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Part Two

The Fall background photo is the road running along Black Duck Lake in the 1960's.

1955 - Aubrey DeWinter's sawmill in Dalh

Aubrey DeWinter's sawmill in Dalhousie. Lawrence Tupper and Ivan Crossland in foreground. This was across the road from Edgar Legge's place.

Photo 1955

1947 November 12th  - On Nov. 1st, Rev. Father Butts and Raymond Boylan motored to Lakeview where Father Butts baptized the little daughter of Vernon & Florence Joudrey. The child was given the name of Kathleen Glennie. Marie McCormick, aunt of the child and Raymond Boylan were godmother and godfather.


            - The mill at Dalhousie Road operated by Hamelin and Son has closed down for a while as the demand for staves is not so good.


            - Mr. Amos Veinotte, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Stanley Crossland, his two granddaughters, Margaret and Charlotte Crossland and his grandson, Errol , on October 19th motored to Pinehurst where they visited Mr. & Mrs. James MacKay and Errol also called to see Rex MacKay.

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Errol Crossland (1924-2013)

1947 November 19th  - We had quite a bad storm the night of the 12th. The snow loaded the telephone lines and broke them down. All communications were cut off for a day until repairs could be made.


            - Mr. E.J. Keddy of the Forties was the guest of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Fancy on a hunting trip. Lloyd Keddy and Eb. Turner were guests at the same time.

1949 November 2nd  -  At a demonstration dinner given at Mr. & Mrs. V. Wright’s, put on by the Ever-Wear Aluminum Co., an interesting talk was given by Mr. Conrad, on the uses of cooking utensils and the value of food. Two sets were sold.


      - On Saturday, Oct. 29th, Mrs. Curtis Gaul (Mabel London), with her little family, motored to Kentville, where they visited Curtis at the San., it being Curtis’ birthday. It was a touching sight to see the children present their father with his birthday gifts, through the windows of the San.

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1949 November 7th  -  We are glad to announce the arrival of the N.S. Power Company’s men in the district to begin work on the power line. Mr. Carrol Barr is in charge of the group.


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Aubrey DeWinter (1916-1995)

Photo taken during the war years.

1949 November 12th  -  Aubrey DeWinter had the misfortune to lose a horse and Stanley Crossland a cow recently.
            -  Marion Kaulback spent the week here. She is working in Nictaux in the employ of Carrol Boylan.


1950 November 8th  - The teachers from Lakeview and Dalhousie Road schools attended a teachers’ meeting in Alyesford on Friday, Nov. 8th.

        - Miss. Maxine Lonergan has gone to Truro, where she will attend Normal College this year.


1956 November 14  - Mrs. Albert Bezanson was hostess at a Stanley Party on Monday evening. The demonstrator, Mrs. Ross Meisner, of New Germany. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Bezanson and Mrs. Murray Barkhouse.


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Stanley Cookwear

1958 November 5th   - Mr. Fred Romkey was a week-end guest of Mr. & Mrs. Quintin Kaulback. Marjorie is spending her vacation at home. ( Marjorie and Fred were married. I am not sure if they were married before or after this date.)

            - Messrs. Charles Zinck and Falkenham of the Holiday Company were here to buy trees on Thursday.

            - Sorry to report that Mrs. Lee Oickle (Elva Ada Fancy)is a patient at the D.M. Hospital. M. Oickle and Mrs. Emmerson Lowe (Pearl Lowe) called on her on Wednesday night.

Marjorie Romkey (ne. Kaulback)


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Pearl Lowe (1921-1999)

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1958 November 26  - Mr. Doran Crouse of Cheeryfield Road is building a new flue at the Roman Catholic Church.

            - Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Refuse were Mr. & Mrs. Irving Cook and family, Maplewood, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wiles and family of Brooklyn and Mrs. Basil Robar and Loreen.

            - Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boylan, of Bridgewater, spent a few days at the home of Mr. & Mrs. William Zwicker in Lakeview. (Arthur was a brother to Naomi Zwicker).

            - Mrs. Hattie Veinotte entered the D.M. Hospital Bridgewater, on Thursday. She received a fractured hip when she fell a week ago. We wish her a speedy recovery.


Click to enlarge all photos.

1960 November 2nd   - We are sorry to report that Basil Lonergan while picking apples in the USA had the misfortune of breaking his ankle and is at home now confined to crutches. St. Clair Lonergan has gone to the valley where he is employed with Joe Lonergan.

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A young Basil Lonergan (1912 - 1999) & his Oxen

1962 November 7th  - On Sunday, Mrs. Harry Meister and son Rex called on a number of old friends and relatives here. Mrs. Meister makes an annual visit here.

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1965 November 18th  - Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Wright, Donald and Clifford Robar, Mrs. Margaret Russell and Peter and Mrs. Agnes Russell attended the supper at Springfield Wednesday night and due to the power outage had supper by candle light.

             - Charles and Howard Zwicker are cutting trees at Leslie Rafuse’s.

            - Donald Wright has returned to Truro after a pleasant vacation.

Margaret Russell (1913-1997) & her son, Peter

1965 November 21st  - Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey DeWinter and daughters, Valerie and Cynthia, and son, Ronnie, spent Sunday afternoon with the former’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Allie DeWinter in Factorydale.

            - Mr. & Mrs Errol Crossland and daughter Donna and Mrs. Grover Fancy and Wanda were to New Ross on Thursday evening.

            - Mrs. Carson Lutz of Lake Paul is spending this week at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Wright.

            - Mrs. Maurice Oickle accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Pearlie Barkhouse were to Berwick on Wednesday. Mrs. Oickle was a supper guest of Mrs. Lewis Reeves and children at Berwick.

            - Mr. & Mrs. Rodolph Meloni and the latter’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gaul, of Greenwich visited Mrs. E. Saunders on November 11th.

Click to enlarge the photos.

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