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1903  May 28

- Miss. Maggie Collins of New Ross was visiting her sister, Mrs. Constantine (Annie Collins) Gaul.

Part IIa


1905 May 21 from Sydney, NS

- With respect to the experiments to be made by Marconi this week at his new station at Glace Bay, all information for the public will be given out from England. It is believed that the first intimation of his succeeding in establishing trans-Atlantic communication will be when the first message will have reached Poldhu. Mr. Marconi will leave shortly for England, and on the way over will be in constant touch with the Glace Bay station. This will constitute the final test of the new system.


1907  May 16

- Mr. S.S.Stephens, of Kingston, was in East Dalhousie Monday buying a pair of oxen from Asaph Ramey.


1911  May 25

- The first shipment of salmon from Aylesford to Boston via D.A.R. steamship for this season was by Mr. John Donnellan. The shipment consisted of 100 pounds of salmon and 50 of striped bass. Mr. Donnellan reported fish enough for a much larger shipment next week.

Above we see the Yarmouth Wharf where the salmon would have been loaded.

This photo is from 1910.

1913  May 27

- A post office is to be established on the Windsor Road in a short time with Wallace Russell as postmaster. The name of the office will be New Russell.


Wallace Russell with his yoke of oxen.

Wallace was Foster Russell's father.

Wallace Russell.JPG
Louie DeAdder.jpg

- Miss. Cora Hiltz spent last Saturday at her home in East Dalhousie. (She was Ray Hiltz’s sister and later married Judson Russell.)

- Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Long of East Dalhousie visited friends in New Ross recently.

Louie (DeAdder) Long, ie. Mrs. Eddy Long.

1915  May 11

- An ad in the paper “I cured a horse of the Mange with Minard’s Liniment by Christopher Saunders of Dalhousie”.
(This Chris would be a 2nd cousin once removed of Elton Saunders.)



1922  May 17

- Mr. Simeon Barkhouse has sold his farm in Lakeview to Mr. George Kaulback (he was a first cousin to Quint Kaulback & Charlie Kaulback) and has purchased a farm in Tremont.

- The Berwick Cooperage Company and Mr. Freeman Kaulback have started their mills in this place (Dalhousie).

Amy Alders, Charlie K, Pearle Broome, Lo

Amy Alders, Charlie K, Pearle Broome, Lona Veinotte, Richard Brown & Helena K 1928

At the Freeman Kaulback Mill on Black Duck Lake.

Taylor Home in Dalhousie.jpg

Herman Taylor, son of George & Elizabeth Taylor, lived on the Alton Road in the old Taylor Homestead.

1934  May 17

- One of our aged residents in the person of Miss. Martha Gaul (1860-1934), passed away on May 9. Interment in the R.C. Cemetery. ( She was the daughter of Richard & Rosanna Marren-Gaul.)

- Herman Seward Taylor(1871-1949) made a trip to Prince Edward Island with his track horse and has returned leaving his horses there. (Herman Taylor and Martha Taylor-Gaul were 1st cousins once removed.)


Harding Leslie Gaul 1896-.jpg

- Harding Gaul and the Fancy brothers are trading properties, exchange to be made in the near future.

Harding Leslie Gaul ( b. 1897- ) as a young man.

1936 May 20

- Cedric and Harold Meister of New Ross, were Sunday visitors of Miss. Helena Kaulback and Lavinia Gaul.

- Miss. Beatrice Keddy spend the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Guy Fancy, and family.

- A number of people from the Valley spent the past few days fishing in Dalhousie.

- Mrs. Evangline Mack, returned to her home recently, after spending most of the winter with her daughter, Mrs. W.T. Smith, McAdam’s Junction.

- Herman Taylor and Earl Young are touring parts of New brunswick, planning to be away two or three months.

- We are sorry to report that John Ellison Barkhouse (1863 - 1936) in very poor health. (John died in a few weeks later in June. His wife Sarah “Sadie” (Oickle) died on the 7th of July, 1936. John and Sadie were the parents of Pearlie Barkhouse.)

- Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Saunders, Mrs. Evangeline Mack and Miss. Mabel London motored to Halifax on the 16th.

- Mr. & Mrs. Willard Brown of the Forties, were recent visitors of Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Taylor and Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Taylor.

- Messers DeWinter and Gaul are putting out a pretty

good rotary cut of lumber and will soon be cutting

staves. Harding Gaul and Gordon Veinot also have

a large cut of shingles.

- We certainly are experiencing some peculiar

weather this month. The first two or three days

were exceedingly warm, then on the 16th there

was quite a fall of snow, colder than March,

freezing ice over one-half inch thick.

1930 Cedric Meister.jpg
Harold Meister.jpg
John & Sarah (Sadie) Barkhouse 1905.jpg
Bea (Beatrice Keddy) Rhodenizer.jpg

Beatrice "Bea" Keddy Rhodenizer

Cedric Gates Meister

1911 - 1998

(1st Cousin to Harold)

Harold Ralph Meister

1908 - 1977

John & Sadie Barkhouse

Photo from 1905

1937 May 12

- Among the visitors during the week to Bridgewater were Carrol and Philip Gaul, Basil and Charles Lonergan, Mrs. C. Veinotte, Mrs. Lorraine Veinotte, Roland Veinotte, Wm. Cross, Harold Cross, V.L. Wright and family, Mrs. C.E. Wright, and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gaul

- The young people of this place spent an enjoyable evening, May 1st, hanging May Baskets. It is an old custom and lots of fun.
(Another European tradition that survived is hanging May baskets on doorknobs. People make small baskets filled with treats or flowers to give secretly to friends and neighbors.)

James Long

( 1914? - 1958)

James Long 1931 a.jpg

1937  May 24

- James Long is receiving congratulations. He has graduated from St. Francis Xavier College. Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Long, Miss. Margaret and Foster Russell drove to Antigonish for the closing ceremonies.

- A serious accident happened at William Gaul’s mill on May 12th, when a 16-foot skid flew through the air, striking and injuring V.L. Wright. Mr. Wright was attended by Dr. W.W. Bennett of New Germany, who found him suffering from a concussion.

- Basil Lonergan, Douglas Lonergan and Charles Kaulback received slight injuries when a tire blew out, sending the car in the ditch. Dr. Pollett dressed Basil’s thumb but they are otherwise none the worse for the mishap.

1939 May 10

- The concert and shadow sale which was held in the Dalhousie Road School house on Friday evening proved a decided success. A large crowd was present and a dance was held at Hiltz’s hall afterwards.

- Mrs. Douglas Lonergan and Basil Lonergan were to New Germany and vicinity recently.

- Miss. L.L. Illsley of Lakeview was a week-end guest of James Veinotte.

- Charles Lowe was a business visitor to New Ross during the week.

- William Zwicker of Lakeview is employed with James Gaul.


Charlie Lowe.jpg
Verna Lonergan.jpg
EastDalhousieChurch  2016.jpg

Charles "Charlie" Angus Lowe

1887 - 1962

Verna Alexandra (Barkhouse) Lonergan

1902 -1970

East Dalhousie Baptist Church

1939  May 24

- What might have been a serious blaze was started by some children on May 11th, when a grass fire got out of control due to a high wind. Only the efforts of Mr. Elton Saunders prevented the fire from spreading to his buildings and also the Baptist Church.

- Miss. Tillie Hiltz of the Forties was week-end guest at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Young.

- Earl Young is trucking logs to the Forties.

- The young people enjoyed a dance at Ray Hiltz’s hall on May 13th.

- Mr. C.E. Wright and Miss. Marjorie Conrad motored to Lower Branch on May14th.


1940  May 22

- Mrs. W.T. Smith and son, Murray, of MacAdam Junction, NB, came to see Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Evangeline Mack, who is not as well as we wish. Murray has returned home but Mrs. Smith is staying with her mother.

- Miss. Doris Keddy of the Forties, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Guy Fancy.

- A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wallace (1881 - 1962) Lowe. Congratulations.(Wallace Lowe was an uncle of Emerson Lowe.)

- Miss. Shirley Wright, eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright of this place, was united in marriage on May 3rd, to Mr. John Gates of New Ross.

- It looks good to see the M.D. Sawlor Grocery & Food Truck from Somerset, Kings Co., that has been driving here for several seasons, but has been snow-bound for a few month, is able to get around again to greet their many friends.


John Gates.jpg
Doris Keddy, Florence Fancy's sister res

1940  May 27

- Mr. Ernest Mack of Ontario who has been home to see his mother, Mrs. Evangeline Mack, who is in poor health, has returned to his home and family.

- Mr. V.L. Wright spent a few days last week at South Brookfield, scaling lumber.

- Miss. Margaret Matthews of Dalhousie Road is employed at Walter Young’s.

- Owing to the cold, rainy weather, the fishing sports were not as numerous on Victoria Day.

- A.S. Barkhouse of New Ross has purchased the timber property of Mrs. Evangeline Mack.

- William Lowe and his sister, Florence, and some friends from the valley, visited their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Lowe one day recently.


Margaret Matthews Rafuse at Matthews hom

1941 May 14

- Miss. Margaret Matthews is employed at Austin Casey’s  Lakeview, spent Sunday at here home here.

- Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lonergan were their daughter, Dorothy, of Union Square, Mrs. Russell Morton, son and two daughters, Mrs. E. Veinotte, Mrs. Ronald Veinotte and Carolyn Jean, of Berwick.

- Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Barkhouse and Lester spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Hiltz, Fraxville.

- Ray Hiltz is ill. We wish him a speedy recovery.


Vernon and Florence (Flossy) Leila Wrigh
Maxine, Verna & Doug Lonergan.jpg

John Henry Gates

1911 - 2005

Doris Keddy

(Was engaged to Basil Lonergan)

Margaret Madeline (Matthews) Rafuse

1918 - 2005

Vernon LeRoy Wright

1886 - 1969

Verna & Douglas Lonergan

1902-1970 / 1897-1971

1942  May 6

- Mr. & Mrs. Foster Russell were week-end guests of his parents in New Ross.

- Messrs. Charles Russell and Ross Porter of New Ross were in this place recently looking over some timber land.

- Harding Gaul, who had been on the sick list, is feeling much better.

- Our salvage drive will be underway next week so start now to collect. Rubber is most important, you will find all about it on page 2 of last week’s Bulletin.

- Miss. McCaulay, teacher at Lakeview, visited her sister in the valley on Sunday.

- Miss. Allison Wright, Lake Paul, spent the week-end with her parents.



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Alison-Lutz 1922-2017.jpg
Charles Russell.jpg
Foster Russell and horse.jpg

Foster R. Russell

1908 - 1958

Charles Desmond Russell

(Married Agnes Long 1905)

Allison (Wright) Lutz

1922 - 2017

Louie & Eddie Long.jpg

Louie L. (DeAdder) & Edward (Eddy) A. Long

1882- 1960/1885-1944

(m) 1912

1942 May 20

- A pie sale and dance was held in Albert Young’s hall on May 16th, which was a success. Proceeds were for church purposes.

-  Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Long went to Halifax on the 11th to attend graduation of the medical students, of which their son, James, was one of the students. They returned on the 13th bringing two young doctors with them, James and a friend, Dr. Campbell of PEI.

- Mrs. George Hubley of Maplewood last week was a guest of her niece, Mrs. Guy Fancy & Mr. Fancy.

- A bingo gathering was held one evening last week in the Dalhousie Road School. Proceeds for the Red Cross.

- A pie sale was held at Young’s Hall on Saturday night netted $39.00 and will be used to repair the Baptist Church. The good music for the evening was furnished by Guy Fancy, Donald and Lorimer Wright. Thank-you boys!

- Phyllis Wright has gone to Bridgewater to start a course in secretarial work.

- Week-end guests at V.L. Wright’s included L.P.Morse, Lawrence and Miss Margaret Morse, and Ralph Nauss, Berwick; Dorothy Gates and Mrs. John Gates, New Ross; Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Lutz, Carson Lutz and Alison Wright, Lake Paul; Harold Lowe, South Berwick, and Vivian Wright, Bridgewater Commercial School.


Ray & Helena Kaulback Gates  June 3, 194
Billy Gaul, Ethan Veinotte, Charlie K &
Curt & Mabel  1938a.jpg
Laurence Lonergan.jpg
Eddy Long edited.jpg

Ray N. & Helena C. (Kaulback) Gates

1911-1978/1912- 1988

Edward (Eddy) A. Long


Curtis T. & Mabel G. (London) Gaul


Laurence D. Lonergan


Ethan Veinotte

1944 May 3

- Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gates and little son were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Louisa Kaulback.

- Ethan Veinotte, son of James Veinotte, has received his discharge from the army.

- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul spent a few days at Dalhousie recently. On their return to Halifax they were accompanied by their little daughter, Joan, who had been visiting her grandmother.

- Lawrence Lonergan, who has been exempted from the army for a while, has gone to the valley to work on a farm.

- Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Boylan, of New Ross, called on Mrs. E.A. Long on Sunday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bezanson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a  daughter on April 22nd.

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Russell of New Ross, spent a few days with the long family during their recent trouble.

- Death has once again visited this small place, this time taking one of our most respected citizens in the person of Mr. E.A. Long.

- We are pleased to report Mr. Charles Lowe has somewhat improved after being confined to his home for some time with the ‘flu.


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