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The December News

Part III

Coasting in driveway 1953

1955 December 21st

- We are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Teddy Gaul (son of Harding & Alberta  Gaul) after two years spent in Germany and Africa. He arrived home with chicken pox and spent several days  in the RCAF hospital at Greenwood. His brother, John, is now confined to the house with the same disease. Teddy speaks well of the Germany people who are very hospitable and kind to the RCAF personnel. A brother F/O Donald Gaul and Mrs. Gaul spent a week at the Gaul home.

- There have been number of television sets installed. Messrs. C.E. Wright, Lee Oickle, Archie Lowe, Loran Ernst and Foster Russel. They provide a lot of entertainment throughout the long winter evenings.

- Congratulations to Mrs. Garfield Conrad, Mrs. H.L. Gaul, who won a substantial sum in the recent “Famous People Contest”, also to Mrs. Carson Lutz who won in the Maple Leaf Contest.

- A number of friends gathered to help Jackie Kaulback celebrate his 18th birthday

on Tuesday. The evening was happily spent in music, piano, guitar, violin,

mandolin and banjo. Mrs. Quintin Kaulback served a delicious lunch, also a nicely

decorated birthday cake.

- Harold Meister, of New Ross, visited Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy and family on


- D. Maurice Oickle and Grover Fancy were to Dr. Young’s, Chester, on Monday,

the 12th and had treatment on their backs.

Cousins Gary & Mike Gaul

Coasting - 1953

Jack at 80 in 2018

How the years have flown - 2018.

1955 December 31st

- On Friday night there was a Pie Sale & Dance at the Dalhousie East school house. Proceeds for school purposes, which amounted to $28.34. Some were donations. They also had a grab bag. The crowd was small due to considerable sickness in the community.
- Mr. Aubrey DeWinter who has been suffering with an injured back intends to enter the V.G. Hospital on January 3rd for treatment. His friends all wish him a speedy recovery.

- Mrs. Guy Fancy has been appointed Registrar of Births and Deaths for Dalhousie.

1956 December 5th

- The sympathy of the whole community goes out to Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul in the loss of their little daughter, Catherine (Kathy) Jean, at the Berwick Hospital on Monday, November 25th.

1956 December 12th

- Miss. Greta Fancy, Lake George, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr & Mrs. Guy Fancy.

- Mr. Emerson Lowe, Arnold Fancy and Grover Fancy, who were employed at Noel, Hants Co., returned to their homes.

- Arnold Fancy, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Guy Fancy, Mrs. Emerson Lowe and daughter, Audrey Lowe, were to Bridgewater on Thursday.


Greta Crossland 2012
Francis, Bertha, Kathy and Mike Gaul 1956
Grover-Fancy 2013

Greta (Fancy) Crossland  - 2012

Bertha Gaul holding Kathy - 1956

Grover B. Fancy 1936-2013

1959 December 30th

- Mrs. Foster Russell and Peter were in Caledonia on Saturday and visited her mother, Mrs. E. A. Long at the Cottage Hospital.


Peter Russell with his two grandmother

Peter Russell with his two grandmothers:

Louie DeAdder Long and Minnie Aalders Russell

- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gaul and boys called at the home of Mr. William Barkhouse (82 years old) in Lakeview on Sunday.
They also visited Mr. & Mrs. Austin Casey and family.

1960 December 7th

- Francis Gaul has finished his work in Kentville and has now started work on a building in Middleton.
- Miss. Eileen Casey, who is employed in Halifax, is spending a week

with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Casey in Lakeview. Miss. Maureen and

Yvonne Casey and Mr. Len Walker of Kentville, spent the week-end

at the Casey home in Lakeview.
- Albert Bezanson has trapped two otter while cutting Christmas Trees

and Thaddie Gaul got a large wild cat in his beaver trap. Dewayne

Veinott, Henry Pare and Thaddie succeeded in getting the cat into a

large bag and brought it home but the cat being too smart for them,

made his escape during the night! Henry Pare is anxious to get pictures

of wild life for his work at Lake Torment. Better luck next time.
- Mr. Ivan Crossland met Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Pare at Bridgewater

on Sunday. They accompanied him to his home where they will be living for a time. A host of good wishes are extended to Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Pare who were married recently (nee. Charlotte Crossland).
- A successful card party was held in the hall on Saturday evening. The proceeds were for the Anglican Church.
- Little Richmond Matthews celebrated his 9th birthday on Monday, Nov. 28th. Three of his little friends, Barry Lonergan, Jason Barkhouse and Chris Gaul had supper with him.
                                              - Henry Matthews was successful in bagging an  

                                              eight point buck.      

Eileen and her sisters.jpg
Thaddy & Wild Cat   1929

Eileen and her two sisters

Maureen & Yvonne

Thaddy with a wildcat he caught earlier in 1929.

8 point buck.png

Errol & Greta Crossland


Errol & Greta 1959
1963 Sylvia & Verna Lonergan

1960 December 14th

- Mr. & Mrs. Errol Crossland of Truro, spent Sunday with the later’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy.
- Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Tracey and girls spent Saturday with Mrs. Tracey’s sister, Mrs. Francis Gaul, Mr. Gaul and boys.
- Mr. Errol Crossland and Mr. Harold Meister left Tuesday for Marlboro, Mass. with a load of Christmas trees.
- Murray Barkhouse accompanied by Mrs. Douglas Lonergan and Sylvia were business visitors to the Valley on Thursday.

- Mr. & Mrs. Henry Pare have closed their canteen and hunting cabins at Lake Torment and moved to their house at Dalhousie Road.


Sylvia & Verna Lonergan


1962 December 19th

- Mr. Charles Lonergan is doing some logging in this community. Ivan & Arthur Crossland are employed with him.

- Mr. Gerard Pare arrived home on Wednesday and will spend the winter with his wife at the home of Ivan Crossland.

- Sorry to report that Mr. John Oickle of Lakeview is not feeling so well and on Monday he accompanied Mr. Charles Kaulback, Mr. Aubrey DeWinter and Mr. Lloyd Oickle to the Valley and received treatment from Dr. Kinsman. We wish him a speedy recovery.

- Miss. Judith Lowe spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lowe, Nicholsville.

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Joudrey and children, of Cherryfield Road, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Joudrey’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy. Callers on Monday were Mr. Dick Keddy and Mr. Ronald Hiltz, Forties.

- Mr. Medford Gaul and Miss. Margaret Crossland, of Lakeview, spent Saturday evening with Mr. Fred Oickle.


Charlie Lonergan
Dell, Judi and Judi's mother, Pearl Lowe
Rhena (Fancy) & Charles Joudrey

Charlie Lonergan

Judi (Lowe) Hiltz

Rhena (Fancy) & Charles Joudrey

1962 December 22nd

- Recent Sunday visitors of Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter were Constantine and Gerald Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Fonce Walker, Nancy, Phyllis and Chester Walker of New Ross.

- Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Keddy of the Forties called at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy, Wednesday and attended the school concert at Dalhousie East.


1934 Vonce & Constantine Walker & Norine
Leslie Rafuse & Guy Fancy

- A very successful Pie Sale & Dance was held at the community hall on Friday night. Music was furnished by Guy Fancy and Leslie Rafuse. Proceeds from the sale and donations amounted to $140.00 for Errol Veinotte, son of Mr. & Mrs. DeWayne Veinotte, who will be having a heart operation very soon. We wish him all the best.

Fonce & Constantine Walker with Norine (DeAdder) Gaul the brother's aunt.


Leslie Rafuse & Guy Fancy

1968 December 4th

- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kaulback and Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter were visitors in New Germany on Friday and called on Mr. & Mrs. Harley Zwicker.


Betty & Harley Zwicker and family

- A Pie Sale was held in the Community Hall on Nov. 23rd, proceeds for the Bridgewater hospital.


- Mr. & Mrs. Austin Casey, Vincent and Eleanor were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. & Mrs. T. Gaul. 


- Rev. W. Bishop baptized Grover Fancy and their three children and received Mrs. Grover Fancy into the church, at the church service Sunday evening.

Betty (Kaulback) with Harley Zwicker

and Family

Photo from the early 1970's.

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