kaulback) Hiltz
1944 Aubrey & Orpha DeWinter.jpg
Orpha Churchill (Hiltz) DeWinter

Photo 1944
Albert Bezanson 1950.jpg
Albert Leo Bezanson

Photo ~1950
Brian & Betty's wedding with their mothers resized.jpeg
Chubby (LaVerne) Zwicker 1970.jpg
Lavinia "Vene" Mary (Gaul) Meister
Hazel with Balakrishna, the elephant, at the Hardwood plant in East River, NS 1967.jpg
Hazel C. (Hiltz) Bezanson

Photo 1967
Doug Lonergan  & Margaret Russell.jpg
Margaret Mary (Long) Russell

Photo 1969
LaVerne "Chubbie" Zwicker
Photo 1970
Dalhousie Road School 1938.jpg
Dalhousie Road School
Roy Barkhouse's home on left with Pearlie Barkhouse's home on the hill.

1967 July 5

-  Our school at Dalhousie Road closed on June 22nd, and will be the last year in which school will be held here. Next year the children will go to Aylesford or East Dalhousie.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul returned home on Friday from Expo. Both had an enjoyable trip there.


-  Jackie Kaulback, wife and boy spent Father's Day with his parents in Dalhousie.


-  John Gaul has finished sawing and has moved his mill to the Four Mile Wood Road.


-  A social evening was held at the Community Centre with a sale of pies, etc., gave return of $275.00 which was given to Emerson Lowe, who was seriously injured in a tractor accident. The cast was removed but he is still unable to work.


-  Joe Gaul of Milton, Mass., spent several days with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul. We regret Mrs. Gaul was unable to come due to ill health.


-  We are glad to report the little son of Aubrey DeWinter is doing nicely and soon will return to the hospital in Halifax to have his cast removed from his leg.


-  Mrs. Hazel Bezanson had her two sons, Arnold and Chestley, from Halifax, spending Sunday with her.


-  Mrs. H. L. Gaul (Bertie) is spending some time with her son John and Mrs. James Gaul, Grace. Later she will go West to visit her daughter. Also on to Germany, where her son, Ted, is serving in the Army. His family is with him.

Chesley Hazel  Arnold Bezanson 1941 edited-Colorized.jpg
Hazel C. (Hiltz) Bezanson
Sons Chesley & Arnold

Grace Gaul 1970.jpg
Edna "Grace" (Gaul) Gaul

Photo 1970
Jackie & children.jpg
Jackie & Mavis (Lenihan) Kaulback
Janette & David

Photo 1970
Emerson Lowe upset Dan Hiltz's tractor.jpg
Emerson Lowe upset Dan Hiltz's tractor - this may have been the accident referred to in this article.
Vene Gaul Meister  Joe Gaul-Colorized.jpg
Joseph Mark Gaul


1968 July 3

-  Mrs. Quintin Kaulback spent Monday with her mother at Alderville.


-  Sunday, Mr. & Mrs Aubrey DeWinter motored to Riverport where they spent the day with their daughter, Mrs. Maurice Oickle and family.


-  Chris Gaul has been spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Thaddy Gaul. 

Amy Aalders - Mrs. Quintin Kaulback.jpg
Amy Evelyn (Alders) Kaulback
1977 Mike, Chris, Bertha, Kevin & Francis edited.jpg
Chris Arthur Gaul
Photo 1977
1944 Aubrey & Orpha DeWinter.jpg
Aubrey & Orpha (Hiltz) DeWinter
Photo ~1944
Kim Lonergan copy.jpg
Kim Lonergan
Quint & Amy Kaulback.jpg
Quint & Amy (Alders) Kaulback
Harold & Vene 1976.jpg
Harold & Vene (Gaul) Meister
Photo 1976
Hazel Bezanson's children colored.jpg
Minnie Jane Bezanson

1968 July 10

-  Congratulations to Kim Lonergan daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan, winner of $25. for highest achievement in her class.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Quintin Kaulback where at Francis Gaul's in North Alton during the week.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meister where visitors at Mrs. Meister's parents on Sunday.


-  Miss. Maxine Lonergan left Tuesday for Halifax where she will attend summer school at Dalhousie University.


-  Miss. Minnie Bezanson arrived home to spend two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Bezanson, on Thursday.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Oickle spent Sunday with their son Maurice Oickle and family at Riverport.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse were to Halifax, Dartmouth and Spryfield for a week-end trip.


-  Gilbert Faulkenham, who logs in the area, lost tractor in a fire when the sediment bowl dropped off and exploded. The men quickly shoveled ground to prevent the fire spreading while the Lands and Forest equipment and men hurried to the scene, preventing spreading of the fire.


-  Mrs. Charles Lowe celebrated her 82nd birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emerson Lowe


-  Mr & Mrs. Eric Wilson are invited to New Minas on Saturday to the marriage of her niece, Sandra Zwicker.


-  The road from Dalhousie East to Lake Paul has been described by travellers with unprintable adjectives. We learn today that it is having a face-lifting.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Lorimer Wright were evening callers on Mr. & Mrs. Cilfford Robar. Mrs. Charles Joudrey also called.

Fred and Alma Oickle copy.jpg
Fred & Alma (Fancy) Oickle
60th Wedding Anniversary

Photo 1982
Leslie John & Margaret M Rafuse 1921-1999,1918-1936.JPG
Eric & Marion Wilson 1951 wedding remini.jpg
Eric & Marion (Zwicker) Wilson 
Wedding Photo 1951
Leslie J. & Margaret  M. (Matthews) Rafuse

1969 July 5

-  Mrs. DeWayne Veinotte (Guida) visited her husband at the Berwick Hospital on Sunday.


-  Mr. Thaddy Gaul is resting at home after spending 4 weeks in the hospital.


-  Miss. Connie Gaul is vacationing in New Brunswick with Mr. & Mrs. CCurtis Gaul.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Murray Barkhouse were in Kentville on Tuesday. Mrs. Barkhouse visited her mother, Mrs. Hazel Bezanson in the hospital.


-  A large crowd gathered at the Community Hall, Monday night. They decided to buy the school house and also to hold a fair early in September.

1976 Connie by the Crossburn Brook-Color-Restored.jpg
Connie Louise Gaul
Photo 1976
Murray & Beulah Barkhouse.jpeg
Murray & Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse
Photo 1951
Guida A. (Crossland) Veinotte edited.jpg
Guida Amelia (Crossland) Veinotte
6c   Thaddy & Norine 1965.jpg
Thaddy Gaul

Photo 1965
Marjorie Kaulback-Romkey .jpg
Marjorie Louise (Kaulback) Romkey

Phyllis (nee Kaulback) Mrs. Shirley Smith.jpg

1969  July 16

-  Mr. & Mrs. Shirley Smith and boys of Nictaux spent Sunday with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. & Mrs Quintin Kaulback and their daughter Marjorie, Mrs. Romkey, and boys of Lunenburg spent Sunday.


-  Mr. & Mrs. Blair Seffern of Seffernville called on Mrs. T. Gaul and Mrs. Margaret Russell on Sunday evening.


-  Mrs. Grover Fancy and Wanda visited Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Oickle and Jean, Thursday evening.


-  Margaret Russell and Peter were to Kentville Wednesday and visited Mrs. Francis Gaul, North Alton. They were supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Walker in New Ross.

- Mrs. Harold Meister, New Ross, Mrs. Francis Gaul, North Alton, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul and Mrs. E. Saunders have been assisting in the care of Mr. Thaddy Gaul who passed away on Wednesday, July 9th. Services will be held on Saturday at 2 o’clock at the Catholic Chapel.

Phyllis (Kaulback) Smith
Margaret Long Russell 1929 -Colorized.jpg
Margaret Mary (Long) Russell

Photo 1929
David & Wanda Oickle with Jean and Ernie.jpg
Wanda (Fancy) Oickle
Carrol, Vene, Francis & Phyllis 1995.jpg
Vene (Gaul) Meister
Photo 1995
1995 left side.jpg
Mabel (London) Gaul
Photo 1995
Bertha & Francis 1970.jpg
Bertha (Benjamin) Gaul
Photo 1970
Ethel Norine Thaddy 1968.jpg
Ethel (Gaul) Saunders
Photo 1968

1969 July 30


- Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter and Mrs. Charles Russell were to Hebbville on Thursday and called on Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul at West Northfield.


-  Joseph Gaul returned to his home in Milton, Mass after being called to the death of his father, Thaddy Gaul.


-  Children from Dalhousie are attending the summer swimming classes in New Germany.


-  Joe Gaul and Joan Meloni were supper guests of Mrs. E. Saunders on Tuesday.


-  Lloyd Oickle will be moving to Dalhousie in the near future to open a service station.

8  1947 Ruth Oickle Vera Bertha Eileen Casey  Lloyd Oickle-Colorized.jpg
Lloyd Oickle
Photo 1947
Joe Gaul 1940's.jpg
Joseph Gaul
Photo ~ 1940's
1975-31 Muriel & Carrol Gaul's 30th Anniiversary.jpg
Carrol & Muriel (Zwicker) Gaul
Photo 1975
1981 Reunion at Curt & Mabel's.jpg
Joan (Gaul) Meloni
Photo 1981

I love this old photo and just had to include it on this July page.

Mannie Oickle Del Lowe Harold Lowe smallest child Charlie Lowe Pearl Lowe tallest child Ma
Mannie Oickle, Del Lowe, Harold Lowe, Charlie Lowe, Pearl Lowe and Maggie Lowe (Charlie's sister)
Photo Mid 1920's
Aug Part 1.png
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