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Henry & Bridget Matthews and Family edit

Joseph "Henry" & Bridget L. (Lonergan) Matthews

1844-1915 / 1846-1923

1901 June 6

- Mr. Henry Matthews is secretary to the Trustees and he is the right man in the right place because he believes in progression. He and his wife, Bridget L. (Lonergan), are not afraid to exert themselves for the benefit of the rising generation. They used their influence with the parents and friends who had none to send to make Empire Day a success. We have every apparatus needed in this school house up to the 10th grade because a man who feels his responsibilities is at the wheel.

1901  June 11

- The forest fires were raging in this vicinity to such an extent, that we were obliged to call for help. The people of Springfield and Falkland Ridge nobly responded to the call and after several days of hard fighting the fires are under control. Tuesday the sparks from the woods near Freeman Robar’s burnt his barn and another outbuilding. The house caught several times, but they succeeded in saving it.

1903  June 25

- Mr. George A. Taylor (lived in the big Taylor home on the Alton Road) is at Lake George assisting Messrs. Hudgins and Brennan repair their barns.

1908  June 23
- James White adopted son of James White of Liverpool was drowned while bathing in Lake Sixty on Saturday morning. He was in the employ of the Davison Lumber Co.

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Taylor Homestead

Alton Road

1909  June 10

- Miss. Nellie Taylor (daughter of Henry Taylor and Eliza Lonergan, she was also a niece of George A. Taylor) of this place returned to Boston last week, having spent the month with her parents.

1910  June 23

- The little son of James Veinott had the misfortune of having his thumb cut off in the hay cutter. (This may have been Ethan Veinotte.)

1911  June 15

- After several weeks of suffering Mr. Henry Taylor (brother to George A Taylor) departed this life on May 30th aged 62 years. Mr. Taylor will be much missed; especially, for his kindness manifested in times of sickness and trouble. He leaves a sorrowing widow, three sons and three daughters, two brothers and two sisters.

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1913 June 24

- The Davison Lumber Company has shipped over 8 million feet of lumber so far this season.

- Mr. & Mrs. John Long of East Dalhousie are spending a few days in New Ross visiting their daughter, Mrs. Charles Russell.

1914  June 2

- Quarantine orders have been issued at Hastings, as two cases of small pox have developed.

1915 June 30

- With deep regret we record the death of one of our esteemed citizens, Mr. Henry Matthews, who passed away on Sunday, June 20th, aged 68 years. During the last two months he suffered intensely with cancer. He was tenderly cared for by his faithful wife and children. He leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters and one sister, Mrs. Lawrence Gaul, Sr. to mourn. The funeral was largely attended, the remains being laid to rest in the Roman Catholic Cemetery.

Henry & Bridget Matthews and Family edit
Henry & Bridget Matthews and Family edit

Joseph "Henry" Matthews


1923  June 27

- Miss. Margaret Matthews, of Winnipeg, Miss. Kathleen Matthews,of Digby, and Mr. William Matthews,of Oquoffoc, Maine, have been called home by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Bridget Matthews.

Bridget L. (Lonergan) Matthews


1936  June 11

- Since last writing we have lost an aged and respected citizen in the person of J.E. Barkhouse who died on June 3rd. (John Ellison Barkhouse was Pearlie ’s father. He donated the land for the Dalhousie Road School #8 in 1906.)

- Misses Margaret Long and Marjorie Russell, were week-end guests of Mrs. E. A. Long.

- Deacon W.O. Wright (Walter Osborne Wright father of Clifton and Vernon Wright) visited his daughter, Mrs. Willard Waterman and Mr. Waterman, South Brookfield, also relatives and friends at Yarmouth and returned home.

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Mrs. E.A. Long

Louie L. (DeAdder) Long


1938  June 1

- A Pie Sale was held here on Friday night at Hiltz’s Hall, May 20. Music was supplied by Mansfield’s Orchestra and a goodly sum was raised.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meister spent Sunday at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul.

1938  June 6

- J. H. Hicks and Sons of Bridgetown, have moved a mill here to saw their cut of logs on Sixty Lake. Mr. Wilbur Banks, of Bridgetown, is in charge.

- Miss. Mabel London of Barss’ Corner, was a week-end guest of Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul.

- The many fishermen here report fine catches. One party caught several trout 14 and 16 inches long last week.

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Phil, Curtis, Mabel & Phyllis Gaul


1938 June 25

- At a quiet wedding held at St. Joseph’s Glebe, Bridgewater, on Saturday morning, June 25th, Miss Mabel Geneva London, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Fraser London, of Hartland, NB, became the bride of Mr. Curtis Thaddeus Gaul, son of Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul of Dalhousie Road. The single ring ceremony took place at 10am with Rev. Father Leo day officiating. The bride was gowned in ivory crepe, with coat of navy taffeta, large picture hat of navy with a shoulder length veil. Her accessories were navy and she wore a corsage of roses. The bride was attended by Miss. Phyllis Gaul, sister of the groom, while Mr. Philip Gaul supported his brother as groomsman. On the evening of the ceremony a reception was tendered the happy couple at Mr. Albert Young’s Hall, at East Dalhousie. They were showered with numerous gifts testifying to the high regard in which they are held in the community.

1939  June 7

- Quentin Kaulback and family, accompanied by Helena Kaulback and Mrs. Hazel Bezanson, motored to Berwick on Thursday evening and visited Mrs. Kaulback, who is a patient at the W.K.M. Hospital. We are glad to report she is recovering nicely.

- Basil Lonergan accompanied by Mrs. Doug Lonergan and others motored to Springfield and Bridgewater on Thursday.

- There was an error in the printing of the last East Dalhousie news.The item about the grass fire should have read:  it got beyond the children’s control and but for neighbours help the Baptist Church and E.H. Saunders’ house and buildings would have burnt. It caught under the woodshed close to the church and it also caught under E.H. Saunders hen house, close to his other buildings.

1939  June 21

- A fire of unknown origin started at Old Crossburn

on the 8th. It was not long before 100 men or more

were on the job and it was not long before they had

the fire under control. If it hadn’t been stopped as

quickly as it was, it might have been serious. Among

the firefifgters was Douglas McGowan who found a

deserted baby deer.

- The young folk are interested in the tennis court

being built in Mr. Guy Fancy’s field, and are

making all improvements they can, at present.

- Mr. Clyde Conrad, came home from Smith’s

Corner , where he was employed, suffering with a

sore hand. Glad to report his hand is some better.

- Mr. E.A. Long and son James of Rossignol, spent

the week-end at their home here.

- Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hiltz and daughter, Orpha accompanied by Aubrey DeWinter, motored to Halifax on the 15th to see their majesties the King and Queen.

- The Metropolitan Comedy Company played at Young’s Hall on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Large gatherings attend each evening. Winners of prizes were: Mrs. Curtis Gaul, Marjorie Conrad and Asa Alders. Miss Phyllis Gaul was the winner of the dish contest with a total amount of 38,800 votes and a majority of 2,500, and received a lovely tea set.

- Mr. & Mrs. James Veinotte and Elaine and Ronald Veinotte visited in the Valley towns on Friday.

- Carroll Gaul left for New Brunswick on Wednesday, where he is taking a mechanical course.

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The red box shows where the

Young's Hall once stood.

1940 June 12

- Miss. Marjorie Conrad of Lower Branch, who has been employed at the home of C.E. Wright, is through and gone to her home.

-  Miss. Tillie Hiltz of the Forties was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Young.

- Mr. James Long, Dalhousie College student, was home for a few days. A week ago he went to Yarmouth to work at his chosen profession, as a M.D. in the hospital. We wish him every success.

- Mr. C. E. Wright and daughters, Eris and Phyllis, were to New Germany on the 8th.

1940 June 19

- Mrs. John Gates of New Ross, was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Vernon Wright, on Wednesday.

- A travelling show presented the “talkie”, “Headin’s for Trouble” in Albert Young’s hall on Wednesday evening.

- Mr. C.E. Wright met with a loss by losing a nice work horse. He purchased one to take its place from P/ D. Starratt of Falkland Ridge.

1941  June 4

- William Gaul recently purchased a new Ford Truck.

- Guida Crossland, who has been employed at the home of Rev. P.C. Corbin, New Ross, has returned home.

- Miss. McNeil and Miss. Grant recently visited the sewing classes at Dalhousie Road and Lakeview schools.

- Marion Kaulback, daughter of Quinten Kaulback was recently awarded 1st prize for the finest piece of hand-work, and at Lakeview, Helen Kaulback got the first prize.

- John Legge is ill with rheumatic fever. We all wish him a quick recovery.

- Mrs. Shrine of Pleasant River is visiting at Mrs. Louisa Kaulback’s for an indefinite time.

- Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boylan and children of Bridgewater, were week-end guests at the home of William Zwicker at Lakeview.

- Constantine Gaul of Berwick was recently in this place enquiring about a lost dark collie dog. A reward of $10.00 is offered for the return of the dog.

- Mrs. Stanley Crossland and Guida Crossland, also Colin Lonergan were at Aylesford on business one day last week.


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Joan & Phyllis


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- Mrs. Curtis Gaul, who had returned to her former home in Hartland, NB, has moved to New Germany, to finish the school term for Murray Ward.


- Mrs. Curtis Gaul, baby Joan and Phyllis Gaul of New Germany spent the week-end here. (Phyllis was employed to look after Joan while Mabel taught in a New Germany school.)


- A large number from here attended the theatre at New Germany recently, with the pictures, “The Citadel” and “The House Across the Bay” showing, also “Clouds Over Europe.”- C.E. Wright bought a nice four-year-old horse from J.R. Parr, Middleton.


- Miss. M. Shaw, Dalhousie Road school teacher, spent the week-end the guest of Mrs. E.A. Long and Mrs. Foster Russell.

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1942 June 3

- A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the United Baptist Parsonage on Wednesday night, June 3rd. United in marriage were Helena Constance, daughter of Mrs. Louisa Kaulback of Dalhousie and the late Freeman Kaulback and Ray Norwood, son of Mr. & Mrs. Norwood Gates of New Ross. Following the ceremony the bridal party motored to Dalhousie where a reception was given at the hall. A dainty lunch was served and many lovely gifts were received. After the reception the couple went to Halifax for a short honeymoon. The couple will reside at the home of the groom’s parents.

Ray & Helena Kaulback Gates  June 3, 194

Ray & Helena (Kaulback) Gates

Wedding Day 1942

1942  June 17

- Mrs. Ethel Saunders spent a few hours on Sunday with the mother, Mrs. Patrick Gaul.

- Miss. Margaret Matthews, who is employed in Aylesford, spent the week-end with her mother.

- Mrs. T. Matthews, Mrs. Q. Kaulback and Mrs. Stanley Crossland made a trip to Aldersville one day last week.

- Pte. Murray Veinotte, who had been home for a few days leave to attend the funeral of his father, Stuart Veinotte, has returned to camp.

- Mrs. Stanley Crossland has gone to the Valley where she will be employed for awhile.

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Ethel M. (Gaul) Saunders


Theresa E. (Aalders) Matthews


1943  June 3

- Miss. Ethel Wright, C.E Wright and W.O. Wright were to South Brookfield recently. Miss Ethel Wright remained to visit her sister, Mrs. W.W. Waterman.

- Harding L Gaul, who was called here due to the death of his father, Mr. L. Gaul, has returned to his work at Deep Brook.

- A large number of friends here attended the farewell party for Austen Lutz at his home at Lake Paul, on Monday night. Austen, well and favourably known, enlisted in the R.C.A.F. two years ago.

He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Lutz, who have given 3 of 4 sons to their country’s service, Russell, also in the R.C.A.F. and Hillman, a gunner in the R.C.N., leaving one son, Carson, to help carry on the large farm, mill and wood’s work at which they are busy twelve months of the year. Music for the party was furnished by Mrs. M. Taylor, violin, and Donald Wright, guitar. After the dance a delicious lunch was served to about eighty guests.

- Mrs. V.L. Wright, Muriel Zwicker, Carroll Gaul, Basil Lonergan, Donald Wright and A. Casey visited Vivian A. Wright at the Kentville Sanitorium on Friday. Vivian is improving and has had a Phrenic operation. All her friends wish her the best of luck.

1943  June 5

- Those confined to their homes with the mumps are Lawrence and Basil Lonergan, John Legge, Harold Cross, Marjorie, Phyllis, Jackie & Betty Kaulback, Elizabeth and James Bezanson.

- Mrs. Vernon Barkhouse and son, Lester, have been visiting her parents-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse.

- Miss. Dorothy Lonergan, teacher at Cherryfield, spent the week-end at her home.

- Mrs. Ethan Veinotte, the Misses Annie Matthews, Guida Crossland and Elaine Veinotte, Colin Lonergan and Pte. Philip Gaul spent Tuesday at Bridgewater.

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Annie C. (Matthews) Cooke

1921 -

(Photo from 1940)

Dorothy P. (Lonergan) Morton


1943  June 16

- The pie sale held at Young’s Hall on Saturday evening proved a successful event. The sum of $50.00 clear was realized for church purposes. A crocheted table spread made and donated by Mrs. P.G. Corbin was ticked off, the winner of the lucky ticket being Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse.

- Some of the young people enjoyed the showing of the picture “Remember Pearl Harbor” at the York Theatre, New Germany, on Wednesday night.

- The ladies of the Red Cross Auxiliary met a Mrs. Charles Lowe’s on Friday afternoon where a quilt was tied.

- Austin Casey went on Thursday to report to the military headquarters having enlisted in our Canadian Army a week ago. He was accompanied as far as Kentville by Carroll Gaul, Colin Lonergan, Misses. Phyllis Gaul, Muriel Zwicker and Eileen Casey. While there Colin Lonergan visited Miss. Vivian Wright at the Sanitorium. Her many friends are glad to hear she is much improved in health.

- Mrs. Theresa Matthews, accompanied by her son, Henry, and daughter, Margaret, also E. Oickle motored to Bridgewater on Friday.

Henry J. Matthews


(Photo from 1947)

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Ruie (Lowe) & Blain Sherman with Dell & Charlie Lowe

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1944 June 7

-St. Clair Lonergan and Asa Aalders were Sunday guests at Mrs. D. Lonergan’s.

- Pilot Officer Chisholm and bride spent several days at Gauls’ Cabins last week.

- Mrs. Charles Kaulback and children have returned to Dalhousie after spending some time in Windsor, where Mr. Kaulback is stationed.

- Henry Matthews and Quintin Kaulback were in Windsor on Thursday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Crossland and Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy attended a show in New Germany on Wednesday.

1945  June 13

- Mrs. L. P. Kaulback has returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Gates and Mr. Gates in New Ross.

- In a recent letter received from Pte. Rodger Young, by Mrs. Ray Hiltz, he thanked the Dalhousie Red Cross members for the cigarettes they received at Easter.

- Curtis Gaul has returned from Halifax and will be employed at different places here in Dalhousie this summer.

1947  June 19

- The Pie Sale held at Ray Hiltz’s Hall, Dalhousie, for Mr. & Mrs. Harry Joudrey, was a decided success. The sum of $86.65 was realized. Donations of money amounted to $60.55, making a total of $147.20.

- Mrs. Carson Lutz, Sharon and Patsy, were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright at East Dalhousie.

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Helena (Kaulback) & Ray Gates & Family


1948  June 2

- Eric Wilson’s two-year-old steer that took to the woods two months ago or more, thought better of his adventure, and came out to a neighbor’s barn.

- Some from this place attended the Apple Blossom Festival at Kentville the 29th And 30th.

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Eric Wilson Home

(Photo from 2018)

1948 June 16

- Mrs. Vernon Wright, Dalhousie East, spent the past week at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Carson Lutz, helping to care for Patricia, who has been ill with the grippe and German measles.

- Mrs. Robert Veinotte is ill with grippe. Miss. Hazel Veinotte of Dalhousie Road, spent the past week at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Veinotte.

Vernon and Florence (Flossy) Leila Wrigh

Flossy L. Wright


1970 Ethel Saunders House - She was stil

The Saunders Home

1948 June 24

- Dr. Crow from New Germany, was called to Lakeview on Sunday, where he visited Mrs. George Kaulback, the Calvin Johnson family, Mr. Wm Barkhouse and grandson and Mrs. C. Mosher, all suffering from bad colds.

- Miss. Charlotte Crossland visited her sister, Mrs. DeWayne Veinotte, several days last week.

- Mrs. Wm Zwicker and Mrs. Carroll Gaul and baby were guests of Mrs. Charles McGowan on Thursday.

- The annual birthday party of James Gaul, Thaddeus Gaul, Medford Gaul and Mr. E.H. Saunders was held at the home of Mr. Saunders on June 16th. A number of friends and neighbours gathered to wish the four best wishes and many happy returns of the day. A real nice evening was spent. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Saunders with Mrs. T Gaul, Mrs. G Fancy and Mrs. A Lowe as helpers. Also ice cream and drinks were served. Mr. Saunders is now the oldest resident of Dalhousie being 83 on June 16th.

1951 June 25

- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul had a telephone installed in their house on June 25th.

- Mrs. Henry Pare, with a party of friends, returned to Halifax, after spending the week end at Lake Torment. They had a car accident at the Forties, when they came in contact with a truck. They called a taxi from Halifax to take them home and the car was towed to Gaul’s Garage for repairs. No one was injured.

- A Pie Sale and Dance was held at Austin Casey’s home on Tuesday evening and sponsored by Mrs. H. Gaul netting the sum of $30, which will be used towards repairs to the school and grounds at Lakeview. Music was provided by Mrs. Kaulback and daughter, Phyllis.

- Dr. Bezanson, Aylesford, was calling to see Mr. Amos Veinotte recently. We regret to report that the doctor did not have much hope for Mr. Veinotte’s recovery. He is over 90 years old, but until a while ago, has been in fairly good health.

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1954  June 2

- On Tuesday evening Mrs. Cecil Robar was hostess at a birthday party for Miss. Maxine Lonergan. About thirty guests were present and the evening passed pleasantly with games and singing. Following the opening of cards and gifts, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess.

1955 June 1

- Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Potter and three children of New Ross and Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Maxine and Sylvia were visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell, Peter and Mrs. E.A. Long on Sunday recently.

- Miss. Marie Lonergan of Grafton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lonergan.

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Maxine K. Lonergan


1957  June 11

- Friends of Mr. Roy Barkhouse will regret to know he is a patient at Camp Hill Hospital, Halifax. We hope he will soon return home feeling better.

- Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and Grover and Jack Nash were to Bridgewater on Tuesday on business.

- Mr. Carroll Gaul and Mrs. Francis Gaul motored to Halifax on Sunday and visited Francis Gaul who recently had an operation and is regaining his health nicely and will soon be returning home.

- Mr. Emerson Veinot is a patient at W.K.M. Hospital, Berwick.

- Mr. Ronald Smith accompanied by Mrs. E.H. Saunders and Mrs. James Gaul were to Bridgewater on Thursday. Mrs. Gaul had to check up with her doctor.

- Arnold Fancy accompanied by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and Miss. Audrey Lowe were at Kentville on Saturday to the Apple Blossom Festival.

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Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an

LeRoy "Roy" Barkhouse


Arnold Fancy


1957  June 18

- Callers at the home of Fred Oickle on Sunday afternoon were Dr. James Long and Mrs. Long and two sons Teddy and Brian, of Pembroke, Ontario, and Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter, of New Ross. They also called at several homes here. On Saturday all were to Caledonia to visit their mother, Mrs. E.A. Long, at a nursing home.

- Miss. Violet Wentzel, who was employed at the home of Mr. & Mrs. William Gaul for several months, returned to her home at Northfield recently. ( She later worked at the home of Billy Gaul.)

- Mr. Francis Gaul, who was at the V.G. Hospital for a back operation, returned home. We hope he will soon be enjoying good health.

- Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Dorey, of Scarsdale, visited at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse on Sunday.

- Mr. William Oickle of Mount Pleasant has purchased a house from Mr. Edgar Legge and will be moving his family here.

- Mrs. Lorena Crossland has had word of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Tom Cook, who is a patient at the Nova Scotia Hospital.

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Violet Wentzel

Ivan and Lorena Crossland 1979 (I didn't
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Rhena & Charles Joudry

On their 50th Wedding Ann.

With their 7 children.

Lorena  (Veinotte) Crossland


1958  June 22

- Sorry to report that Carroll Gaul has been confined to his home for a while due to back injuries received in a recent fall.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meister of New Ross visited Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and family ion Sunday.

- We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Guy Fancy met with a painful accident on Tuesday while on a fishing trip. She fell and injured her knee. On Thursday she motored to Berwick with her son, Arnold, and had x-rays at the W.K.M. Hospital and must stay off her feet for three weeks.

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joudrey and three children of Cherryfield Road, spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy. Mrs. Fred Oickle spent Thursday at the same home and was supper guest of her sister, Mrs. Louise Varner.

1959 June 2

- The second meeting of the men who are interested in fire equipment decided to purchase a Siamese Tap to add to the L. & F. Outfit if needed for community fires.  A demonstration was given on Monday night to interested men by Sub Ranger Guy Fancy on the handling of the pump and hoses.

- Several car loads took in the Jim Reeves musical show at Bridgewater and a number attended the T.B. Clinic at New Germany.

- We are glad to know the small daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan has returned from the Berwick hospital after pneumonia from flu.

- Harold Meister is bulldozing the site of C.P. Gaul’s garage, removing debris.

- Leslie Rafuse and Murray Barkhouse have hauled fertilizer from Halifax this week.

- Mr. Errol Crossland, of Billtown, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy.

- Roy Oickle, accompanied by his father, Mr. Emanuel Oickle, were to New Germany to the doctor on Saturday.  Sorry to report Emanuel quite sick with flu. He is at the home of his brother, Mr. Lee Oickle.

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1961  June 7

- Mr. Gus Porter and his men at Crossburn were awakened one night recently by a bear scouting around outside their camp. The men did not like this type of visitor.

- Congratulations to Mrs. Curtis Gaul, who graduated from Acadia University with a Bachelor of Education degree. Also to Joan Gaul, the daughter, who the same day got her B.A. degree from the same university.

- Mrs. Guy Fancy accompanied Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joudrey to Bridgewater to have an x-ray taken of Francis Joudrey’s broken arm. It is not known if he will require another cast until the x-ray is read at Halifax.

- Gordon Veinotte, Sr. had bulldozing done for his new home near his son’s home.

- Miss. Sharon Steeves has finished her Vocational Course and has gone to Kingston where she will be employed at the Rainbow Restaurant.

- The Anglican Church Parcel Post and Pie Sale proved very successful. The sum of $109.00 was cleared.

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Sharon Steeves

Florence (Keddy) Fancy

1961 June 14

- Gerald McKay, who spent the winter at Leslie Rafuse’s and attended school here, returned to Halifax on Tuesday. Mrs. James Gaul will long remember his kindness in carrying her wood and water through the winter months.

- Lloyd Oickle is around again after being badly kicked by his horse.

- We are glad to report the children of Dalhousie Road School are getting better and will be able to go back to school. Some of them were very sick and all needed medical help.

- Joan Gaul returned to her home in Greenwich Friday after a week of her vacation spent with her grandparents at Dalhousie Road. While here she enjoyed a few days fishing on Lake Torment. She left on Monday for Alberta, a summer resort where she will be employed until October when she will return to continue her studies.

- Gordon Veinotte has turned the first sod and will start building his bungalow soon near his son’s garage.

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Grace Gaul

(Mrs. James Gaul)


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Gordon Veinotte's place is the one on the left.

1961  June 21

- Mrs. James Gaul is having her house moved to a site beside her brother, H.L. Gaul. We wish her all the best in her new surroundings.

- Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and Grover are at Truro for the graduation of their daughter, Mrs. Errol Crossland. Congratulations also to Carrol and Julia Crouse of CHerryfield, and Alice Moore of Stanburne.

- Parents Day was observed in the Dalhousie East School on Wednesday. Work was on exhibition. A nice program of songs and readings were given, also a round “Gaily Sings the Donkey”, a great favourite of many. Miss. Linda Conn poured the tea and a bevy of bright faced boys and girls passed sandwiches and cake. Mrs. H.L. Gaul due to strain and stress of many years teaching, plans to rest next year. Mrs. Errol Crossland will be teaching next term.

1961 June 28

- Mrs. Hazel Bezanson has gone to Lake Paul to resume work as cook for Carson Lutz in the camp.

- This week will see the closing of schools across the country and also see the end of school at Lakeview. Some of the children will go to Dalhousie Road School. Some will go to Auburn. Plans are that the school bus will start from Dalhousie and pick up children from Lake George and Lake Paul and all along the road until they reach the school at Auburn.

- The Casey sisters of Lakeview were home last week. One recovering from a throat operation and one will go to Halifax to work.

- Francis Gaul and family spent Saturday at the home of Aubrey Tracey at New Minas.

- The Roman Catholics will hold their annual pie sale at the Community Hall this month.

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Hazel (Hiltz) Bezanson


1963 John & Doreen (Gaul) Redden

Doreen (Gaul) & John Redden

(Photo from 1963)

1962  June 5

- Basil Lonergan and St. Clair have gone to the Valley where they have found work for the summer months.

-  Everyone has been busy planting the last week. The rain came over the week-end which was a great help to gardens and fires, which the rain helped to put out.

- Mrs. Hazel Bezanson returning from the V.G. Hospital and is improving nicely here at home. Mr. Claude Bezanson, who is at the same home, is quite well again.

- Aubrey DeWInter has been home for the last few weeks logging.

- One lot of Boy Scouts have been out to Lake Sixty. They enjoyed the glorious weather.

- Miss. Doreen Gaul, Halifax, was here for a few days last week. She is now a patient at the V.G. Hospital having been rushed there over the week-end.

- Paving was completed this week on the Kentville to Chester Basin Highway. It has been a long awaited day when people could say this road was completed, years of dust and construction, many times when the road was simply impassible, but now the wonderful day is here and it must surely be appreciated by those who must travel this highway.


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Aubrey Davis DeWinter

1916 - 1995

1962  June 13

- Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilson spent Monday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland.

- Earl Lohnes purchased a half ton truck from Howard Lowe of Springfield.

- Mr. Henry Pare captured a live bear this week.

- Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter were to Bridgewater on Saturday. They visited with Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul at West Northfield.

- Mrs. Annie Johnson and invalid daughter who spent the winter in Lake Paul has moved to her home at Lakeview for the summer.

- Mr. Ivan Crossland has gone to Halifax where he is employed. Also Mr. Guy Ernst, Farmington, is doing carpentry work here.

- Miss. Margaret Crossland spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. DeWayne Veinotte, and family.

- Mr. Aubrey DeWinter, Marcus Crossland and Owen Veinotte have gone to Porters Lake where they have employment sawing lumber.

- Miss. Vera Kaulback, Lakeview, was employed for a few days this week with Mrs. Ray Hiltz.

- Mr. Garnet Joudrey and family have moved into their new home recently. We wish them all the best.


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Annie (Lohnes) McCormick Johnson


with her first child

Marie McCormick


(Photo from 1920)

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Marcus Crossland

(Photo from 2013)

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Ethel (Gaul) Saunders


(Photo from 1971)

Emerson and Pearl Lowe (married Jan 26,

1962  June 27

- Arthur Boylan and wife of Bridgewater were in Lakeview on Wednesday guest of Mrs. Wm Zwicker.

- Mrs. Ethel Saunders spent Friday with Thandie Gaul and was a dinner guest.

- Mrs. Aseph Alders visited at Lakeview last week and was a dinner guest  at the home of Mrs. A. Casey.

- Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe, Mrs. Arnold Fancy and Nolan, Mrs. Harold Lowe and girls were to Bridgewater Wednesday.

- Mrs. Harold Meister of New Ross spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul.

- Mrs. Charles Joudrey and children of Cherryfield Road spent Monday at the home of her parents Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy.

Emerson & Pearle Lowe

1915-2001 / 1921-1999

(I think that is a deer between them.)

1964  June 3

- This week we are sorry to report Mr. & Mrs. Austin Casey’s young son, Vincent, a patient at the Children’s Hospital, Halifax, seriously ill. Mrs. Casey has been staying with him.

- On Sunday Mrs. Margaret Russell, son Peter and Gregory Lonergan, visited Margaret’s relatives at Aylesford and called on Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul and boys at North Alton.

- The health nurse of Kings County visited the school at Dalhousie Road, also homes where all children received vaccine for polo.

- Medford Gaul and Margaret Crossland have moved back to Lakeview.

- Little Miss. Gail Lonergan and Valerie DeWinter were overnight guests at the former’s grandparents, Friday and Saturday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe, Judith, Mrs. C. Lowe, Mrs. Arnold Fancy and Nolan were visitors at the camp of Mr. Dan Hiltz on Wednesday evening.

- Mrs. DeWayne Veinotte and two boys visited her mother, Mrs. Lorena Crossland, at the home of Mr. Ivan Crossland on Sunday evening.

- Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Wright of Cambridge called on Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland on Sunday evening.

- Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lonergan and Mr. John Sullivan, Berwick, were supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Asa Aalders on Sunday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Grover Fancy and Wanda were supper guests on Tuesday with the latter’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Florence Robar, Meisners Section.

1964  June 25

- Mrs. Harold Meister and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Neil Meiser, and baby of New Ross called on Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fancy and Nolan and Mrs. C. Lowe. Mrs. Neil Meister was supper guest of Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crosland and Mrs. Harold Meister a supper guest of her parents Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Gaul on Friday.

- Mr. Ivan Crossland accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Lorens Crossland, motored to Mahone Bay on Sunday. Mrs. Crossland remained for a visit with Mr. & Mrs. Spurgeon Crossland.

- Mrs. Clarence Robar and children Joyce, Larry & Lawrence of Meisners Section, visited the former’s daughter, Mrs. Grover Fancy and Wanda on Wednesday.

- Mr. Jackie Kaulback, Miss. Lennihan, Miss. Betty Kaulback of New Germany and Mr. Harley Zwicker spent the week-end at the Kaulback’s home.

- Mrs. Asa Aalders and Mrs. Colin Lonergan called on Mr. T. Gaul June 14th to wish him many happy returns of the day. His 81st birthday.

- John Legge’s oldest daughter was taken to Berwick Hospital last week for observation.

Debbie & Marie Meister and Vene Meister

L to R: Debbie, Marie & Vene Meister

(Photo from 1993)

Jack & Mavis (Lenihan) Kaulback married
Betty & Harley Zwicker and family.jpg

Jackie Kaulback & Mavis Lennihan

Betty (Kaulback) & Harley Zwicker

(A few years later with their family.)

Ella Kaulback.jpg

A young Ella (Kaulback) Hiltz


(Photo around 1900)

Annie Lonergan.jpg

Annie M. (Bezanson) Lonergan


1968 June 19

- Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Russell and Mrs. Maude Russell accompanied by Dianne and Arthur Russell of Lower Sackville visited Saturday evening with Mr. Guy Broome at the B.F.M. Hospital, Kentville.

- Sunday night guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gates were Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy, Mrs. Ella Hiltz, Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Oickle and Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Kaulback, Dalhousie and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Romkey and four boys of Lunenburg.

- Mr. & Mrs. John Gates and Murray visited with Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright, East Dalhousie on Sunday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy called on Mrs. Hazel Bezanson, Berwick, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Laurence Lonergan, on Monday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harry Child of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan arrived at the home of her sister, Mrs. Grace Gaul, on Monday. While there they will visit relatives and friends.

- Mrs. Alberta Gaul returned to her home here after spending a year with her son, Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gaul, Germany.

- The many friends of Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Rhodenizer of Florida will be pleased to know they arrived on Thursday afternoon to spend the summer at their home “Gloria Lodge”. Mr. Eldred Raimey of New Germany spent the afternoon at their home.

1970  June 3

- Mrs. Naomi Zwicker called on Mrs. E.H. Saunders and Mrs. Margaret Gaul on Sunday.

- Mrs. Errol Crossland, Mrs. Arnold Fancy and Mrs. Charles Joudrey visited Mrs. Violet Acker at the D.M. Hospital, Bridgewater on Monday.

- Miss. Jocelyn Wilson (daughter of Eric Wilson) took care of the three children of Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland while they enjoyed the parade at Middleton on Saturday.

Naomi Zwicker  #8_edited.jpg

Naomi A. (Boylan) Zwicker


(Photo from 1972)

Ethel and Grammie  #19.jpg

1970 June 17

- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul of Greenwich spent Saturday with Mrs. E.H. Saunders and Mrs. Margaret Gaul.

- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter and Mrs. Ray Hiltz were in New Germany Saturday evening.

- Mrs. T. Gaul spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. E.H. Saunders. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meister of New Ross were callers in the evening.

Ethel (Gaul) Saunders & Norine (DeAdder) Gaul

(Photo from 1972)

1971 June 2

-  A card party was held at the Community Centre on Saturday evening. The proceeds, which are $26.00, are to be used for Anglican Church purposes.

-  William Feindel, New Germany, and Clinton Gaul, Berwick, were Monday visitors of William (Billy) Gaul and Miss. Violet Wentzel.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Barkhouse and Velma, Stewiacke, were Sunday visitors of the former’s nephew, Murray, Mrs. Barkhouse and family and brother-in-law, Douglas Lonergan, nieces Maxine and Sylvia. They also visited Mrs. Ray Hiltz. They were over night guests at the Lonergan home.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Frank Casey and girls and Roy Oickle were to Bridgewater on Tuesday.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaulback were Sunday visitors of their son, John, Mrs. Kaulback and family, Bear River.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Austin Casey and Vincent, Kingston, spent the week-end at their home in Lakeview.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul, Greenwich, were over night guests of Mrs. E.H. Saunders. They also visited Mr. Gaul’s mother, Mrs. T. Gaul.

-  Mr. Carroll Gaul of West Northfield was an over night guest Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. T. Gaul, who isn’t so well. Dr. Crowe, New Germany, was in attendance the afternoon.

-  Mrs. Margaret Gaul, Lakeview, spent a few days this week with Mrs. E.H. Saunders.

1973  June 6

- Mrs. Quentin kaulback is employed at the home of Maurice Oickle, New Ross, while Mrs. Oickle is a patient at Kentville.

- Mr. & Mrs. Tracey Joudrey and two children of Dartmouth spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Joudrey.

- Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilson visited Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lowe and Mrs. Hazel Bezanson, Springfield, on Sunday and were supper guests.

- Congratulations to Leslie Rafuse who finished his course at the Vocational School in Bridgewater with honors. He and Mrs. Rafuse attended the graduation exercises.

- Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland accompanied Mr. & Mrs. George Rhodenizer on a trip around the South Shore was far as Yarmouth.

- On Thursday, Mrs. Oran Veinotte was hostess to a Party of Quilters who gathered to finish a double Wedding quilt for her granddaughter, Patsy Lowe, whose coming marriage has been announced.    Present were Mrs. Ruby Bezanson, Mrs. Beulah, Valerie and Fern Barkhouse, Mrs. Beatrice Matthews, Mrs. Pearl and Judy Lowe, Mrs. Aubrey Fancy, Mrs. F.L. Wright and Mrs. Orpha DeWinter. Mrs. Veinotte served a beef dinner and also a lovely salad supper. All enjoyed the day of visiting.

Gloria (DeWinter) Hubley.jpg

Gloria (DeWinter) Oickle

(Later she was Mrs. Hubley)

Dell, Judi and Judi's mother, Pearl Lowe

Three Generations

Dell, Judi & Pearl Lowe

Thaddy & Billy 1929.jpeg

Thaddy & Billy Gaul

(Photo from 1929)

1974  June 6

- Mrs. Carson Lutz and Mrs. Greg Lutz of Lake Paul were dinner guests of Mrs. V.L. Wright on Friday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse visited Mr. & Mrs. Henry Matthews on May 30th. The occasion was Henry’s birthday.

- Mrs. Grace Gaul has received word that her sister, Alice Gaul, is confined to hospital in Moose Jaw, Sask.

- Congratulations to Barry Lonergan on graduating from Dalhousie College in Halifax.

- Bears continue to be a pest, coming to hen houses and stealing food from platforms.

1973 June 12

- Mrs. Margaret Gaul, Lakeview, and her mother, Mrs. Lorena Crossland, visited Mrs. Grace Gaul on Monday.

- Mr. Peter Russell of Oxford, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Russell.

1973  June 27

- Mrs. V.L. Wright and Donald entertained 50 relatives and friends to a Buffet Luncheon arranged by family members on Sunday afternoon and evening.

1976  June 2

- A very successful Pie Sale was held at the Community Hall Saturday night. The sum of $239.00 by sale of pies and donations to be used for Anglican Church purposes. Thanks to all who helped.

-  Mrs. Beulah Barkhouse is a patient at the W.K.M. Hospital, Berwick. We wish her a speedy recovery.

- Several from here attended the Blood Donor Clinic at the Legion Hall, New Germany, Thursday evening.

- Miss. Judy Lowe and Mrs. Kenneth Wamboldt of Halifax were supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe. In the evening they called on Mr. & Mrs. Basil Lowe.

- Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morton, New Germany, Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Lonergan, Berwick, Miss. Velma Barkhouse of Stewacke and Mr. Dean White of New Germany were visitors on Sunday with Miss. Maxine and Sylvia Lonergan.

1972 Fair Day.jpg

Fair Day 1972

Nina and Basil Lowe at Emerson and Pearl

Nina & Basil Lowe

1976  June 23

- Mr. Peter Russell & Mrs. Margaret Russell took Mrs. V.L. Wright to the D.M. Hospital on Monday morning for tests and remained with her to supper in the evening.

- Tuesday Mrs. Wright celebrated her 82nd birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Carson Lutz arrived early on the 15th, the occasion being their 32nd wedding anniversary, also visiting was Mrs. Edna Burgoyne. Friends were visited in Cherry Hill, also Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Ramey who were leaving for Annapolis and later for Natick, Mass. On arriving home, a number of relatives and friends arrived armed with gifts and a lovely wedding cake which was enjoyed by all.











1976  June 30

- Mr. & Mrs. Grover Fancy and family visited Mrs. Fancy’s uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Robar, Brian and Kathy, Lake Paul, Sunday evening.

- Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter visited friends in Halifax on Sunday and spent Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Potter, New Ross.

- Mr. & Mrs. Colin Lonergan, Dalhousie Road and Mrs. Carroll Gaul, West Northfield were recent callers on Mrs. E.H. Sanders.

Vernon and Florence (Flossy) Leila Wrigh

Florence L.(Rhodenizer) Wright


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