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Part I

January 3.png

1907  January 3rd

- Edgar and Edward Franey, Edward Long and Vernon Wright, of the Davison Lumber Company’s staff, spent Christmas at home.


Crossburn 1901 loggers

Crossburn - Oct 1901

Although neither of these men (the Franeys, Long or Wright) can be identified in this photo, it is a great shot of the work the men did in the Crossburn woods.

Written on back of photo - Alvin Lenihan (age 14 yrs) & Angus Viner went to work for Davison Lumber Co.  Alvin was a cookee, whose job was to carry lunch which was made in Camp 1, to the men at Camp 2 on top of the hill.

wood stove 2 resized.png

1908  January 30th

- The youngest child, Gerald, of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Gaul (Norah “Samantha” Franey) fell against the stove on Sunday and burned his face very badly.


1908  January 9

-  Maggie Matthews, lately employed in the office of the Davison Lumber Company at Crossburn, is now at home with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Matthews.

-  Coun. Gaul has taken a contract to cut and saw logs for for a party in Conquerall, and has already begun operations.


Margaret _Maggie_ (Matthews) Falt

Margaret "Maggie" Matthews 

1886 - ?

1909  January 14


- Mr. Theophilus Mack spent New Year’s Day with his mother in Liverpool.

1914  January 14


-  Mr. Clifton Wright is in the employ of Mr. E. S. Freeman, as cook for the woods crew.


1915  January 20


-  Mr. Norman Robar has had both of his feet frozen.

A Crossburn Cookcamp
Alma (Long) Cogley & Agnes (Long) Russel

Alma (Long) Cogley & Agnes (Long) Russell

1887 -1937      &    1884 - ?

1926  January 12th


- Miss. Alma Long of Dalhousie, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Russell (Agnes) in New Ross.



1929  January 8th


- Miss. Mabel Meister, school teacher of Leville, is spending her vacation at Blandford.

- Seymour Gates has gone to the States for the winter months having George Meister in charge of his garage.

Seymour Gates' garage in 1920's

Seymour Gates Garage in New Ross 1920's

Alma and Agnes along with their brother, Edward “Eddy”, were the children of John and Margaret Jane (Lonergan) Long of East Dalhousie. As with many of the young ladies of the time they taught school before they were married. Although Alma spent some time in Winnipeg, both girls married men from New Ross and lived most of their married lives in that community.

1935  Jan 28


- Several people from this place have had very bad colds but we are glad to report them getting better.


- The amount of snow we have had lately has rather tied up the cars and trucks.


- Clifton Wright, of this place, is the cream collector in Springfield, Falkland Ridge, Cherryfield and East Dalhousie for the Valley Creamery, Kingston, for the winter months, when it is not fit for their trucks to collect it.


- Messrs. Crouse & Refuse of Bridgewater, and R.B. Westhaver of Mahone Bay, have been buying some special sized logs, hardwood and soft wood in this vicinity.


- A few cases of “pink eye” are in the place.

Valley Creamery.jpg
Mike home from school with Pink Eye 1954

A few years later, in 1954, I, Mike Gaul,

was one of the children that came down with the "pink eye" and had to stay out of school for a few days.

1936 Jan 20


- Joseph Gaul has returned from Boston, where he spent the holidays.


- Miss. Margaret Long and Mr. Foster Russell, of New Ross, spent the week-end with Mrs. E.A. Long.


- Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Emmerson Veinott on the birth of a son, on January 15th.


- Rev. G. D. Brydon tendered his resignation as pastor of the Baptist Church, to take effect April 1st. He has been pastor of the Springfield-Dalhousie Church for over seven years and we are all sorry to see him leave.

East Dalhousie Baptist Church

1938  Jan 12


- Misses Dorothy Lonergan and Orpha Hiltz left on Tuesday morning to resume their studies at the Normal College, Truro and Mack’s Business College, Kentville, respectively.


- Miss Beatrice M. Keddy has been a visitor at Dalhousie Road for the past week.


- Ford Kaulback, Bridgetown, and Guy Kaulback, Annapolis, were weekend guests

at the home of their father, Bamford Kaulback, Lakeview.


- DeWayne Veinott, who has been employed in the woods at Stanburne, returned

home here due to a sore finger. A fellow workman accidentally

put a birch hook through his finger.

birch hook.png

A wicked looking "birch hook".

1938  Jan 19


- Angus Kaulback is at present visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Bamford Kaulback, Lakeview.


- Mr. & Mrs. William Zwicker and Ronald Veinott motored to New Ross recently.


- Mr. & Mrs. James Gaul, also Mr. James Gaul’s mother, Mrs. Martha Gaul, have recently moved into their new home, which was constructed this fall.


- We are sorry to report Carrol Gaul lost his truck on Tuesday when it caught on fire and burned, being almost a total wreck.

Martha's home - Greg, Phyllis & Mike at

The old Patrick & Martha Gaul homestead burnt down on Saturday, April 24, 1937. Every effort was made to save it but all was lost but a few household articles. Three people were living there at the time and thus had to go with other family members to live. Mrs. Patrick Gaul (Martha) moved to live with  Mrs. E. H. Saunders (Ethel), her daughter, and Mrs. James Gaul (Grace) moved in with her mother, Mrs. L. H.  Gaul (Lucinda). James Gaul, Martha's son, worked in the woods and stayed at his camp. 

During the next few months James built a new house over the ruins of the old homestead. Thus in January of 1938 they all moved back into this new place.

The picture above was taken in 1950 after Francis Gaul, Martha's grandson, and his wife, Bertha, had bought the place and had started to renovate it.

Logging with horses with Eddy Long

Asa was injured using a crosscut saw like the one in this photo. Peter Russell says the man in the middle of this photo is his grandfather, Eddy Long.

1938 Jan 31

- Asaph Aalders had the misfortune to cut his hand very badly with a crosscut saw. He was taken to the Berwick Hospital where Dr. Bezanson treated the wound.

- Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Wright, Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Taylor and Willard Brown were to Bridgewater on Tuesday to attend the funeral of the small son of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Feindel.

- Mr. Curtis Gaul, of Wolfville, and Miss. Mabel London, of Barss’ Corner, spent the weekend at the home of the former’s parents.


1940 January 17

- January is sure setting in like the old fashioned winters.

- The lumbermen are getting busy on the snow. Charles Lowe has moved into the Mersey Pulp Co. camps on the Stanburne Road, hauling pulpwood. The Rhodenizer Bros. have moved to Lakeview, where they operated last winter. Wynne Crouse is in on the Parkdale Road, where he operated two years ago. The Gaul Bros. are in and several others are logging on their home lots.

- Councillor Ray Hiltz is going to Kentville Jan.9th to attend the Council.


Winter Logging in NS

This was taken in a logging camp somewhere in Nova Scotia. Probably not Dalhousie but it is a good photo of what camp life was like in the 40's.

- Most of the folks who were away working were home for the holidays and have now returned to their work.


- Wallace Lowe met with an accident when he was hit on the leg by a falling tree. He was confined to the house for several days.


- The snow blocked the roads so the cream trucks were unable to get through. The cream is being gathered with teams.


- E. H. Saunders is suffering with neuritis in his shoulder and arm. Last report was that he was improving.

1940 January 23rd

- Mr. James Long , a student at Dalhousie University, who spend the Christmas holidays at his parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Long, at East Dalhousie, returned to Halifax on Tuesday.

- Asa Aalders was a recent guest of his mother and brothers at Aaldersville.

- Messrs. Rafuse and Crouse have opened their lumbering camp in the Four Mile Woods.

- Our school re-opened on Jan. 3rd.

1940 movies

1940 January 29

- Mrs. Fay Paisley, of Providence , R. I., who has been the guest of C.E. Wright and family, has returned home.


- C.E. Wright motored to New Germany on the evening of the 26th, taking a number who attended the new Verge Theatre.


- Stanley Wilson purchased a pair of oxen from Gordon Grimm, Springfield, and Doran Crouse bought a pair from Alvin Wile, New Germany.

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Joan Garry & Mike Gaul

1942  January 7th

- On New Year’s Eve Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul got a surprise when some of the people gathered to welcome them into their new bungalow which they had moved into on Christmas Eve.










- Mrs. Harding Gaul and family are moving to Lake George, where Mrs. Gaul will teach school for the remainder of the term.

Curtis & Mabel Gaul's home.

Joan & Gary Gaul

and cousin, Mike Gaul


Minnie (Aalders) Russell

Minnie (Aalders) Russell

Mrs. Wallace Russell

- James Gaul has moved in with Mr. Lawrence Gaul for the winter. Sorry to report that Mrs. James Gaul is sick again.
- Miss. Annie Matthews, who had been employed at Berwick for some time, is home for the winter.
- Our Red Cross meeting for the month of January was held at the home of Mrs.Vernon Barkhouse on Jan. 2nd, where another quilt was tied, the gift of Mrs.James and Lawrence Gaul.
- Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell are spending their Christmas holidays at New Ross,the guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Russell.

Grace, Mrs. James Gaul 1970

Mrs. James Gaul (Grace)


Arthur Zwicker 1975

Arthur William Zwicker


Photo from 1975

1942  January 28th

- The Children of the Dalhousie Road School have contributed $5.00 out of their Christmas proceeds to the General War Fund at Halifax.

1949 January 21st

- Arthur Zwicker , who has been a patient in Halifax was allowed to leave the hospital for a few days, and spent Christmas with his wife and child, who had left Lakeview for Halifax, short time ago.
- During the year of 1948, which has just ended, the Stork brought to Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul of East Dalhousie, four grandsons. Michael Francis son of Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul was born July 17, Patrick Richard son of Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul born Dec. 12. That gives us Pat and Mike. George Franklin son of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gaul born Nov. 3 and Gregory Colin son of Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan born in May, the mother being the former Phyllis Gaul.
- A bingo party and lunch sale that was held at the Dalhousie East school on New Year’s Eve, was well attended. Proceeds will go to help improve the school grounds.

1950  January 4th

- The Dalhousie East and the Dalhousie Road school concerts were presented to a capacity audience on Dec. 20 & 21. Especially good was a solo by Seldon Lonergan, accompanied on the guitar by Jackie Kaulback, who also played in a duet with violin and guitar with Phyllis Kaulback. We are hoping to hear more from these young ‘uns in the musical future.
- Albert Young and Mrs. Young have returned home from Woodstock, NB where he was a shipping agent for Kirk’s Christmas Trees.
- Unseasonable weather is no news, but while Mrs. Vernon Wright was trimming the Christmas tree she was amazed to hear the frogs, commonly known as peepers. A number of customers heard them also, but to top it all the Wrights had dandelion greens picked from the garden on Dec. 27, 1949!

Seldon Lonergan

Seldon Lonergan

Photo from 1955

Electricity Comes to Lakeview 1952.jpg

Harold Lowe, Dennis Mader, Wade Uhlman

& Melven Whynott

Linemen working in Lakeview 1952

1950  January 11th

- The rural highways have been something terrible, cars getting mired and having to be hauled out. Now it has frozen a little and Friday night there was quite a fall of snow. Now it will remain to be seen if it will make the roads better or worse.
- The electric light linemen have most of the poles set. On making a rough guess it is a distance of 24 miles and a lot of houses are wired. So it is coming, even if it is a bad time to work.

- The Christmas concerts held at the Dalhousie schools were largely attended, showing the interest the parents and people have in the schools. The program was interesting and nicely preformed by the students and much credit is due the teachers. Proceeds will go the the wiring of the school houses.
- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul visited White Rock. They were accompanied back by Mr. Arthur Benjamin, who visited with his daughter for a week.
- Mr. Medford Gaul has moved in with Mr. & Mrs. James Gaul (his parents) for the winter. Margaret Crossland is also with the Gaul family (Medford and Margaret were later married).


1950  January 17th

- Friday was the 13th but it was Saturday the 14th that brought the bad luck. Little Michael Gaul, son of Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul, was bitten in three places on his face by a Cocker Spaniel belonging to Curtis Gaul. Mrs F. Gaul, who was alone at home at the time, (other family members had gone to the Valley to visit Curtis Gaul at the San.) carried the child to Carrol Gaul’s home where they telephoned the doctor, Dr. Cunningham and the boy’s father.


Garry, Connie, Sooty & Dinty 1950

- The Power Company’s men with Mr. Barr have begun stringing wire. The work has gone on speedily and all are waiting for the finish. There are four groups of men wiring in the vicinity. (Mr. F. Gaul was on one of these groups working on the wiring when his son was bitten.)
- Mr. Donald Gaul, who is in the Heavy Artillery Branch of service, stationed in Picton, Ontario, was guest of his parents Mr. & Mrs. Harding L. Gaul and has returned to his unit.
- On January 17th a Bookmobile Librarian service was started for Dalhousie East School which will be continued throughout the winter.

Connie & Garry Gaul 1950

with Sooty & Dinty

(This was the Cocker Spaniel that bit Michael Gaul)

 Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse

- Mrs. Beulah Barkhouse has gone to Springfield to be with her sister, Mrs. H. Lowe, for a few weeks.
- Although the mild weather has not been good for men working in the woods, it has been good for the men employed by the Power Company. All the poles are set and they have a good start on the wiring. Most of the homes have been wired. Clarence Veinotte is now wiring the home of Basil Lonergan and Emerson Lowe and only a few more houses remain to be done.

Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse

Bookmobile 1957

The Bookmobile Service

1950  January 25th

- We congratulate Mrs. Harding Gaul on being the owner of the first electric washing machine to come to Dalhousie. It was a Christmas gift from her daughter, Leslie and son David.

First Electric Washing Machine in Dalhousie
Charlie Kaulback, Joe Gaul & John Peters

1953  January 14th

- Mr. Charles Kaulback has returned from his visit to the USA. He visited Joe Gaul and from there visited with the Taylor family who were former residents of Dalhousie Road. He visited Thursday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell and with Jackie and Phyllis Kaulback visited V.L. Wright where games and music were enjoyed.


Christmas 1952 - Plymouth Mass.

Charlie Kaulback, Joe Gaul & John Peterson

- A few weeks ago, the deer which had eluded the hunters all fall, came out in the farm yard at V.L. Wright’s and left a nice set of horns as a parting challenge. While hunting rabbits, Arthur Crossland found a set from a 29 point buck in the bush near Dwayne Veinotte’s.  Some of our nimrods say it was the largest set ever seen here.

- Murray Veinotte’s horse broke through the ice  on the Carey Meadowland. It was three hours before they gathered enough men to get it free.

Thaddy & Deer

Sorry I do not have any photos of these deer but my grandfather, Thaddy Gaul, was a great hunter and guide.

Here he is showing off his lastest deer.

Helena Kaulback & Charlie Lonergan

Charles William Lonergan

Charlie was the seventh child in the family of Daniel & Alverretta (Veinot) Lonergan born in 1910. He married Madeline Theresa Aalders of New Ross in 1933.

1955 January 19th

- On Monday. Mr. Charles Lonergan accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Asa Aalder, motored to Kentville. Mrs. Aalders entered the Sanitorium for treatment.
- Mr. Charles Lonergan is enjoying television in his home.
- Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Lonergan and family, Berwick, visited Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Maxine and Sylvia on Sunday, January 2nd. They also visited the home of Roy Barkhouse. Beverly remained for a visit with her grandmother.
- Miss. Greta Fancy and Miss. Audrey Lowe are spending this week-end   with the latter’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lowe, Dalhousie Road.


1958  January 8th

- On Friday evening Charing Cross High School held their annual Christmas party under the leadership of their teacher, Mrs. Rex Meister (Beatrice H. Freeman)

- Prior to Christmas the men of the Holy Name Society of St. Patrick’s Church sponsored a most successful Christmas Tree Sale at Donahue's Roofer’s Grounds, Queen St. The sum of $255.00 was realized. Proceeds will be used for improvements on St. Patrick’s Church.


Charing Cross School
Beatrice Freeman, later Mrs. Rex Meister

Charing Cross School

Built in 1908 in New Ross it was demolished in 1959.

Beatrice Freeman


Later the Mrs. Rex Meister teacher

at this school for a number of years.

1968  January 3rd

- Francis Gaul and family spent Sunday with his father and mother, as also did Carrol Gaul, West Northfield; Gregory Lonergan got home for his Christmas and Joan Gaul, now Mrs. Melonie, who had planned a trip to Bermuda, spent part of her holidays a patient at the V.G. Hospital and little Kevin Gaul had the misfortune of having his ankle broken while playing basketball.
- Basil and St. Clair Lonergan were in Berwick for their Christmas with their brothers and sister.


1965 family with Greg.jpg


L to R: Thaddy, Norine, Bertha, Carrol, Francis & Kevin Gaul

Seated: Gregory Lonergan & Chris Gaul

1970 January 7th

- Mr. & Mrs. Barry Lenihan and children, Dartmouth and Mr. & Mrs. Peter Meister, Halifax spent the weekend with their parents in New Ross.


Kenneth Seaboyer, Dale Hennigar, Barry L
Wynn Potter(top), Brian Potter; 2nd group- Neil Meister(top), Kenneth Seaboyer & Sonny Seaboyer; Roger Meister & Peter Meister

Barry Lenihan

Photo taken 1962

Peter Meister

1960 Snow plough.jpg

1971  January 6th

- For the past few weeks the main topic has been “snow”, first, would we have a white Christmas and then, what to do with it!  Some families were snowed in for nearly two weeks from the several storms, not having their roads opened between the storms. The road from the Forties to Dalhousie was not plowed from Christmas Eve to December 30th.


Ploughing the Forties Road.

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