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The Community Socials

Before the advent of our modern means of communication, such as TV's and cellphones, the community social was a very important part of our lives. This was the way we got together and enjoyed each other's company and got caught up on the latest news. Socials were also a very important means by which we raised money for our churches, schools and our neighbours who may have fallen on hard times for one reason or another.

Below the pictures you will see a few samples of these that took place in November  over the years from 1911 to 1965.

The background photo for this page was taken at a dance

in the room above the Hiltz store in the early 1950's.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.


November 7th

The sum of $12.81 was realized at the Pie Social at Mr. Robert Wilson’s recently. Mr. Wilson has been sick and confined to his bed.


November 11th

A chicken supper, in the interests of the Baptist Church, was held at Mr. William O. Wright’s (his wife Ada Alice Hendry had died of pneumonia back in 1928.) on Thursday. Harmonica, guitar and piano music was followed by a sing song. The sum of $21.75 was realized.


November 12th

On November 12th friends and neighbours gathered at Carrol Gaul’s for a house warming. The community donated a lovely Twilight Lamp, which was presented to him by Mr. Saunders. He was also given a rocking chair. Carrol wishes to thank everyone for their kindness and especially Mrs. Henry Matthews (Beatrice Lutz) and Mrs. Francis Gaul (Bertha Benjamin), who did the collecting. The evening was spent in dancing and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Curtis Gaul (Mabel London) , Mrs. Lawrence (Lucinda Burgoyne) Gaul, Mrs. E.H. Saunders (Ethel Gaul) and Mrs. William Zwicker (Naomi Boylan).

1957 Photo by Joe Gaul taken of Carrol

Photo taken in 1957 - Carrol & Muriel's new home.


November 26th

Several from here attended the card party at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Burpee Slauenwhite, Stanburne, on Friday night and all enjoyed the evening very much.

A very enjoyable evening was spent at the card party at Mr. Jack Nash’s on Wednesday night. There were seven tables of cards in play. Mrs. Emerson Lowe won the prize for the ladies high and Mr. Emerson Lowe for the gents high. Consolation prizes were won by Mrs. Garnet Joudrey and Mr. George Baltzer. A delicious lunch was served consisting of sandwiches, cake, cookies, tea and drinks. The amount of $11.00 was taken in by sale of lunches. Proceeds for the Anglican Church.


November 2nd

Proceeds from the Pie Sale & Dance held October 22nd in the hall by the English Church people amounted to over $70.00, which will be used for church purposes. On the 29th the

Baptist people held their annual Pie Sale,

dance and Hallowe’en party  in the hall,

proceeds have not come in as yet. There

were Jack O’Lanterns, witches, ghosts and

others that go into the making up of this

annual party which is largely looked for

by the children as well as the older ones.

New Hall 1953 copy.jpg


November 18th

On Sunday evening some seventy folks were at the Dalhousie East Baptist Church when Lake Pleasant, Hastings, Springfield, Falkland Ridge and the invited choir of Parkdale-Maplewood Church joined under the leadership of David Walker in singing lovely hymns of the church. The rafters fairly rang with the sound of combined voices. A                                       duet “Alone” was pleasantly rendered by Mrs.                                             Don Selig and Mrs. Marjorie Crouse. A feature of                                       our hymn sing is the period given over to requests                                     by the congregation.

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