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Reading through the articles during the fall months we see a lot of references to hunting. Hunting was an important source of income and food for the people of the area. Here are a few of the interesting ones I came across in the November issues of the paper from 1936 to 1960.

Hunting Season


November 11th

Talking about a close shave! One of our neighbours came very near meeting with something rougher than a close shave. Earl Young and a friend, Murray Dennison, of Kentville, were in the woods looking for a beast with antlers last week, when they discovered a large bear, making preparations for denning for the winter. Seeing them she rushed out of her den and started away. They fired at her. When hit she turned, stood up and made for them. They fired the second time and she dropped there a few short paces from them. I should say pretty close!


November 15th

The honors of the hunting season go to Mrs. Guy Fancy (Florence Keddy) who was successful in shooting a large buck deer with ten point horns to her credit. Mrs. Fancy, the mother of four children and busy with boarders, has not spent much time in the woods. She evidently knew where to look and was amply rewarded. Harold Meister, of New Ross, got one the same day.


November 10th

The hunters in this community report good luck with Thaddeus Gaul and Pitman Hiltz as guides.


Ford Kaulback, his wife and party enjoyed a week’s hunting here recently. They had a very successful hunt, taking home with them two deer.

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Robar and party, Kentville, enjoyed a week’s hunting at Gaul’s cabins, taking back with them seven deer!


November 14th

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Thaddy and a lady hunter.


November 5th

Lester Ramey, of Needham, Mass., one of our Dalhousie boys, has been down on a hunting trip. It was quite lucky, he got a nice buck with 14 points on his horns.

The hunting season is about to end and the hunters in this part of the woods have been quite successful, some parties brought home as many as nine at a time. One party got a pure white one. They have hunted this week, rain or shine, snow or blow.


November 19th


November 5th

The largest buck seen by us this year’s shot by Harold Robar in the woods near Harley Spence’s Mill site. He was a 10 pointer and was dark in color.


C.E. Wright found one of his sheep in his pasture had been shot by a .22 bullet which went in below the eye and shattered the upper jaw. The ship had to be destroyed. There is a large bear in the vicinity.

Dr. W. Shaffner, Mr. Eddie Weagle and Mr. Ray Goddard were callers last week at Guy Fancy’s and stayed at his camp on the Stanburne Road for a few days hunting.


November 26th

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November 2nd

Congratulations to Miss. Margaret Crossland for being the first woman here to bag a deer. It’s just being a good shot and some time spent in the open.

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A moose hunting trip at the Gaul camp on The Barrens.

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