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Part Ib

Spring green.png
April green.png

1948  April 21

- Mrs. Cassie Michaud of Lakeview, an aged lady of 80 years, fell a few weeks ago and broke a bone in her hip. Sorry to say she is not recovering very well. (Mrs. Michaud passed away on April 16th of this year.)

Above you can see the home where Mrs. Cassie Michaud lived. This photo was taken during the 1940's.

She was cared for at the end of her life by her daughter, Naomi (Bolyan) Zwicker.

1949 April 6

- The robins, song sparrows, juncos, wild ducks and night hawks have arrived. Your reporter found a cut worm crawling on the snow, as well as moths of two varieties, which appear to be very much alive.

- Mr. & Mrs. Earl Young, Forties, were overnight guests of Albert Young.

- Messrs. Basil Lonergan, Eric and Ansley Wilson recently purchased cars from a Bridgewater dealer.

- Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lonergan and Sylvia returned from Enfield where they spent the winter and where Mr. Lonergan was logging.

- Eddie Crossland, Berwick, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. S. Crossland.

- On Friday Asa Alders motored to Kentville with Carrol Gaul and visited his wife, at the Kentville Sanitarium and brought back the good news that Mrs. Alders shortly would be discharged.  For 18 years, off and on, Mrs. Alders has been a patient at the Sanitarium and all her friends are glad to hear that she can return home cured.

- Mrs. Harding Gaul has been engaged to teach the Lakeview school another year.

Stanley Crossland 1892-1950.jpg
Maxine, Verna & Doug Lonergan.jpg
Mrs. Harding Gaul (Bertie).jpg
Sylvia Lonergan and a horse drawn sled.j

Stanley Elijah Crossland

1892 - 1950

Sylvia Lonergan

Alberta "Bertie" C. (Bower) Gaul

Verna A. (Barkhouse) & Douglas L. Lonergan

1902 - 1970 / 1897 - 1971

1949 April 20

- Miss. Rena Fancy is employed at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lowe. Sorry to report both Mr. & Mrs. Lowe are sick.

- Messrs. Dick & Theodore Keddy of the Forties visited at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy on Sunday. Mr. Charles Joudrey, Cherryfield, was a visitor at the same time.

- On Saturday Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul and family motored to New Germany, it being little Gary’s birthday. Dr. Cunnungham presented the children with a handsome black Spaniel puppy, which answers to the name of Sooty. The children adore him and the little fellow has not been one bit lonely in his new home.

- Mr. Gordon Spence has been in this place for some days, trying to put out the fire in the sawdust pile, which has been burning since the mill burned last fall. The heavy rains of the last few days should be a help.  The mill belonged to J.H. Hammers & Son at Fancy’s Corner, Dalhousie. It was burned to the ground in 15 minutes on Nov. 2, 1948.

Rhena Joudrey Dec 2018.jpg
1956 .... Ted & Loretta Keddy Family Lef
Charles Joudrey photo 1995 truck
Garry, Connie, Sooty & Dinty 1950a.jpg

- Miss. Margaret Matthews is spending her Easter holidays at Dalhousie with her mother. Miss. Matthews has resigned as teacher at Elmwood, where she taught for three years.

Charles Joudrey

Photo from 1995.

Charles is with his 1950 truck.

Rhena (Fancy) Joudrey

Photo from 2018

Theodore Keddy

Photo from 1956

Connie & Garry Gaul

Photo from 1950.

With the new dog, Sooty, and their cat, Dinty.

1950 April 12

- We hear sometimes when it is nice that spring is just around the corner, but I guess by the way it is looking, it has several corners to turn yet before spring. It has been a good many years since we had an April like this.

Brothers Clair & Basil Lonergan

Clair Loneragn & his oxen (Shelley Loner

Peter St. "Clair" Lonergan

1902 - 1979

Basil & oxen.jpg

1950 April 19

- Mrs. Hazel Bezanson has returned from New Ross, where she had been employed for the last few weeks taking care of Mrs. Ward Keddy.

- The people of this community extend our sympathy to the Ross family of New Ross, in the death of Captain Ross, which occurred at his home a short time ago.

- We are glad to report that Miss. Nina Lowe, who has been ill, is somewhat better.

- St. Clair Lonergan is still with his brother Basil. They are now busy getting wood for next winter.

- Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright are enjoying having their little grand daughter, Sharon Lutz, of Lake Paul, spending part of the winter and spring with them.

- Although the roads have been bad, our Mr. Sawler’s truck has not missed a trip this spring, bringing supplies to the people of Dalhousie.

Basil C. Lonergan

1912 - 1999

1950 April 26

- With sadness we have heard of the accident and death of William (commonly called Bill) Saunders, son of Harry Saunders, son of Elton Saunders. Harry is one of our Dalhousie boys. He married and went to the USA. He has been living in Chicago for a number of years. Bill was in a car accident and died on Good Friday.

- A fall of 5 inches of snow came to us on the night of the 23rd. This will cool off the fishing sports for a few days. Maybe they won’t be so hot for Daylight Saving Time. That foolery is a heavy loss to the farmers at large. They don’t seem to know or care that the farmer feeds the world.

Sap pails.png

1951 April 4

- Eric Wilson and Merlyn Wright were away and spent Easter with friends.

- Some are in the sugar-making business, but according to the old signs, it is not going to be a very good year for the business.

- The way they have the telephone business, some of us can’t talk to a neighbour three miles away much quicker than we can to New Germany or Bridgewater. A very convenient service.


crank phone
Maxine 1975.jpg
Roy Barkhouse & Lawrence Lonergan.jpg

1951 April 11

- Mrs. Carson Lutz and family, of Lake Paul, were visitors of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright.

- Mrs. Curtis Gaul spent three days in Kentville during her Easter holidays, where she was able to be with he husband, Curtis, who is still a patient at the San.

- Miss. Phyllis Kaulback spent a few days of her Easter holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Ray Gates, at New Ross.

- Miss. Maxine Lonergan returned to her studies at college in Truro after Easter.

- Mrs. John Gates, New Ross, and Mrs. Carson Lutz, Lake Paul, spent a few days of the holidays with their parents Mr. & Mrs. V. L. Wright.

- Mr. Roy Barkhouse, who has been logging on Lower Road for Owen Oickle, will soon be moving back to his place in Dalhousie.

- Nelson and Albert Bezanson, who are employed at Ray Hiltz’s, spent the weekend at Lake Paul.

- Miss. Annie Franey and her brother, Johnnie, have moved into their own house after spending the winter with Guy Fancy.

Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg
Miles, Albert & Blair Bezanson 1962.jpg
Phyllis (nee Kaulback) Mrs. Shirley Smit
Mabel (nee London) 1937.jpg

Maxine Kenny Lonergan

1922 - 1978

Photo from 1975

Alison Eleanor (Wright) Lutz

1922 - 2017

Roy Barkhouse

1895 - 1960

Albert Bezanson

Mabel G. (London) Gaul

1912 - 2007

Photo from 1937

Phyllis (Kaulback) Smith

Annie Franey & Johnnie Franey

Annie was born in 1891

Johnnie was born in 1896

1952  April 2

- Mr. Joseph Mailman of Albany, visited his daughter, Mrs. Charles McGowan and Mr. McGowan on Wednesday.

- Vaughn Joudrey of Waterville and Maurice Oickle are employed with Emmerson Lowe.

- Harold Lowe purchased a nice new car last week.

- Miss. Greta Fancy, of Lakeview, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy.

- Mrs. Hattie Veinot returned home on Tuesday. She had been employed at New Ross for the past two months.

- Ruby Barkhouse has gone to New Germany where she is employed at Mr. Zwickers.

- Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse have returned from Halifax where they were the guests of their son, Kenney, and family for a week.

- Marie Lonergan is confined to her bed at home suffering from measles. She has been working at New Germany.

- Mrs. Charles Kaulback is still at New Ross helping care for her aged mother, Mrs. John Broome.

- Mrs. Murray Barkhouse has gone to Berwick where she will be with her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Lonergan for some time.

- People in the community have heard with deep regret of the illness of Mrs. Guy Hiltz at the Forties. Mrs. Hiltz as the former Marie McCormick.

- Well the snow which was the cause of trouble for a lot of people this winter is pretty well gone. Now we will have the mud to contend with for awhile and after that the rocks and holes.

Albert, Gwen, Ruby & Miles Bezanson 1966
Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse & Ruby Bezan
John & Annie Broome.jpg
Annie Lonergan.png

Ruby (Barkhouse) Bezanson

Photo from 1966

Beulah (Bezanson)


Photo from 1952

Annie E. (Leopold) Broome

1864 - 1956

Annie M. (Bezanson) Lonergan

1924 - 2015

1952 April 16

- Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus and Carrol Gaul and Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Saunders left on Thursday morning for a motor trip to Boston. They plan to be gone two weeks.

- We heartily congratulate Mrs. Foster Russell on winning a 132 piece dinner and tea set on Marven’s “Know Your Maritimes”.

- Mrs. Arch Lowe on Monday saw 25 deer with only a possible chance of seeing any twice. She also saw the three-legged one and one spotted like a half-deer, half-Hereford. It moved slower and had shorter legs than the majority of deer.


- Mr. & Mrs. Burpee Slauenwhite and sons Robert and Herbert spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle and Maurice.

- Donald Gaul is spending Easter with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Gaul.

50 Anniversary.jpg

Thaddeus & Norine (DeAdder) Gaul

1883 - 1969 / 1884 - 1974

Photo taken on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1955.

From August 1956 the death of Donald Gaul was recorded. "The whole community was shocked to hear of the death of PO Donald Gaul while on a training flight at Cold Lake, Alberta. He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. Harding Gaul and had been in the army. Then after discharge worked for a time in Halifax. He later enlisted in the Air Force and had attained a PO rank, planning soon to write his F. Lieut. papers. The accident happened on the Air Force Station where he was struck by a vehicle and killed almost instantly. He leaves behind a wife, Edna Eustace, and an infant daughter, Donna Lesley, his parents , plus a sister, Lesley (Mrs. Daigle), and two brothers, Theodore and John."

Margaret (Long) Russell.jpg

Margaret Mary (Long) Russell

1914 - 1997


1955 April 6

- St. Patrick’s Day was observed very quietly here. Mrs. Parker Herget, teacher at Lakeview school, entertained at the school house parents and children. Games were played and fudge passed around. On the following Tuesday, Mrs. Herget took her class by car to New Ross Cross to see a show, Ma & Pa Kettle.

The movie they saw was "Ma and Pa Kettle On Vacation".

- Mr. William Zwicker, of Lakeview, employed at Halifax for years, entered the Infirmary on the 12th for an operation on his legs. He has undergone one of the operations and will now have to undergo another on his other leg. We are hoping they will be a success.

- Mrs. Francis Gaul is at present a guest of her father and sister at White Rock. Francis has gone to the N.S. Sanitarium at Kentville for a check-up.

- Mrs. Colin Lonergan and children were guests of her mother for a few days.

 - Mr. Harold Lowe accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe and daughter Nina motored to Halifax on Sunday, March 27th. They visited Mr.& Mrs. Ed Armsworthy and Nina remained there until Monday, then entered the V.G. Hospital for a check-up.

- Mr. Asa Aalders spent a few days recently with relatives at Berwick. While there he visited Mrs. Aalders at the Kentville San. Glad to report Mrs. Aalders is feeling good. Her many friends hope she will soon return home.


On Vacation.jpg
Donald Wright and Guy Fancy.jpg

Donald Merrill Wright

1926 - 1996

1955 April 20

-  About 25 men have gone to the woods to assist in the search for Calvin Dorey who ran to the woods on Saturday. Though the woods have been searched from Thirty Lake to Spry Lake the search ended tonight the way it started. No trace of him.

- Mrs. V.L. and Don Wright, Lloyd Veinotte and Betty Hatt were Monday evening visitors at Doran Crouse’s for a session of music. Mrs. Crouse served a dainty lunch.

-  Don Wright and Jackie Kaulback attended the Pie Sale at Mill Road on Friday night and furnished the music.

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joudrey (nee. Rhena Fancy) are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son at the D.M. Hospital.

- Merlyn Wright, accompanied by Albert Lowe and Robert Varner left by truck for Ontario where they will be employed at planting trees.

1958 April 2

- Mrs. Lorena Crossland, who was employed with Mrs. Foster Russell for two weeks, has returned home.

- Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilson and children, Arthur, Jocelyn and Maynard, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wilson’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Steadman Zwicker, Parkdale.

- Mr. John Oickle, Lakeview, spent Tuesday visiting Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle.

- Mr. Murray Russell and Mr. Percy Brown, of New Ross, were dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse on Tuesday.


Front of house copy.jpg

- Regret to report that Mrs. Foster Russell, Peter and the former’s mother, Mrs. E.A. Long, closed their house here and moved to New Ross on Monday. Their many friends wish them all the best in their new home. Mrs. Charles Russell had spent two weeks with them here and will visit them at New Ross for a time.  They will occupy the home of Mrs. Freda Murphy and Peter will attend Lake Ramsay School. We were very sorry to see them move. They were top notch citizens and with the three generations who have lived in the home, no one was turned away hungry or cold. Anyone in need was a challenge, which was met with a helping hand. We can hope they will return to us one day.

- Mr. Joseph Vardol, Rawleigh dealer, Lawrencetown, was here on Thursday.

- Sorry to report that Miss. Maxine Lonergan entered the W.K.M. Hospital, Berwick, for observation on Monday. We hope she will soon return home. Miss. Audrey Lowe is teaching the Dalhousie Road School for an indefinite time until Maxine is feeling better.

Maxine Lonergan at Christmas.png
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an

The Long Homestead

Maxine Kenny Lonergan

1922 - 1978

Audrey (Lowe) Fancy

Photo from the 1980's

1958 April 9

- Election day a beautiful day passed quietly as usual. It was good to see friends at the polling booth who had not met all winter.

- The storm has played havoc with the lights and roads. We were pleased to have the telephone line intact. Mrs. Gertrude Taylor became ill and Eric Wilson, Basil Lowe and Don McPherson drove to New Germany for Dr. Crowe, who after being assisted by the neighbours with shovels and bulldozer got the jeep through before night. Sorry to say Mrs. Taylor is suffering from pneumonia. Dr. Crowe was also called to Mrs. E.H. Saunders Tuesday who has improved.

- Friends of Francis Gaul regret that his operation has to wait until the middle of May. With all the hospitals we have it seems no one should have to wait that long.

telephone line in snow.jpg

- The birds and lambs are arriving daily. It looks as if we will have to feed the feathered friends. Five flocks of geese have been spotted so far.

- The Sunday evening service was well attended in spite of the conditions of the road. Lic. Don Chase gave a fitting Palm Sunday message. We were favoured with the lovely hymn “The Wayside Cross”, solo by L.L. Wright with Julia, Carrol and Doran Crouse on chorus.


50 Anniversary.jpg

Francis John Gaul

1927 - 2007

Photo taken 1955

1958  April 23

- Nina Lowe, who became ill, was taken to the Halifax hospital by Arnold Fancy. Others on the sick list for a few days were Mrs. Charles Lowe, Mrs. Guy Fancy and Greta.

-While piling brush to be burned, Fred Oickle lost a valuable watch. To date he has not found it.

- Jack Nash is bulldozing a spot on which he plans to build a new home. Ground was purchased from Mr. Guy Fancy.

- Jackie Kaulback, who has been employed at Annapolis Royal on the Causeway Project, since his graduation, was home for the week-end.

Florence Fancy 1951.jpg

Florence (Keddy) Fancy

1910 - 1964

Peter Russell with his two grandmother,

Louie Loretto (DeAdder) Long

1882 - 1960

- Friends were sorry to hear that Mrs. E. A. (Louie) Long, who recently moved to New Ross, is again in hospital in Bridgewater. Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul spent Sunday with them at Lake Ramsay.

- Miss. Maxine Lonergan is still a hospital patient at Berwick. We wish her all good in her illness.

K1970 Jackie Kaulback and survey

Jack Kaulback (on right)

With his survey crew in 1970.

Post Office in Dalh at Lonergan's.jpg

Home of Asa Aalders and Marie (Lonergan) Aalders

Former home of Daniel & Alvaretta (Veinot) Lonergan

1958 April 30

- Mrs. Harry Meister, who is very ill, has been taken to the D.M. Hospital in Bridgewater.

- Granville Leopold, Roger Meister and Brian Potter spent the week-end at their homes in New Ross. On Saturday Roger Meister was a dinner guest at Granville’s home at the Mill Road.

- Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Siggins and children, of Aylesford, visited Mr. & Mrs. George Kaulback and Vera on Sunday.

- Mr. & Mrs. William Zwicker and Mrs. Parker Herget (she was the teacher), of Lakeview, were supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Gaul and family on April 16th, the occasion being Mrs. Gaul’s birthday. (It was her 35th birthday.)

-  Mr. Charles McGowan had the misfortune of loosing his horse on Saturday.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Hartley Lonergan and two children, Sandra & Ashley, of Lake Paul, visited Mr. & Mrs. Asa Aalders on Sunday, April 20th, on Wednesday Mrs. William Zwicker, Mr. Austin Casey and three children, of Lakeview, were supper guests at the same home.


Muriel with baby no frame.jpg
Lois Fancy-Meister (Mrs. Harry).jpg
1947 Fishing on Lake Darling. L - R Sonn
1947 Fishing on Lake Darling. L - R Sonn

Lois (Fancy) Meister

Mrs. Harry Meister

Muriel Frances (Zwicker) Gaul

1923 - 2001

I believe this was her first child, James.

Roger Brian Meister

mid 1940's

Brian Potter

Roger's fishing friend.

Naomi Agnes (Boylan) Zwicker

1895 - 1973

Hartley Lonergan.jpg

Hartley St. Clair Lonergan

1928 - 2016

Naomi Zwicker  #8.jpg

Ashley St. Clair Lonergan

Son of Hartley and Pearl Lonergan

1957 - 2011

Ashley Lonergan 1957-2011.jpg

1960 April 6

- Guests of Mrs. Margaret Russell on Wednesday included Mr. & Mrs Charles Kaulback, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lonergan, Maxine, Sylvia and Basil Lonergan, also her aunt, Mrs. Agnes Russell, of New Ross.

Alma (Long) Cogley & Agnes (Long) Russel
Lonergans 1963 Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dor
Charlie & Pearle Kaulback edited.jpg

Charlie & Pearle (Broome) Kaulback

1905 - 1994 / 1901 - 2003

Doug & Verna Lonergan and daughters

L to R: Maxine, Doug, Sylvia, Dorothy & Verna

Mrs. Charles (Agnes Long) Russell

1884 -

- Mr. Earl Lohnes spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Phyllis Murphy at Millville.

- Little Kevin Gaul, son of Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul, is a patient at the Berwick hospital suffering from infected ears and congestion.

Guy Fancy 1.jpg

- V.L. Wright met with a painful eye injury when a farm animal struck him with a sharp horn. The eye is steadily improving.

- Mr. Guy Fancy and Messrs. Errol and Ivan Crossland attended the Lands and Forrest meeting at New Minas. They reported the meeting a success.

Guy Ernest Fancy

1903 - 1969

1960 Garry Gaul & Kevin Gaul & Outhouse.

Kevin  J. Gaul

Photo around 1959

Fred & Alma Oickle 1930's.jpg
Quint Kaulback 1960 with Marjorie's chil

- Messrs Quintin Kaulback and William Gaul had an accident. The Kaulback car driving west with Mrs. Kaulback and Mrs. Hiltz, met at the William Gaul’s driveway and due to the high snow banks, they couldn’t see each other and so damaged both cars. Luckily no one was injured.

- R.C.A.F. Greenwood, had a second group of men at the Scout Camp on Sixty Lake. They were landed by Jeep, Helicopter and Plane and were more lucky than the party who preceded them, who were caught in the terrible blizzard and became separated. They reported the only animals sighted on the trek was one fox trying to catch a mouse.

- Mr. James Franey of Aylesford spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lohnes.

- Mr. Joseph Veinotte, Rawleigh dealer, Lawrencetown, called at several homes here on Tuesday and was a dinner guest of Mr. & Mrs Fred Oickle.

Fred J. & Alma L. (Fancy) Oickle

1898 - 1987 / 1898 - 1997

Quintin F. Kaulback

1907 - 1991

Photo from 1960 taken with his daughter, Marion's, children:

Brian, Darryl & Nancy

1962  April 4

- Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Pat Walker, near New Ross, were their son Eugene, Mrs. Walker and Kerry, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Graves, all of Chester, Edward Mizzi, Sydney, and Leo Clough, of Antigonish. Evening callers were Mr. & Mrs. Blair Seffern, of Seffernville.

-  Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Pare and Mr. Marcus Crossland visited the latter’s sister, Miss. Margaret Crossland and Mr. Medford Gaul on Wednesday.

Pat and Cora Walker's place in New Russe
Loretta (Walker) Seffern.jpg
Pat Eugene Cora 1944.jpg
Blair Seffern 1966.jpg

Pat & Cora (Legge) Walker & son, Eugene

1918 - 2004 / 1918 - 2003

Photo from 1944

Home of Pat & Cora Walker in New Russell.

Loretta (Walker) & Blair Seffern

1907 -1986 /  ?

Photos from 1966

Dell, Judi and Judi's mother, Pearl Lowe
Vera  Kaulback, Helen Kaulback,  Rachel

Vera (Kaulback) DeEll

Photo from 1940

Nina Ardelice "Del" (Veinotte) Lowe, Judi (Lowe) Hiltz & Pearl Marie (Lowe) Lowe

Photo from the 1960's?

- Mr. Lloyd Oickle, Mrs. George Kaulback and daughter, Miss Vera Kaulback were in Kentville on Wednesday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe and Judith spent Tuesday evening, March 20th, with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle. The occasion being Fred’s birthday.

- Monday dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Russell and Mrs. Maude Russell, of New Ross,  were Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaulback.

Myrna Russell.jpg

Myrna (Broome) Russell

with child

Maurice Russell.jpg

Maurice Russell


Ella "Maude" (Broome) Russell

Wife of Arthur R. Russell

1881 - ?


Grover Bennett Fancy

1936 - 2013

1962  April 18

- Improvement is indicated in reports from the V.G. Hospital for Mrs. Guy Fancy and also Milton Rhodenizer and Ralph Veinotte who have friends here.

- Murray Naugler was an overnight guest of Grover Fancy on Thursday.

- Lieut. and Mrs. Charles Joudrey and their family were week-end guests of Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Wright.

- Mr. Chester Meister, of New Ross, called here on several folks this week. He is a salesman for Bluenose Motors Co. cars.

- Mrs. Louisa Kaulback celebrated her birthday on April 12th. She was born in 1873 and is still active. Congratulations.


Freeman, Quintin & Louisa Kaulback ~1913

Louisa R. (Oickle) Kaulback

1873 - 1966


1962 April 25

- Maurice Oickle and Miss. Gloria DeWinter and Grover Fancy were to Bridgewater on Saturday on business.

- There has been a Fordigraph Duplicater and also a filmstrip projector installed in the East Dalhousie School recently.

- Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland and Mr. Guy Fancy and Miss. Sharon Steeves were to Halifax on Sunday and visited Mrs. Guy Fancy at the V.G. Hospital. They found her feeling much better and in hopes of getting home for Easter.


Sharon Steeves

Photo from 1960's

10  1955.jpg

Gloria DeWinter

Photo from Christmas 1955

Joan & Connie with a friend .jpg

1964  April 1

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Durling, New Germany, visited the latter’s brother, Mr. Garnet Joudrey, Mrs. Joudrey and family, Sunday.

- Mrs. Fred Oickle spent Tuesday with her brother, Mr. Guy Fancy and Mr. & Mrs. Grover Fancy and Wanda.

- Miss. Gloria DeWinter, Kentville, and Mr. Aubrey DeWinter, Halifax, spent the week-end at their home.

- Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe and Judith and Nolan Fancy were to Bridgewater and spent Sunday, March 15th, with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lowe and children and Mrs. C. Lowe.

- Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fancy, Mrs. Errol Crossland and Mr. Guy Fancy were to Halifax Sunday and visited Mrs. Guy Fancy at the convalescing home. Mrs. Arnold Fancy remained in the week with Mrs. Errol Crossland to be with Mrs. Guy Fancy. Pleased they found her much better than the week before.

Guy Fancy and sisters Alma & Louisa.jpg
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an
Emerson and Pearl Lowe with their childr
Aubrey DeWinter.jpg
Errol & Greta 1959.jpeg
Florence with work horse.jpg

Arnold & Audrey (Lowe) Fancy

Nolan Fancy

Son of Arnold & Audrey

Greta (Fancy) Crossland

Aubrey Davis DeWinter

1916 - 1995

Emerson L. & Pearl (Lowe) Lowe

Nina, Audrey & Judi

Photo taken 1949

The Fancy Siblings

Alma (Fancy) [Mrs. Fred.]Oickle,

Guy E. Fancy

& Louisa (Fancy) [Mrs. Norman] Lowe

Florence Evelyn (Keddy) Fancy

1910 - 1964

V. L. Wright Home

In the 1960's

V. L. Wright Home


The Former Vernon & Flossy Wright Home

Hover your cursor over the home to see it in the 1960's.

1964  April 8

- The Easter season brought visitors to the area. Mr. & Mrs. Lorimer L. Wright, Cambridge, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Melvin, South River Lake, Mr. & Mrs. John Gates, three sons of New Ross: Sharon Lutz, David & Carolyn Crooker of South Brookfield, Clifford Moore, Don Wright of Truro and Mrs. Margaret Russell visited Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright during the holidays.

John Gates.jpg

John Harold Gates

Doug & Margaret.jpg

Margaret Mary (Long) Russell

1913 -1997

Donald Wright and Guy Fancy.jpg

Donald Merrill Wright

1926 - 1996

Curtis & Mabel Gaul

Mabel (London) & Curtis Gaul

1908 - 1992  /  1912 - 2007

Ted & Loretta Keddy 1956.jpg

1965  April 7

- Mr. Jimmy Young, of the Halifax Police Force, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Young.

- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul, of Greenwich, visited Mrs. E. H. Saunders on Saturday and were overnight guests. They visited Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carrol Gaul, West Northfields, was a visitor also.

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joudrey and family of Cherryfield Road, and Mr. Guy Fancy visited Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Keddy, Forties, Sunday night.

- Miss. Judi Lowe spent the week-end with Mr. & Mrs. Austin Casey and family, Kingston.

- Sorry to report that Mrs. William Gaul has returned to the W.K.M. Hospital, Berwick. We hope she will soon return home.

- Pleased to report that Mrs. Louisa Kaulback, who was confined to her bed with the flu, is much better today. Dr. McArthur, of Berwick was in attendance. Others who were sick with the flu were Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaulback, Mr. Quint Kaulback, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Veinotte. We wish all a speedy recovery.


Edward "Ted" J. & Loretta "Lola" J. (Bezanson ) Keddy

Photo from 1956

Kaulback Home 2016

Former home of Freeman & Louisa Kaulback

View the slide show to see how things have changed at the Kaulback home over the years.

Emerson and Pearl Lowe (married Jan 26,
1993 Phyllis Lonergan visit close up.jpg
Hazel(Lutz) & Clair Lonergan.jpg

1965  April 25

- Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kaulback and Miss. Betty Kaulback, New Germany, spent Easter at the Kaulback home.

- Mrs. William Gaul passed away early Monday morning at the Berwick Hospital. Funeral was held at the Anglican Church. Sympathy to Mr. Gaul and all the relatives.

- Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter visited Mrs. Charles Russell and Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Potter, New Ross on Sunday. They also visited other relatives.

- Mrs. Hazel Bezanson who was employed with Mrs. Bertie Lutz of Lake Paul returned home.

- Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fancy, Nolan and Sherry enjoyed a trip to Mahone Bay on Sunday afternoon.

1965 April 28

- Miss. Minnie Bezanson of Kentville, spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Bezanson.

- Mr. & Mrs. Medford Gaul, of Lakeview, visited Mrs. E.H. Saunders on Wednesday.

- Mrs. Austin Casey, Eleanor and Vincent, of Kingston, spent the holidays with the former’s son, Frankie, at their home in Lakeview.

- Mrs. Howard Reid and three children, of Canning, spent Easter with her sister, Miss. Mary Oickle and brothers, Albert and James Oickle, Lakeview.

- Recent callers at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Lowe were Mrs. Asa Aalders, Mrs. Colin Lonergan and three children and Clair Lonergan, Dalhousie Road; Mrs. Basil Lowe, Alton Road and Mr. George Lake, of Brookfield.

Agnes (Long) Russell b.1884.jpg

Agnes (Long) Russell

Mrs. Charles Russell

b. 1884

Minnie Jane Bezanson 1922-2011.jpg

Minnie Jane Bezanson

1922 - 2011

1966 Asa & Marie Aalders.jpg
Elton & Ethel Saunders 1950's.jpg

Elton H. & Ethel M. (Gaul) Saunders

1865 - 1958 / 1885 - 1983

Photo 1950's

Nina Lowe married Basil Lowe July 30th 1

Marie (Lonergan) Aalders

1904 - 1992

Photo from 1966

Lakeview June 1960  Mike Gaul, _, Vincen

Lakeview School  June 1960 

Vincent Casey, Bertha Gaul, Chris Gaul, Eleanor & Frankie Casey

Emerson L. & Pearl M. (Lowe) Lowe

1915 - 2001 / 1921 - 1999

Phyllis C. (Gaul) Lonergan

1916 - 2008

Photo from 1993

Peter St. Clair Lonergan

1902 - 1979

Nina Louise (Lowe) & Basil Lowe

1940-2010 / ?

Wedding Photo from 1960

Aubrey DeWinter & Orpha Hiltz.jpg
Ray DeWinter.jpg
Curtis, Mabel, Connie 1976.jpg
Hazel, Annie & Carrol Bezanson .jpg

1967  April 5

- Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rafuse were in Bridgewater on Thursday.

- Another deer (a large doe) has been found on the logging roads in Dalhousie. The men who found her said the huge wild cat had dragged her a long distance.

- Telephone service has been “nil” for another day. Messages had to be relayed several miles.

- Aubrey DeWinter’s little son, Ray, has had his operation on his legs and will be returning home in a short time.

- Mr. & Mrs. Francis gaul and boys were Sunday guests at Francis’ parents. They also called at the Lonergan home. Francis is still employed on a fish plant near Middleton.

- Carrol Gaul and son, Pat, also Mrs. Austin Casey were dinner guests at Francis Gaul’s, North Alton on Friday.

- Mrs. Curtis Gaul and daughter, Connie, spent their Easter holidays in Florida where Mrs. Gaul has a sister and other relatives. They left here in a snow storm and in a few hours were in the midst of flowers and sunshine.

- Hazel and Carrol Bezanson spent a few days here during the Easter holidays. Both are employed at Dan Hiltz’s, Forties.

- Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meister, New Ross, called on Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul recently.

- Mr. Aubrey DeWinter spent Sunday with his parents, when he got a call that his fathers ill. He was moved to the Berwick Hospital where he is now a patient.

Hazel C. (Hiltz) Bezanson , Annie M.

(Bezanson) Lonergan & Carrol O. Bezanson

1905 -1997 / 1924 - 2015 / 1922 - 1976

Mabel G (London) &

Constance"Connie" L. Gaul

Photo from 1976

Ray Allison DeWinter

1965 - 2010

Photo from 2009

Aubrey D. & Orpha C. (Hiltz) DeWinter

1916 - 1995 / 1920 - 1994

1965 family with Greg.jpg

Thaddy, Norine, Bertha, Carrol & Francis Gaul

Chidren: Greg Lonergan, Chris & Kevin Gaul

Leslie Rafuse & Amy Kaulback.JPG
Margaret Matthews Rafuse at Matthews hom

Leslie John Merlin  & Margaret Madeline (Matthews) Rafuse

1921 - 1999 / 1918 - 2005

11   Gauls 1976.jpg
11   Gauls 1976.jpg

Harold Ralph & Lavinia "Vene" Mary (Gaul) Meister

1908 - 1977 / 1912 - 2015

Photo from 1976

1969 April 2

- Mr. Ronnie Russell of New Ross spent Tuesday evening, March 18th, with his aunt, Mrs. Margaret Russell, and Peter.

- Mr. Aubrey DeWinter and children, Valerie, Cynthia and Ronnie, motored to Halifax on Friday where they met Mr. Ed Konkal who spent the week-end at the DeWinter home.

- Mr. & Mrs. Grover Fancy and family spent Wednesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oickle.

- Mr. & Mrs. Basil Lowe were to Bridgewater on Friday afternoon. They called at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lowe.

Guy Fancy and sisters Alma & Louisa.jpg
Gloria, Valerie, Ray, Ronnie and Cynthia

DeWinter Children at Their Mother's Grave 2009

L to R: Gloria Hubley

Valerie Mailman

Ray DeWinter

Ron DeWinter

Cynthia Burgoyne

Pearl Lowe's brother Harold Lowe.jpg
Nina and Basil Lowe at Emerson and Pearl
Margaret & Peter.jpg

Margaret & Peter Russell

Photo mid 1960's

Nina Louise (Lowe) & Basil Lowe

1940-2010 / ?

Photo from 1974

Harold Charles Lowe

1923 - 2001

Photo from around 1930

Alma L. (Fancy) Oickle

1898 - 1997

1969  April 9

- Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Fancy and family, Mr. Errol Crossland and Mrs. V.L. Wright attended the Avon Theatre to see Alaskan Safari.

- We are glad to welcome Mrs. H. L. Gaul (Alberta). She is home after spending the winter in Hamilton, guest of her daughter, Mrs. Daigle. She plans to return to Hamilton after a vacation with her son, John Gaul.

- Mrs. V.L. Wright was a Thursday supper guest with Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and enjoyed a trout supper.

- Blair DeBaie is on leave from the navy, guest at Leslie Rafuse’s.

- Ivan Crossland attended the Ice Capades at Halifax last week-end.

Alberta Gaul.jpg

Florence L. (Rhodenizer) Wright

1894 - 1988

Florence Wright 1966.jpg
Alaskan Safari 1968.jpg

Alberta C. (Bower) Gaul

1900 - 1997

Ivan Crossland

Photo from 2013

Charlotte & Ivan Crossland 2013 brother

1972  April 5

- Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland and girls visited relatives in New Ross on Sunday and were supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Keddy.

- Mrs. Grover Fancy and Tina spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Faye Robar and boys, Meisner Section.

Errol & Greta 25th.jpeg
1956 .... Ted & Loretta Keddy Family Lef
Tina Fancy Grace second from left.jpg

Jack Keddy

Brother to Florence Fancy

Photo from 1956

Tina (Fancy) Grace

Photo from 2016

Errol & Greta Crossland Family

Photo from 1984

1972  April 5

- Mrs. Albert Bezanson, Mrs. Murray Barkhouse, Mrs. Emerson Lowe, Mrs. Arnold Fancy, Mrs. Fred Oickle and Mrs. Eric Wilson all of this area attended the quilting party at Mrs. Charles Joudrey’s , Cherryfield Road. There were 11 ladies there for dinner, all had a good time.

Ruby             Beulah             Pearl           Audrey           Alma           Rhena

Mrs. Albert Bezanson

Mrs. Murray Barkhouse

Mrs. Emerson Lowe

Mrs. Arnold Fancy

Mrs. Fred Oickle

Mrs. Charles Joudrey

Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse & Ruby Bezan
Beulah (Bezanson) Barkhouse & Ruby Bezan
Pearl Lowe in color.jpg
Arnold & Audrey Fancy with son, Nolan an
Guy Fancy and sisters Alma & Louisa.jpg
Rhena & Charles Joudrey 50thedited.jpg


1974 April 17

- Friends and relatives were saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Mrs. T. Gaul on Friday, April 5th at the home of her son, Francis Gaul, Kentville. Funeral was at the R.C. Church here Monday afternoon. Sincere sympathy to the family.

1884 - 1974

Norine Teresa (DeAdder) Gaul


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